
Język angielski

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EXERCISES: Past Simple Tense

I. Przetłumacz zdania i dopisz przeczenie i pytanie... 1)Oni wykopali olbrzymią dziurę wczoraj....


The best shopping street in the world

A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not London,New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw.It's called Nowy Świat. It's lovely place to shop.There are statues ,palaces,attractive town houses,and high-class...


A person who influenced my childhood

A person who influenced my childhood most was my father. He brought me up to sensitive, cheerful, sensible as well as trustworthy person. My father, Jack, is of medium height in his early fifties. Moreover he is slim and has got short grey hair,...


Wypracowanie o ulubionym miejscu w Londynie

Wypracowanie o moim ulubionym miejscu w Londynie - Wembley. Akapit 1. I love football and I think that Wembley Stadium is the most interesting place for footbal fans on their point of view. Akapit 2. Wembley is a national football stadium...


Travelling broadens the mind

Travelling broadens the mind. (dział 8, str 53 Repetytorium - Misztal, Mrozowska, Sikorzyńska) Many of us like travelling.It can also broaden our minds. We feel excited when we go abroad and we see a different culture, habits and we hear a...


Porady angielskie

Zbierane w zamierzchłych czasach... Może sie komuś na cokolwiek przydadzą. :) Trzeba pamiętać, że idiomy to sprawa indywidualna każdego języka i nie można ich dosłownie tłumaczyć, bo wyjdą ?kwiatki? w stylu klasyka thank you from the mountain ?...


Pocztówka z wakacji z Rzymu.

Dear John, Greetings from Rome! I arrived on Saturday evening and since then I have had a great time here. The place I’m staying in is a 4- star hotel with a big swimming pool. My spacious and very comfortable room is in front of a beautiful...


Kurt Cobain - a biography of a tragic genius of grunge music - Życiorys tragicznego geniusza muzyki grunge

Kurt Donald Cobain was born into a working class home. At the age of seven, he was abandoned by his father. This feeling of abandonment, and the subsequent depression that followed, persisted throughout the life of Cobain. And, as a result, Kurt...


Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. (fo and against)

Nowadays more and more people want to live in the country but not everybody can afford this. Despite many obvious advantages the debated issue has also its disadavantages. One of the main benefits of living in the country is friendly...


Dialog - hotel

Marcin Filip IN THE RECEPTION Good morning. Good morning. Do you have any vacancies? Yes. How Can I help you? I’d like a single room with twine beds, a bath and a shower. Okay, we can offer you such a room. I’d also like a room at the...


Reported Speech - questions and imperatives – mowa zależna – pytania i tryb rozkazujący

Imię i nazwisko nauczyciela: Beata T. Klasa: IIa Technikum Zawodowego - Technik Informatyk Data: 23 marca 2010 Czas realizacji: 45 min Ogólny cel nauczania języka angielskiego w IV etapie edukacyjnym (wariant A): - osiągnięcie umiejętności...


Słówka na temat szkoły

TYPES OF SCHOOLS boarding- z internatem co-education (co-ed)/mixed- koedukacyjna college- pomaturalna comprehensive- ogólnokształcąca (współczesna) grammar- ogólnokształcąca (tradycyjna) primary/ elementary- podstawowa private/...


Describe your own town (Rzeszów)

Rzeszów is a provincial capital and the largest urban center in the south – eastern part of Poland. It has a population of 155 thousand and plays the role of an important local economic cultural and scientific center. There are three rivers...


Adventure On a Boat

It was a nice, sunne day. Jason was standing on the deck of the boat. He was excited to be on a yaht with his friends: Tony and Paul. But it was not going to be an adventure of his life. The back clouds were gathering. Tony said: -'It's...


How often you going to school?

Kiedy mamy pytanie , ,,How often you going to school?'' odpowiadamy na nie pełnym zdaniem , zachowujc kolejnoć słów. To zdanie znaczy po polsku ,, Jak często chodzisz do szkoły?''. Po polsku odpowiemy ,, Ja chodzę do szkoły codziennie oprócz...


