
Język angielski

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Jesteś na wakacjach. Napisz pocztówkę do swoich znajomych, uwzględnij w niej następujące informacje: *gdzie obecnie przebywasz *jak spędzasz czas *co robiłaś wczoraj *kiedy kończy się Twój pobyt Hi Kate Greetings from Gdańska. Gdańsk is...


Characteristics of people.

NR 1 SPR. Characteristics of people. John Brown was born in 1960 in small town called Dumbarton next to Glasgow. His family was well to do: his father was a mechanic and mother was a teacher in primary school. John had two younger brothers:...


An ideal school

In my opinion an ideal school is a place friendly for students and teachers. Teachers are nice for pupils and inverse. Here every peoples are indulgent for self. In one word every are nice to every. Classes count up to twenty persons – about ten...


List formalny

Dear Mr Brown Thank you very much for everythink, that you looked after me when I was young. When I was small I coudn’t understand what You say, was unhappy, but now I can speak better. Your lessons were very good. I could learn your language....


A Guide to Good Manners During A Job Interview.

Everyone dreams about a perfect job and high standards of living. A lot of people have problems with getting a satisfactiory activity. To accomplish best target everyone must remember that one of the most important thing is a good...


My Life picture - Obraz mojego życia

In my picture the colours are Black , red and silver becouse they're my favorite. I'm hardly ever quite but I'm usualy friendly , and just because I have lots of friends. In photo I'm in tramway , day after music concert. Music is my passion ,...


List formalny

Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for the position of Accountant which was advertised in Monday’s edition of the New York Times. I graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1999 with a degree in Banking trade and Finance. I have been working...


E-mails or letters – which are better ?

Ten years ago, e-mails were not very known in our homes, but only in bigger Companies. Our grandmothers, aunts, even mothers communicated with people from other cities by letters. So why now, in XXI century, we – young people, do not know what is...


The Poles: What we’re really like. (stereotypy o Polakach)

Most of the European think that Poland is in Asia. Most of the European don?t know that in Poland people speak Polish. Most of the European don?t know where Poland is. If you ask some man on a street in Paris or London ?What are you thinking...


Why do you learn english?

I think English is my passport to the future. You can ask why? It’s easy. I would like to live in the USA, find a good job and have a lot of money. But if I want to have a good work my English have to be almost perfect. I kneed to know grammar and...


Describe the house of your dreams

There are plenty of different houses in the world. I know: a villa, a block of flats, a farm, a hut, a skyscraper or a tent. In the old days people lived in the castle or in the palace. They were knights or very rich men. Young people like living...


Prawda. (The Truth)

When I was a child, I loved to go wherever my two older brothers went. Most of the time, though, they wouldn't let me go with them because they said I was a tattletale. One hot day, instead of staying home as my father had told us, my brothers...


List od Billa do Toma

Dear Tom, I was having a great time in Rome. That is wonderful and beautiful place. The weather is quite good. I was staying with my paretnts, my cousin and my friends in a nice hotel near disco club. So far I was been to Manhattan. We...


List prywatny - uniwersalny przykład.

Hi Tom, First of all I would like to thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but I was very busy at school. I had a biology test. How are you?I'm fine.You know what? I have...



Get away –scape Get on – make progress, be friendly Get on with – have a good relacionship wih, Get over – recover from (wyzdrowieć) Get through – make contact, manage to finish Get together – meet socially (spotkanie towarzyskie) Get up –...


Fryderyk Chopin

FRYDERYK CHOPIN 1) Childhood Fryderyk Chopin was born in the village of Zelazowa Wola in Mazovia in 1810. He had three sisters Izabella, Emilia and Ludwika. In 1811 his family movies to Warsaw. 2) Starting to perform Fryderyk in 1816...


What kind of life can a child born in the year 2050 expect?

How will a child feel when he opens his eyes in this year? I think life will be very different then. To my mind, changes will be both for the better and the worse. By the year 2050 pollution level in cities will have decreased, because...


List z Obozu

Dear Emma, I?m writing to you because I?m at a camp In Gdańsk. The weather is very nice. But next week I?m coming back to Kraków. I wish you were here with me. But you are so far? so I?m writing. We have a very nice time here, we didn?t walk a...


Country, Nationality, Capital city

Wszystko jest po angielsku w ząłączniku.


Interview with Billy

- Good afternoon, Billy! - Good afternoon! - My name is Magda, I’m journalist of GIRL magazine for teenagers. May I ask you some questions connected with cooking? - Yes, of course! I like cooking! - So, what do you cook? And what is your...


Arnold Schwarzenegger - opis

FACTFILE Name: Arnold Schwarzenegger Nationality: American Work: actor Dates: July 1947 Achievements: he’s a good actor, he’s a PRIME...


How and why did Bolsheviks seize power in Russia in 1917?

The Bolsheviks were a fraction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Their leader was Vladimir Lenin. In October 1917 he lead Bolsheviks to a triumph in the Russian Revolution. From now on Russia became a single party state, which later...


Jedzenie - słówka

Fruit - owoce Pear - gruszka Raspberry - malina Cherry / sour cherry - wiśnia / czereśnia Plum - śliwka Peach - brzoskwinia Pineapple - ananas Grape - winogrona Lemon - cytryna Strawberry - truskawka Vegetables - warzywa Cucumber -...


Story - "By the time I got there it was too late"

It was a nice,sunny day.I woke up ,as usually, at 10 o'clock.Because of hunger I could not make up my mind and decide what to do with the rest of such lovely day.As only did I get to the kitchen I found a piece of paper stuck to the fridge.My...



