
Język angielski

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Opis wakacji po angielsku.

Two years ago I decided to take a vacation over the Polish - Baltic sea . I went there at the end of July. Going there was very happy that it is warm and the sun is shining , but not for long , because when you arrive it started to rain . I...


Sport has become business. Give arguments to support or reject this claim.

Sport is known from centuries. In old Egypt people were playing many games like something like football or volleyball. There were chariot races and first Olympic games in Greece and in Rome. People were playing football, basketball, they were...


List do inrmacji

Chcesz wyjechać na wakacje do Sierra Newada.Napisz list w którym ; *zapytasz ile kosztuje dwu tygodniowy pobyt w hotelu oraz poinformujesz, że jedziesz z 4 os.(rodzinom) *poprosisz o informacje na temat najbliższych stoków i czy są zniżki dla...


Persuasive Essay on Space Exploration

Persuasive essay on Space Exploration Con I think we should not continue Space Exploration because it is not a needed resource. We are spending trillions of dollars of our taxes on search for “aliens”, but even if we find...


My hobby

Nowadays, full of hurry and fears, we all look for ways to relax and escape from everyday problems. Each of us has their own recipe for getting rid of the burden of trouble and for having a rest. I relax in various ways, which depends on my...


Opisywanie osób, zwroty i wyrażenia do scenek na mature

? In my opinion ? To my mind ? As far as I?m concerned [jeżeli chodzi o mnie] ? If I were to say sth. about? I would say? ? As for me ? It is said that? [mówi się, że] ? By all accounts that? [wszyscy mowią, że] ? It is mixed blessing? [coś ma...


School does prepare you for life

School does prepare you for life. Some may not agree, but I think that school prepares us for life in terms of interactions with other people, forming good habits and usage of knowledge in everyday life. I can clearly remember...


Rozprawka - Holidays abroad- for and against

Subject: Holidays abroad- for and against. People like go away on holiday to rest from daily work. It is normal phenomenon in the present-day. Go abroad is good way to rest, so people willingly use this form of relax. What is...


Describing people

Person, which I want describe is Angelina Jolie. Her real name is Angelina Jolie Voight. She was born on 4th June 1975 in Los Angeles and she is actress and in the past she was a model. Angelina’s father is Jon Voight, Marcheline Bertrandt is...


Słownictwo (różne)

age – wiek citizen / citizenship – obywatel / obywatelstwo date / place of birth – data / miejsce urodzenia human / human being – istota ludzka job / occupation (formal) / proffesion – zawód male / female (formal) – płci męskiej / żeńskiej...


Napisz list do kolegi, podziękuj za list napisz o nowym hobby ,dlaczego ciebie interesuje i co robiłes w weekend

Hello Marcin!!!!! Today I got your letter, and i want thank you for it. It was great to hear from you. Sorry I haven't written for ages, but I have been very busy with my exams. Since the last time that I wrote to you I met a new friend. His...


Moja recenzja- "Mona lisa"

This is my favourite picture, named ‘Mona Lisa’. ‘Mona Lisa’ was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. He was born in 1452 in Vinci, Toscania. He died in 1519. ‘Mona Lisa’ is his famous picture. On picture there is a woman named Mona. Her face is very...


Opis zawodu: social worker

I would like to be a social worker, becouse I like helping people. W want to feel good. I'm very nice, popular and a well educated person. I some like helping people. I don't look at disadrantages. First of all, I like know how to listen to...


Czasy- angielski

Zestawienie czasów


Summary of the chosen article

The summary of „ The frill is gone ” Newsweek 17 May 1999 In “ The frill is gone “ William Underhill describes a specific fight between smaller and bigger airline companies . The spat has come when the smaller one has introduced a cheaper...


Plural forms + rules (rzeczowniki w liczbie mnogiej + regółki )

Wszystko w załączniku w fomie ładnej tabeleczki ;-)


Wakacje w górach. (Holiday in the mountains)

Going to the mountains is one of the most popular ways of spen¬ding holidays. We can go there either in summer or in winter and we will come back filled with awe! There is something special about mountains that makes everybody who goes there...