Being single- advantages and disadvantages

The world around us is changing all the time and it has a very strong influence on our lifestyle only because of trying to keep up with it. Nowadays, being single is becoming more popular and it is the easiest way to accomplish our life...


Changes of life over last decade in small polish towns.

Despite the fact that ten years is a pretty short period of time, in Poland during last decade has changed quite lot, especially if we’re concidering development of small towns, where changes are clearly visible nowadays. After rapid drop in...



Friendship is one of the most important feelings and things in our life . Songs , poems about friendship are common and can be found in all languages . Everyone would like to have friend-someone trusted , loyal and faithful. Friend haven’t to be...


Advantages and disadvantages of living in detached house.

Living in detached house has disadvantages and advantages. In my opinion the most important advantage is independence. When you live in detached house you don’t need to worry about what your neighbours will tell when you throw a party with loud...


NIGHT DREAMS Describe the most horrible dream of yours

The most horrible dream was about some creature. There was a night when I met it. I was in the forest. It was a full of moon, the wind was blowing, wolves were howling and owles were hooting. It was raining and then I saw it. It had three heads,...


Dwa państwa anglojęzyczne

The population of Canada is approximately 26 milion. Most of the people are you of British or French origin. There are also about 368000 antives peoples 25000. Inuits and a wide range of immigrants from places such as Italy, the Carriben, Greece...


Easter - vocabulary practice

WIELKANOC na języku angielskim Praca z tekstem i nowym słownictwem, analiza i tworzenie definicji, dedukcja na podstawie kontekstu – poziom intermediate EASTER In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as a religious holiday which...


Wedding ceremony in Poland

If you get a invitation to a wedding you can go with him/her. The times of the wedding ceremony and reception are both on the invitation. The ceremony is only for close family. In Poland, the bridge and groom have to go to the ceremony together....


Opis książki - Władca Pierścieni

My favorite book is J.R.R.Tolkien's Lord of the rings. I like this book, because it is fantastic. Means heroes are members a fellowship of the ring: Frodo Baggins, Merry, Pepin (they are a hobbits), Aragorn (he is a human, descendant of king),...


List do lokalnej gazety (FCE)

Dear editor, One day I was walking down a street with my girlfriend when we saw a car race. It was some kind of tournament where the winner takes all and losers go back home with empty pockets. As far as I am concerned it is illeagal and very...



JEDZENIE I PICIE bez smaku - tasteless białko - egg white blacha do pieczenia - baking tray bułka słodka - bun bułki - bread rolls ciasto - sweet dessert cukier puder - icing sugar czajnik - kettle drożdże - yeast garnek,...


Famous places and monuments in Great Britain

The United Kingdom is an abbreviation of “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. It is often further abbreviated to “UK” and is the political name of the country, which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern...


Pocztówka z Zakopanego

Dear Troy, I am on the trip in Zakopane.This is the wintry capital of Poland. I have never seen more beautiful city than Zakopane. It is really wonderful here! I am staying in hotel "Baca". The hotel is convenient for Morskie Oko. I like this...


Rozwój cywilizacji jako zagrożenie dla środowiska naturalnego na wybranych przykładach w Polsce I Wielkiej Brytanii

Our world is changing rapidly. The progress of our civilization made in last two hundred years is enormous. There are changes in every part of life, in science, industry, agriculture, medicine, culture and the way of life. However, we are still...


Present simple

Zdanie twierdzące Liczba pojedyncza I like going for walks. Lubię chodzić na spacery. You like going for walks. Ty lubisz chodzić na spacery. HeSheIt likes going for walks. On/ona/ono lubi chodzić na spacery. Liczba mnoga WeYouThey like going...


Being a teacher- for and against essey

Being a teacher- for and against essey Have you ever thought how hard a teacher job is? Not everybody knows what like teacher job is and not everybody can be a teacher. One of the main advantages of being a...


Jak pisać listy nieformalne?

W prawym górnym rogu wpisz swój adres i datę. Pisząc datę użyj formatu: 15 January, 2005 (albo January 15, 2005). Mimo że Twój list będzie czytał nauczyciel bądź egzaminator, wobraź sobie, że piszesz do przyjaciela. Zatytułuj list, np. Dear...


Proposal. Ways to help students improve their diet.

