
Język angielski

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Przysłowia angielskie

1.A lie has no legs-kłamstwo nie ma nóg;kłamstwem daleko się nie zajdzie 2.All flowers are not in one garland-nie wszystkie kwiaty są wplecione do jednego wieńca;cała mądrość nie mieści się w jednej głowie 3.All is wellthat ends well-wszystko...



.::::: J . ANGIELSKI::::. 1. 1.Monday-poniedziałek 2. 2.Tuesday-wtorek 3. 3.Wednesday-środa 4. 4.Thursday-czwartek 5. 5.Friday-piątek 6. 6.Saturday-sobota 7. 7.Sunday-niedziela 8. 1.January –styczeń 9. 2.February...


Opis przyjaciela

My best friends name is Antoni. He's my cousin which has 18 years old. Antoni lives in Pila near me, so we meet each other often. He attend to (nie wiem jak jest ''liceum ogolnoksztalcace), on police course. He's favourite subjests are math,...


What it Means to Have an Idea?

The Greek philosopher Socrates once said “The unexamined life is not worth living.” This statement is often used as a starting point for philosophy in its quest to examine everything. In the same sense, the analytic writing common in academics...


Your school newspaper needs an article about good and bad points of becoming an athlete. Write your article for the paper. (120 – 180 words)

Sport is a popular activity and it has many advantages and disadvantages for those who practice it. On the one hand, sport is good way of relaxing or spending our free time after hard day at work or at school. It is sad that nowadays people...


Format słówka od 6-13

After all- przecież, w końcu Avoid- unikać Ambitious- ambitny Apperance- wygląd Arrive- przybyć Adventure- przygoda Amazing- zadziwiający Available- dostępny Advertisement- reklama, ogloszenie Achievement- osiągnięcie Adore- uwielbiać...


My holidays in Spain and France

My holiday was very happy and interesting. On the first of July I went to Giżycko. I was there with my friends ten days. It was at a summer camp. We had taekwondo trainings there. Everyday, at 7 a.m. was reveille. Then it was breakfast and...


List o szkole w innym kraju

Hi Kate , Here I am In Ireland ! I got here in the last week. The flight was really boring but I was with my friend Jessica . I stayed with her at Hotel in Dublin for three days. I saw the sights . Then I got a bus up to Limerick . School is...


Raport z restauracji / Report of restaurant

Introduction The purpose of thir report is to asses the new Romano\'s family restaurant in Norwich, wich I visited on 27\'th January. Food&Prices There is a varied menu wich includes great pasta dishes & interesting desserts. I tried the...


If you could give an Oscar Award who would you give it to and why (Polish film or actor or director) - speech

If I could give an Oscar Award, I would give it to one of the best Polish comedies - “I don’t like Monday” (in Polish: “Nie lubię poniedziałku”). It had its premiere on 27th of August 1971. And since then it has become very popular. It takes 98...


Nieszczęśliwy powrót do domu

It happened on the day of my seventeen birthday and I’ll never forget his day. I with my boyfriend Paweł were on our way home after a marvelous evening out with some friends in the disco club in Wrocław, when our car broke down. It was well...


Global warming

About global warming we hear In TV or other media more time. In the last time it’s very important and popular topic for lots of people because our world is endangered by industrial zones, heating houses or scorching forests. Global warming brings...


Cechy Charakteru - angielski

bezczelny ? insolent, impudent, rude beztroski ? careless bezwzględny ? relentless buntowniczy - rebelious chciwy ? greedy chytry ? sly czuły ? tender, affectionate dowcipny ? witty gadatliwy ? talkative głupi ? stupid, dull, dumb, dense hojny ?...


Czasy gramatyczne w języku angielskim

Czasy gramatyczne w języku angielskim- tabelka


My plans for the Future

My plans for the Future It is not difficult for me to say what I like to do in my future. This job must gain ones living and very interestings. At first Id like to work in a bank. I specialy work in a stock-exchange. I have an senenth meaning...


Słownictwo dotyczące człowieka angielski.

Appearance – wygląd Average – przeciętny To be fed up(with sth)-mieć dosyć czegoś Beard-broda Brave-odważny Briefcase-teczka Big-headed-zarozumialy Claim-twierdzić Common-pospolity Checked-w kratkę Cotton- bawełna Cross-rozgniewany...


