
Język angielski

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przepis na Borsch (beetroot soup) po angielsku

nadpisuję na gotowca inny tutejszy przepis po korekcie aby nie miał błędów, w tamtym miejscu nie mogłam wpisać komentarza ;) „Beetroot soup with Pirags” Ingredients: - 1 kg beets - 2 carrots - 2 parsleys - half a celery - salt, pepper - maggi...


Korzyści i niekorzyści życia na wsi/małym mieście. (pros and cons of living in the city/country)

Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages but in my opinion it is more comfortable and exciting than life in the country or a small town. First of all, cities offer better education and it is easier to find a good, interesting...


Animals in zoos

Animals are keep in zoos only for peoples’ pleasure and entertainment. They aren’t having their natural habitat in zoos. They were taken out from their natural home and put into the cage, but they mustn’t be injured in any way. Animals in zoos...


Opowiedz o tradycyjnych polskich potrawach

Hi Joe! Polish traditional food is Slavic traditional food but of course we don?t eat only these meals. In Poland people eat a lot of meat, fat meals (but not me because I don?t like meat), potatoes. We eat some fast foods, pizza and spaghetti....


Informal letter

Cracow 24th October, 2000 Dear Helen, Thanks for your letter, it was so nice to receive the last news from you. Moreover, it is good to have at least one close friend in England to exchange letters, somebody you may always confess. How...


Dowolny temat

This story had place very long time ago in forgoten village, deeply in North Canada. Winter that year was very hard and cold that is why people left the village. They told everybody that snow covered their town totaly and there was nothing left....


how to handle school and work

Students who work and study seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheque. However, it isn’t as easy as it sounds and studying at the same time as working is...


Opis postaci

John Smith aged 24, a gynaecologist from Tampere, which is located in middle Finland. John was born in rich finnish merchants family. He has always been into medicine. For this reason, he decided to study medicine on University in Tampere, where...


Tv advantages/disadvantages



Formal letter

17 Treetop Rd London NW 11 United Kingdom 14 October 2007 Dear Sir or Madam, I found your advertisement about a winter sports camp in a newspaper. However, I have a few questions I would like to ask you. First, how long does it last? And do you...


Zaimki i określniki dzierżawcze

Zaimki dzierżawcze są ściśle związane z tzw. określnikami dzierżawczymi (Possesive Determiners). Różnią się one tym, że zaimki dzierżawcze występują samodzielnie, określniki natomiast łącznie z rzeczownikami, które określają. Liczba...


Do you think it is important to follow fashion?

Fashion was always one of the most important aspects of people' life. Many a time it was a kind of social delimitation. High society, when wanted to demonstrate its fortune, wears cloths, which were too expensive for others. At present the...


Napisz list do przyjaciela z USA, aby opowiedzieć mu swoje nowiny. Przeproś za długie milczenie, zrelacjonuj jedno zdarzenie z życia rodziny, jedno z życia towarzyskiego, poproś o odpowiedź.

Hi George! How are you? I’m sorry for any respond from me for so long time. I don’t forget about you. I’m only so busy- you know, preparing to Matura exams. Had you heard about wedding our cousin Monica? She got married with French two weeks...



The problem of vagrancy has been known since man became civilised. There are people who work hard for their money and earn it in a way that is believed to be ordinary and normal, though there are people who collect money in a different way....


Moje hobby 2

My hobbies have changed in the last few years. In the past I collec¬ted postcards, stamps, badges, and different stickers but I have always been faithful to books. It is my great hobby: I never part with books, they have always been my best...


Fryderyk Chopin

Frederic Chopin has been born in Żelazowej Woli. It record write down in book of baptism christening, that it has come on world 22 February, but family served date 1 march always. There was child ill. When it left on vacations, custom had...


My secret ambition (CAE)

Did you know that every fighter or kick-boxer start his/her career from karate kyokushin ? On the face of it, the likelihood that I will ever fulfil my ambition of becoming professional fighter doesn't seem very high. But being respectful of this...