To: The Principal of College From: xx Subject: Ways to help students improve their diet. INTRODUCTION As requested I am submitting this report concerning the best ways to help students improve their diet. It is based on ideas submitted by...


Braveheart - opis i recenzja

BRAVEHEART Directed by Mel Gibson Written by Randall Wallace Cinematography by John Toll Music by James Horner Production Design by Tom Sanders Costume Design by Charles Knode Film Editing by Steven Rosenblum Produced by Bruce Davey,...


Opis szkoły

My school is situated in the centre of my town . It is provides three informatic rooms with modern computers and other high-technology devices usefull on lessons. School provides also a small shop where students can buy food and drinks. We have...


A good education is a key to successful life - opinion essay

Is education essential or just additionary help on the way to success? Many young people would confidently say no, it is not necessary. I do not agree with them. As far as I am concerned education is significant. Economists claim that just...


Słownictwo potrzebne do egzaminu FCE

abandon to leave, to quit; porzucać, opuszczać The reasons why villagers abadoned this site remain unclear. Przyczyny, dla których wieśniacy porzucili to miejsce pozostają niewyjaśnione. abruptly sharply, rapidly; ostro, gwałtownie,...


Moja przygoda z dzieciństwa

It was sunny day of July 1994. Birds were chirping and a light summer wind was blowing. I and my 3 friends was (were) walking towards the river Skawa. Cold water of Skawa was great for hot sun and 30 degree in shadow, so everybody had agree with...



Animal rights-prawa zwierząt Disease-choroba Famine-głód Genetic enginery-inżynieria genetyczna Immigration-imigracja Poverty-bieda The environment-środowisko naturalne Air pollution-zanieczyszczenie powietrza Banner-transparent...


Biography of Coco Chanel

Biography of Coco Chanel Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel was born in 19 of august 1883 in Saumur, she died in 10 of january 1971. From her first millinery shop, opened in 1912, to the 1920s,...


My live

My name's Magda. I'm fifteen years old. I live in Ełk. It's a small city but it's very beautiful. I live in a flat with my family. I share room with my older sister. Sometimes we argue about things. My normal day starts at 7 am. I hate this...


COFFEE - kawa

Coffe is said to originale from Kaffa in Ethiopia and most species of coffee plant are found in the tropics of the Eastern Mempisphere. The species which is thought to be the eavliest coffe plant ever cultivated by man is Coffea avabica. Today it...





Sławny człowiek - Bill Newton

Bill Newton is Britain’s most successful film star. His smiling face appears on covers of international magazines, and every years he give out a hundreds of autographs. However, life used to be very different for this young star from Bristol....


Tell as something about yourself.

My name is joanna. I was born on twenty sixth of May. I am 24 years old. I have economist education. I am a student of sociology in TWP in Olsztyn. I like to ride a bike, walk and in the evening surf the Internet. Late evening I like watching...


Present Simple (Czas teraźniejszy prosty) w języku angielskim

Present Simple (Czas teraźniejszy prosty) Kiedy używamy? - Gdy mówimy o regularnie powtarzających się czynnościach, rutynie np. I tide my room once a week. - W zdaniach, w których używamy like, hate, adore itd. np. Mike loves playing...


Środki transportu, kilka użytecznych zwrotów

Means of transport-środki transportu; Plane – samolot; Scooter – skuter; Ship-statek; Boat-łódź; Coach-autobus; Truck-ciężarówka; Van-wan; Cab/Taxi- taxi; Underground-metro; Ferry-prom; Double-decker- trolejbus arrive in- przyjazd (kraj);...


My winter holidays.

My winter holidays My winter holidays I spent In Zakopane. Zakopane is the Centre of winters sports. The town is situated in a valley in the Tatra Mountains. I like my winter holidays because I always meet my friend there and we had got very...


Advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher

Have you ever considered advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher? It is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with supporters maintaining that it is still a reputable work, whilst opponents claim that that...



Skinheads is subculture they haven’t got hears so they are bald. They are wearing black jackets named Harrington’s. Usually they are wearing black boots(glanyJ) and black or blue jeans. They are racists ,national socialists and they feel in...