Review of a memorable advertisement you have seen at the cinema or on tv, evaluating its visual impact and its other features

How many times have you gone mad by tv commercials sitting in front of the tv and waiting till they finish? Or you were so excited to see a new film in the cinema that you couldn’t stand thousands of advertisements before it? You probably consider...


Czasowniki nieregularne

Ciąć cut buy bought Dać give gave Uderzyć hit łapać catch caught go went Ranić hurt czuć feel felt rosnąć grow grew Pozwolić let bić się fight fought know knew Położyć put dostać get got lie lay Zamknąć shut słuchać hear heard jeżdzić ride...


A letter to an exchange student

Dear Luc, Hi! I'm your exchange student from England. My name is Georg and I'm 16 years old. I live with my parents and my two sisters in Bournemouth, a town on the south coast of England. I'm enclosing a photo of me and my siterss, Lizzie and...


Person with whom I will spend one year in a desert island - Osoba, z którą spędzisz rok na bezludnej wyspie - opis

There is many people with whom I may spend a year on the desert island. The choice depends on them advantages. But it is hard to choose a person who has advantages to survive on the desert island. In my opinion that person could be Wincenty. He...


Clauses of purpose, Defining, Non-Defining, Get used etc.

CELE to / in order to / so as to + INFINITIVE (czasownik w bezokoliczniku) so that + can / will so that + could / would with a view to / with the aim of + GERUND (czasownik w formie -ING) w celu / dla + RZECZOWNIK / -ING (czasownik w formie...


Our environment.

All of us realize, that contamination of the environment is one of the main problems in today’s world. Ecologists warn us that air, water and soil are more and more polluted. People cut down forests which are a very important source of oxygen. We...


Scary story

It was late in the evening.. Jessica’s parents went out so she had the whole house at her disposal. Her boyfriend Nick promised that they would spend this time together so she was sitting on her bed and waiting for him. Suddenly somebody knocked...


The worst day of my life

The worst day of my life was full of terrible events. It began quite well. Strangely enough I had no problems with getting up. My mother prepared a breakfast for me and generally everything was all right. When I get out to school I felt that I...


Reality Show - rozprawka

Many people belive that taking parts in reality show is the easiest way to become a star. But is that realy? Is not that a psychological trap for many people? To start with, lots of young people think that if they appear in reality...


Introduce yourself and your family to a pen friend. (przedstaw siebie i swoja rodzine w liście do przyjaciela)

Hello Paul, My name is Kuba Grabowski. I live with my family in Poznań in central Poland. One word describes my whole family. That word is musical. There are four people in my family- five if you count me. In our family the children read music...


Has feminism influenced our lives? - Czy feminizm wywarł wpływ na nasze życie?

Feminism can be defined as the movement towards greater freedom for women. You cannot deny that it has brought a lot of positive results. It is impossible for me to imagine our lives nowadays without all the achievements of women's liberation...



Co housing • Co housing estate is New kind of living together • This idea was born in Danmark when all the homes are built around a building • On the ground floor there is big hall when neighbourhood get use to be having their meals together •...


Wealth does not bring happiness.” True or false?

“ Wealth does not bring happiness.” True or false? Money it’s so argumentative theme. So many people steer to wealth , but they are forget about more important things in life. One human told “money it’s very important in life because give...


Angielski humor

Angielski humor (również brytyjski humor) - określenie specyficznego poczucia humoru, które dominuje w Wielkiej Brytanii i zdobyło duże rzesze fanów i antyfanów na całym świecie. Angielski humor opiera się w głównej mierze na absurdzie, ironii,...


Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense Stosujemy do wyrażania czynności, która zostanie wykonana w niedalekiej przyszłości (należy dokładnie określić moment wykonania danej czynności). Określenia czasu - today - dzisiaj - tonight - dziś wieczorem...


Student exchange - for and against essay

Student exchange can be a life changinf experience. However, just as everything else, it has it's pros and cons. I'll try to present this topic in a way thath may help you decide if it's a good thing or not. First of all, when you're an...


Speaking test-family

1. Do you have a large or small family? 2. Can you tell me something about them? I think I have a small family. There are three people in it. I am the only child but sometimes I wish I had a brother or a sister. This is because I feel lonely...