Living in the Country or in the City

Hello, my name is Chester Fire and I am 17 years old. I have been asked to write about advantages and disadvantages of living in the country or city which will be a great possibility to share with my modest experiences. Firstly, I would like to...


Subjects - przedmioty nauczania

Art - plastyka Chemistry - chemia English - j.angielski Polish - j.polski French - j.francuski German - j.niemiecki Spanish - j.hiszpański Russian - j.rosyjski Italian - j.włoski Latin - łacina Nature - nauka o srodowisku Ethisc - etyka...


The Beatles - a short history of the band

The founder of the band was John Lennon, a vocalist and guitarist. The other members were: Paul McCartney (vocal and guitars), George Harrison (guitar) and Pete Best (drums), later replaced by Ringo Starr. The name of the band changed several...


My hobby-horse-riding

Wiem, że praca mało wyczerpująca :) ale dostałam za to 5 (chociaż to dziwne, ale w kalsie większość pierwszy raz uczy się angielskiego, myśle, że ta praca może być jedynie podkładem do roaszerzenia :) ============================== My hobby...


Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day History St. Patrick's Day honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. We celebrate St. Patrick's Day on March 17. Americans march in parades, dance the Irish jig and gather to sing Irish songs. People wear green in...


Protection of animals (tiger)

In 20th century, number of tigers reduced dramatically. In their habitations, they can't find conditions indispensable to survive. Large areas of forests are divided on treeless grounds, ways and constantly growing human housing estates....


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Kate, Grettings from London!! I'm having a wonderful time. I' m staying at a fabulous hotel in the city centre. The weather has been fine so I' ve seen a lot of beautiful places. However, I haven't seen Big...


Work is the only thing that gives substances to live

It’s difficult to totally agree or disagree with the statement that work is the only thing that gives substances to live . It is very important and plays a big role in our lives but we shouldn’t put it on the highest position in the hierarchy of...


My favourite film ...

My favourite film is Armagedon. It is a science-fiction film. The film is about the struggle between people and a huge meteor. If it fell down, our planet would be destroyed. Boss Dan Thruman, played by Billy Bob Thomton, thinks that mission of...


Czasy "Present"

PRESENT PERFECT - Niezakończone sytuacje (I have lost my car keys. How long have you lived here? I have lived here for two years.) - I have travelled a lot. - Have you ever been to England? - We have never had a serious argument. PAST...


Slang, mowa potoczna - angielski

Sis- sister Blinging-wearing flashy clothes Clothes-swap – to change clothes with another person Cringe-to feel embarrassed(zawstydzony) about sth Get the gass- catch up with the gossip In a strop- In a bad temper Savvy-to be smart, know...


Water - the substance of live

Esej w załączniku


Czy sławni sportowcy powinni zarabiać tak dużo pieniędzy? - rozprawka

Football players playing for famous clubs spread all over the world. Average pay of such sport star fluctuates around three to ten million of dollars per season. Those people are beloved by all, but sometimes people say that they earn to much....


My future

When I grow up, I’ll be a doctor, because I like making people happier. I think when people are healthly they’re cheerful and lively. I also like helping people and I think I’m good at it. My favourite subjects are biology and chemistry. A doctor...


Moim autorytetem jest Agatha Christie

My greatest authority is Agatha Christie. She was born on September 15, 1890 in Torquay, and died on January 12, 1976 in Wallingford. She was the most famous writer of crime novels and the best-selling author of all time. Over one billion copies...


Imaginative Fiction - Bajka. About a girl and how she helps a deer

Kelly was walking through the forest at the crack of dawn, to bring food to Tinki. It was very misty that morning. The morning dew sat on the stunning lilies and twinkled like crystals. Kelly?s dress had got damp from the bottom. As soon as Kelly...


I remember the 1990s

I remember the 1990s because went to school. I had short hair and I listened to disco polo. In years 90s like played in football and ran about after settlement. Played then in different games so as stealthy approaches, hide. In years 90s disco...


The advantages and disadvantages of shopping in hypermarkets.