Opis dnia

I wake up at 6 o’clock. I make my bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my eyes, face and brush my teeth. I get dress . I pack my book’s and I go to kitchen. I eat a breakfast . I usually eat a milk with corn flakes. I don’t make a second...


My school.

Schools are very important in our life. Everybody knows that most people can’t live in modern society without them - education is needed when we try to get a job. An atmosphere at school has big influence on our mental development - we meet a lot...


List reklamacyjny

I am writting to complain abort my CDplayer which I bought it in yours shop. Last Monday I did the shopping and found a real bargain – Cdplayer for only 19.99. Unfortunatlly it was broken. I used it for three days. I do not know what was...


Recenzja twojego ulubionego filmu

freaky friday (2003) directed by Mark Waters is a comedy film. The main stars are Lindsay Lohan (Annabell Coleman) , Jamie Lee Curtis (Tess Coleman) , Chad Michael Murray(Jake). Tess and her daughter couldn't understand each other. Tess didn't...


Przedimki a,an,the.

A/AN - Jest to przedimek nieokreślony, którego używamy przed rzeczownikami policzalnymi w liczbie pojedynczej. 1) przed zawodami np. a teacher, a doctor, a nurse 2)przed zwrotami określającymi częstotliwość np. once a week, twice a year THE...


Recenzja filmu, który ci się absolutnie niepodobał.

The worse film J have ever seen is "Psychol" with Tom Cruse. The film about schizophrenic Johne Brown-whose wife was psycholog Ana Kopfana based on the book "History of psychol" by Mike Tyson, was directed by Steven Felix Meler. Steven Felix...


Christmas in british and american tradition.

Christmas is the most important public holiday in the US and the UK, and takes place on and around December 25th. It is a Christian holiday, when the birth of Jezus is celebreted, but even people who are not Christian also celebrete. Christmas as...


Andrzej Wajda jako wybitny przedstawiciel polskiego przemyslu filmowego.

Despite restructuring problems and financial bottlenecks Poland’s film industry has some perfect and successful representatives. Andrzej Wajda is among the most prominent individuals of Polish filmmakers. A generally recognized indication of...


Advantages and disadvantages of internet.

In XXI century computers seem to be useful in our lives. Since they were intended in 1948 they have revolutionized millions of people lifes. In Poland computers have been used more and more frequently since the beggining of the 1990s. Computers...


“Disaster in Tino”

?Disaster in Tino? Last Monday, on the 12 th of November, there was a disaster. In a small village called Tino, in the south of China, a volcano erupted. It was unexpected. About 500 citizeus lived in the village situated near the volcano. This...


Moja rodzina

MY FAMILY There are four and “half” of persons in my family: mum …, dad …f, sister …, tortoise … and me. I live with my family in the center of Gliwice. Our flat is enormous. It has five rooms, the kitchen, the balcony and the very big...


Have you ever bought something over the Internet?

I very often buy some goods by the internet. I can compare products different producers and search the low prices for them. For many years I used to go shopping to normal shops, sometimes situated far from my home and offering products which not...


A typical Englishman

A typical working Englishman gets up at 7 a.m., takes a shower, dresses up and has a quick breakfast usually consisting of toast and jam, or cornflakes with milk. He leaves home at about 8 o’clock in the morning so as not to be late to his work....


My home is my castle

My home is my castle. I fully agree with that. Our home is the place where we feel free and save. It has also benefical or sometimes harmful influence on our life. All memories from childhood are connected with our home ad people in it. My home...



?When a man is of London, he is tired of life? (Samuel Johnson) The above saying is a clichs but indeed there are so many things worth seeing in London that you cannot be bored there. The capital of Great Britain is one of the most fascinating...


Pocztówka z Wakacji

Dear Kasia (lub inne imie) .. I'm on holiday in Rewa writh family for a fortnight. We're staying with in detached house. The weather is very hot and tje sun is shining.I'm standing at big bring baltic. I'm wearing my new ball that gram in...


Esej o ochronie środowiska (poziom zanieczyszczenia powietrza)

HOW WE CAN REDUCE AIR POLLUTION LEVELS IN OUR CITIES? Air in our cities is polluted. It is not possible to deny which it fact. The reasons of this problem are: too much traffic in the city centre, factories which polluting the air and...