Ciekawy prosty dzień w dwunastu zdaniach

I often wake up at half past seven o?clock. I fasted make my bed and go to bathroom. I clean my teeth, face and hands. Then I usually have a cheese roll and hot tea. I leave the home together with my brothers. My bus usually was late. I seldom...


The new end of story the "House"

UWAGA! Ten essey zostal napisany zgodnie z zasadami gramatyki jezyka angielskiego uzywanego w Stanach Zjednoczonych, nie klasycznej brytyjskiej angielszczyzny. Moga wiec pojawic sie pewne roznice jak na przyklad speeling (np. \"color\" amer. i...


Ściąga - wishe

I wish (if only) + past tense wish/regret about a present situation we want to be different I wish I were thinner (it’s a pity I am not) I wish (if only) + could + bare infinitive wish/regret in the present concerning lack of ability I wish I...


TV, Television - Good and bad points of watching television.

As we know, TV is very helpful, but sometimes it?s also destructive. I want to introduce good and bad points of watching television. At first, I want to show positive arguments. There are many advantages of watching TV. TV serves many...


Biografia Juliusza Gabriela Verne

We very like the journey stories,but we don't know who wrote them the most. His name was Jules Gabriel Verne. He was born in 1828 in Nates,France. Jules was intelligent man and he studied a law. But he didn't worked as lawyer....


List do przyjaciela

16, Leszczynowa, Płock 09-410 25th September Dear Nicola, Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't written to you earlier but I had to learn for my...


Pros and cons of taking exams.

Taking exams has become very popular recently. You can take all domain exams because it has always been the only way of testing and estimating students. Passed exams can make your life easier and create many possibilities of getting a job. If...


Przedstawienie kukiełkowe - Black Hood

BLACK HOOD Narrator:The history sets up in little hause black hood. Mum asks him to grass carried for grandmother. Mum-Oh you stupid black dress. Black hood-ANARHIA!!!!! Mum-OK ok you will go to grandmother and...


List do kolegi z Anglii, którego wcześniej zaprosiłeś na wakacje.

Zawrzyj w nim następujące informacje: - przeproś, że nie odbierzesz go z dworca/lotniska, podając powód - doradź, jakim środkiem transportu dojedzie do Twojego domu i podaj czas podróży - zaproponuj przynajmniej dwie formy spędzania czasu...


Reporting verbs (czasowniki do mowy zależnej)

accuse of (oskarżać)- dodajemy końcówkę "-ing" np. She accused me of taking her book. insist on (nalegać) - dodajemy końcówkę "-ing" np. They insisted on his coming without dog. refuse (odmawiać) - przed drugim czasownikiem piszemy "to" She...


Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in 1812, in Pourstmouth. He hed 7 brothers and sisters. His father was clerk in a office. When Charlie was 11, his father was embedded wist his family to a prison, because he had debt. Only Charles didn't go to the...


The best things in life are free. Rozprawka (251 words)

Nowadays, when money has a great power, it is a controversial question, if 'the best things in life are free'. Some people claim that it is nothing free now and even some things are impossible to buy. I will take into consideration every pro...


Advantages and disadvantages of living in Poland

Although Poland is a country situated in the middle of Europe it doesn’t arouse much world’s interest. People around the world think that Poland is distant, cold, poor, excessively Catholic, rural and conservative country. Some Poles who have been...


Rozpoznawanie czasów

Past Continuous - I was/wasn’t -We were/weren’t -Was/Were? - -ing -when – kiedy, while- podczas gdy Past Simple -2 kolumna lub –ed -Did? -Didn’t -Opisuje to co wydarzyło się wcześniej Present Simple -W 3 osobie- He, She, it –s ,y-ies...


My favourite place - describe

I would describe my favourite place in the world - The Parthenon. It's the most popular building of ancient Greece. It was built in the 5th century BC on the Acropolis of Athens. The Parthenon is the symbol of ancient Greece and of Athenian...


My bedroom

I like my room. There is a bed, and there are 4 pillows on the bed. There is a big window, with a big parapet. I have got a view of the field. I can see a street from my room. There is a flower on the wardrobe. There are many flowers in my room....


Fryderyk Chopin

Most people love music Fryderyk Chopina. He composition and wrote nocturne, etudes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas and songs to words by Stefan Witwicki. Fryderyk was born in Żelazowa Wola on 1st March 1810. He was the Polish composer and pianist....