Madrid, the Spanish capital, is situated in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula and has a population of over three million. There are situated all of ministry’s and all government with Prim Minister of Spain and also it’s a home of the Spanish...



REPORT TO: SCHOOL MAGAZINE FROM: PIOTR DOMAŃSKI AND GRZEGORZ GONTARZ SUBJECT: THE LOCAL TRANSPORT SITUATION IN KRASNYSTAW DATE: 2003-11-30 Krasnystaw is a small town in the east of Poland. The aim of this report is to examine the...


Mistakes most frequently made by Poles.

MISTAKES MOST FREQUENTLY MADE BY POLES -- typical Polish errors in English and how to correct them. Here are two such common mistakes: 1. I have bought the ticket yesterday. 2. He is painting the kitchen since 10 o’clock this morning. (The correct...


Review "The Goodfather"

Review „The Goodfather” The book "The Goodfather", written by Mario Puzo, is a thriller based on the film "The Goodfather", directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The book is show coulisse New York's mafia activiting composite with five...


Opis drogi do domu

Route to my home Iwas very happy, when I received your letter and I’m glad that you have decided to visit me next Saturday. Because you have never been to Rzeszów I have decided to give you directions so that you can reach my house easily....


Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1833. The son of an engineer, he moved in his childhood to Russia, where his father was working on an underwater mine. Alfred studied Chemistry in Paris and worked for a time in the USA before...


Poppy Day

Poppy Day, 11 November, is the day when people in Britain remember the soldiers and that died in the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945) and all other wars since. The first Poppy Day was in 1921. The First World War had...


Analysis of the poem "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" by Christopher Marlowe

“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe is one of the most well-known love poems in the English language and one of the earliest examples of the pastoral poetry in Elizabethan era. It consists of six four-line stanzas rhymed...


Reported Speech - notatka

-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Reported Speech – zdania twierdzące i przeczące -------------------------------------------------------------- Example:...


Stereotypes of Polish nation

A lot of people all over the worlds have a negative feeling about Polish people, but not only. First of all, Polish people are thought to be a lazy nation. Secondly others say that Poles are unfair. Polish people are very religious –...


British customs

Expectant mothers in many parts of Wales had to be very careful what they did before the baby was born. For example, if she stepped over a grave, it was believed that the baby would die soon after birth or would be still-born. If she dipped her...


Compulsory military service should be abolished in all countries

The problem of conscription has always been a controversial issue. However, many opponents of compulsory military service maintain that conscription does more harm than good and that it should be abolished for professional, personal,...


What are the advantages and disadvantages of alternative medicine ??

Alternative medicine is an unconventional treatment. A lot of people turn to the alternative methods if they don't see another solution in they recover. However, there are advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of alternative medicine...


Opisz swojego przyjaciela. (poprawione przez nauczyciela BDB)

My friend's name is Paweł. I meet in the Gdańsk. He lives in Gdańsk. I meet in the Internet Cafe. I see this person every week. We have similar eyes, nose. We play computer games and surf internet. We are different because he likes music Disco...


My ten beliefs

1.I believe that short guys are mischievous. I base this belief on my experience. It starts from my elementary school, for some reason they are always trying to proof that they are “taller” then they really are. From the perspectives of my mature...


What are the most important things in your life?

What things can be important in our life?? There are lots of things but perhaps one of the most important is to lead a honest life and to draw joy from minor situations; to be spontaneous. In life, education is necessary too, and developing...


Museums and art galleries

Exploring and visiting new places is something that people love to do. It has many benifits. It has been said : "He that travels far knows much". When you are visiting new countries you learn about different cultures. Many people visit...


Matura : Opisz postać literacka , z którą mógłbyś sie zaprzyjaźnić.

One of the literey person , with who i could break the ice is Frodo Bagins. Frodo is a key figure of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's novel - "Lord of the rings". Frodo is young hobbit, who takes quiet life, he comes from small, rural town called...


Historia j. angielskiego

Język angielski wywodzi się z rodziny języków indoeuropejskich, ale jego bezpośrednim przodkiem jest grupa języków germańskich. Dwa główne nurty jakie ukształtowały język angielski u jego początków to wpływy germańskie i romańskie (łacińskie)....


Rozprawka na temat paparazzi.

Paparazzi - definition of sensation-hungry and intrusive photographers. So what to do with them? Let's start with the fact that the paparazzi give us entertainment, because who does not like to read magazines? In addition, celebrities earn...



Countries and nationalities Where are you from ? skad pochodzisz ? where do you comfrom ? I am from poland I am - Polisch (nationality) Poland (countriy) You are - German Germany Hi is - Britisch The UK...


Present Continuous – czas teraźniejszy ciągły

Użycie: 1) do wyrażania czynności, które dzieją się teraz, np. I am reading a book now. ? Teraz czytam książkę. She is swimming. ? Ona pływa (teraz). 2) do wyrażania czynności, które dzieją się wokół czynności mówienia, np. She is studying Maths...


My country

My Country I love living in my country because: -I love swim in the crystal clean water. -The food is very smashing and healthy. -There are some fantastic TV programs, for example, TVP1. -I can quick accord with my friends by Gadu-Gadu....


The advantages and disadvantages of early retirement

Many people sometimes dream about life without working, especially with extra earnings Because of this people in middle age often choose early retirement. Is this good or bad option for them? As far as early retirement is concerned, it has some...


Słownictwo - Człowiek, praca, szkoła, życie rodzine i towarzyskie.

Człowiek education - wykształcenie family name/surname - nazwisko marital status ? stan cywilny nationality - narodowość country of residence ? miejsce zamieszkania (kraj) first name - imię date of birth ? data urodzin gender -płeć male ? męski/...