
Protection of animals (tiger)

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In 20th century, number of tigers reduced dramatically. In their habitations, they can't find conditions indispensable to survive. Large areas of forests are divided on treeless grounds, ways and constantly growing human housing estates. Populations of tigers, which remain at life, are too small, to assure reproduction and genetic exchange. Some scientists claims, that under 2000 of individuals, they surrend of degeneration and they are threatened quick extinction. Unfortunately it refers all of sub-species of tigers with exception of Bengalis tiger.

In 1969, Guy Mounthfort, member of World Foundation for Nature and Kailash Sankhala, manager of zoo in Delhi, said on the meeting of UICN( Union International pour la Conservation de la Nature), that they want to fill in Bengales tiger on list of sorts threatened. Numbers, which they represent, were terrific: from 100. 000 tigers, which were living on the world in 1920, there didn’t remain more than 2. 500 in the 60’s of 20th century. This violent fall dawn of number has many reasons: mass destroying of forests, huge number of poachers, especially poachers driven by English maharajahs.

Alarm upraised by UICN moved international public opinion. In 1970 Indiry’s Ghandi government introduced prohibition of hunting on tigers and exportation of their leathers. Official register was accepted in 1972. Five thousand of people was checking all forests in country, was making notes, about every trace of presence of tigers. Their state was qualified on 1827 individuals. In the same year, was introduced wide program of tiger protection, on nearest 6 years. Action needed about 6 millions of dollars on this aim. This program foresaw creation of many national parks in Asia, enlarge protection and assembling of funds. In effect organization assembled two millions of dollars in 18 months. Switzerland, United States, Holland and Great Britain: that was the countries, which financed program at most.

From 1974 operation" Tigris" widened on Nepal, Bangladesh, Butane, Siberia and China. Countries enlarge protection of this sort of animals. Considerable part of tiger’s population figures in First appendix of Washington convention ( hunting and trade of products from them are forbidden). That why, number of tigers still grows up. In 1979 there was only about 2500 of Bengalis tigers, but in 1984 there was almost 4000 individuals.

Panthera Tigris steps out in Nepal, Butane and in Burma, also in India and in Bangladesh, where is well-known as a king's Bengalis tiger. Indian government was one from first, which enlighten oneself danger of extinction this sort. After introduction of operation" Tigris", in national Park Corbett, in years 1937-1989, in different habitations was formed about 17 new reservations.

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