List z wakacji w Londynie

Dear Mum and Dad, I'm writing from London , I staying at the Qeens Park Hotel. From my room is fantastic view of the city! The weather is very changeable , sometimes the sun is shining and sometimes rained all day. London is a...


What would you change in your school if you were a headmaster?

My school is an old and prestigious institution and I believe that many graduades, who may be famous politicians and successful business people, admit that they owe a lot to the unforgettable atmosphere and unique tradition of my school. If I...


Recenzja filmu "Quo Vadis" Jerzego Kawalerowicza

Historyczny melodramat ?Quo Vadis?, wyreżyserowany przez Jerzego Kawalerowicza, laureata wielu nagród, został stworzony na podstawie szkolnej lektury autorstwa Henryka Sienkiewicza. Film, mimo iż ujrzał światło dzienne w 2001 roku, 105 lat po...


Recenzja filmu "List Schindlera"

'Schindler's List' It was the film, which made me a great afford. It is a motion picture about a German factory owner who saves a large number of Jewish people from death during the Holocaust. A novel by Australian writer Thomas Keneally,...


Present Continous Tense - Czas teraźniejszy ciągły

1. Używany, gdy mówimy o czynności wykonywanej w chwili mówienia. 2. Słówka charakterystyczne - now - teraz - at the moment - w tym momencie - at present - obecnie, w teraźniejszość 3. Konstrukcje zdań a) zdanie...


Ściąga z Angielskiego do 2 Klasy Gimnazjum

attitude-postawa, stosunek fine out- dowiadywać się need- potrzebować tension- napięcie other- inny laughter- śmiech laught- śmiać się term- semestr stop nagging- przestań ględzić PE Kit- ubranie na wf timetable- plan lekcji it could...


List do przyjaciela z opisem Łodzi [miasta W KTÓRYM MIESZKAM]

Dear Ela! How are you?What is the weather like with you?It's sunny here but it is very cold. My town is big and there are a lot of good places to see.I know you want to visit cathedral on Piotrkowska street. Do you want to go to the zoo?I...


description of my favourite doll

My favourite doll comes from the family called Troll Dolls. It is a little doll, not more than 10 centimetres tall. It resembles a young Harley's motorcyclist. It wears a black, leather jacket with silver marks. It also has black and tight pants....


My Idol

My fovorite person is singer. She name is Avril Lavigne. This is my favourit singer biceause she has got a beautyful viice and great style. I love her songs. She born September , 27 1884 Avril is a Canadian rock/punk pop singer and actores. Her...


Ściąga na maturę: angielski rozszerzony

1. Opisz znaną ci osobę należącą do innego pokolenia 2. Opisz miejsce, które było dla ciebie ważne w pewnym okresie życia. Dlaczego? Opisz wspomnienia. 3. Recenzja filmu, który absolutnie ci się nie podobał. 4. The internet – a blessing or a...


Jak tworzymy czas past simple?

Oto pokaże wam jak stworzyć od czasowników(present simple) czas przeszły(past simple) Regular Verbs 1. work worked fix +ed...


Are you for or against joining Poland the European Union?

Are you for or against joining Poland the European Union? Poland will access to the European Union in May 2004. In our country there was a discussion about advantages and disadvantages of our accession to the EU. I will attempt to put forward...


Krótka charakterystyka przyjaciela

My closest friend is Bartosz Drzewowski. I remember that I first met him at one of the fantasy-fans convenction just as we were getting off the train. I asked him where the main convent area was and he told me that he would go with me and show me...


"Shakespeare in Love" movie review - recenzja flimu "Zakochany Shakespeare"

The title of the movie is "Shakespeare in Love". It's a romantic comedy directed by John Madden and written by Marc Norman and playwright Tom Stoppard. It was made in 1998 and it's 120 minutes long. The main roles are played by...


B.Prus - "Kamizelka" (" The Waistcoat")

The Waistcoat Some people have the desire to collect more or less expensive items, according to what one can afford. I also posses a collection albeit very modest as is usual in the beginning. There is my play, which I have written,...