People have different preferences. Some of them enjoy the shopping excursions very much and make it a sacred time of day while others buy everything they can in small shops in neighbourhood. Noone can deny that buying in hypermarkets is much more...


My best holiday

I will never forget my best holiday. It was such an exciting trip that when I came home I were bubbling over with my experiences. I cannot stop talking about it, and everything reminds me of something I saw or did while I was away. Last...


Conditionals – Okresy warunkowe

1. Okres warunkowy składa się ze zdania nadrzędnego i podrzędnego. 2. Kolejność zdań w okresach warunkowych może być różna. I okres – teraźniejszość – warunek postawiony w teraźniejszości (IF – oznacza „jeśli”). a) IF Present Simple +...


Biografia Cobain

Kurt Donald Cobain was the leader of Nirvana, the multiplatinum grunge band that redefined the sound of the nineties. Cobain was born on the 20th of February 1967 in Hoquaim, a small town 140 kilometres south-west of Seattle. His mother was a...


There should be no compulsory school subjects. Students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to learn.

There are many compulsory subjects at school nowadays. They cause a lot of hardship for every student because not all of them are good at every subject. However, are they necessary for us? On the one hand, it is wasting our...


List do kolegi

Dear Mr Smith I haven't forgotten this beautiful holidays when I was staing in your home in Madrit. This was fantastic. Your city has a lot...


Słownictwo (environment)

Aerozol – aerosol Aktywista – activist Alternatywny – alternative Amoniak – ammonia Atmosfera – atmosphere Atmosferyczny – atmospheric Awaria – accident; breakdown; failure Azbest – asbestos Bakteria – bacterium Bateria – battery...


What is there to do in the evenings in your town?

There is quite few things to do in the evenings in my town. The way the evening is spent depends upon one’s taste and mood. For those who enjoy wild nights and loud music, I would recommend to visit Tornado which is the biggest night club in...


Christmas in Poland

Everyone loves Christmas.It is favourite and most eagerly awaited holiday in the year.This is a unique time when people try to be kind,friendly and generous to one another.They seem to forget all their problems,quarrels and just enjoy being...


Przykładowy list reklamacyjny - język angielski

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction about the jeans I bought from your 'Versace Sport' shop in Madison Street on 2nd October 2008. I have read the label on the jeans carefully, and there was no information the...


Technology has made world a better place to live? Do you agree or disagree?

People are discavering more and more new things in order to make life easier and more carious. This what is useful brings us happy. Technology expansion influences on relation between people and shows us new possibilities. Duties which were...


The most poignantly Christmas story.

Christmas, Christmas and after Christmas. I wish they were more often than once a year. We all enjoy them very much! It all starts about a two weeks before. I always go with my father to a huge supermarket to do some shopping. “Some shopping” –...


Słówka Word Bank : Podstawy

0.1 Seasons - Pory roku spring - wiosna summer - lato autumn - jesień winter - zima 0. 2 Months - Miesiące January - Styczeń February - Luty March - Marzec April - Kwiecień May - Maj June - Czerwiec July - Lipiec August - Sierpień September -...


My Room

My room At the entrance to my room, there is a normal size white painted door. On your left you will see an big poster with a dog floating on a huge banana with a sign saying “COWABUNGA!!!”. Right under the poster there is a calendar. By the...


Conditionals - okresy warunkowe

1st Conditional używany trwałych, stałych, cyklicznie się powtarzających sytuacjacjach (tzw. Conditional 1 a ) If + Present Simple + Present Simple If sunshines, people go at the sea side. (jeś używany w odniesieniu...


Niektóre firmy ubezpieczeniowe zachęcają młodych kierowców do instalowania czarnych skrzynek w samochodach w celu monitorowania ich jazdy. Wysokość składki jest uzależniona od tego, czy kierowca jeździ bezpiecznie. Napisz rozprawkę, w której w

“Test 6.” zad. 9/27 Some car insurance companies are encouraging young drivers to install log recorders in cars, in order to monitor the drive. An amount of insurance fee may vary, depending on safe or not driving. In my opinion it is a good...