
Advantages and disadvantages of living in Poland

poleca 85% 528 głosów


Although Poland is a country situated in the middle of Europe it doesn’t arouse much world’s interest. People around the world think that Poland is distant, cold, poor, excessively Catholic, rural and conservative country. Some Poles who have been abroad say that it is better to stay in USA or EU than in Poland but others don’t notice any differences.
First of all, Poland has weak economy. There is unprofitable archaic agriculture and heavy industry. There is bribery among politics and a corruption as well. Moreover, Poles have to pay one of highest taxes in relation to people earnings in the world. There is also a lot of bureaucracy. In consequence it is difficult to do business and there are a lot of unemployment and poverty. Authorities don’t have much money in budget so they aren’t able to provide society with all needed and proper services.
One disadvantage is that Poland’s location in the middle of Europe has been always a reason for wars and other countries military aggression, which has greatly influenced our future. The location is also connected with a climate that is moderate and likely to change. There is quite cold in autumn and winter. In spite of that, the weather is variable and isn’t so boring like in other climates, which are only warm or cold.
Another point is that church’s influence on society’s life is too much. For example people are too religious and intolerant and they don’t accept homosexuals or any kind of difference that they don’t like. They have critical attitude to many things and they would forbid people to do everything. One of these things is abortion.
For one thing there is archaic system of education in Poland. On the one hand students have to learn a lot of unnecessary things and subjects, who knows what for? I think that education should be changed so that students would learn things they need not they are expected to learn. But on the other hand Poles are perceived as really well educated people.
Finally, Poles are perceived as too religious, conservative, backward and dishonest people.
Of course there are some advantages of living in Poland but unfortunately only few. Firstly we have good beer and nice girls. Ninety per cent of women in USA are fat. The rest of them work in show business, airlines or news. Honestly.
One advantage is that there are a lot of forests, lakes, nature reserves, and beautiful landscapes. For example Białowieski National Park. What is more you can find a lot of historic places and monuments. It is worth noticing that soon there will be some advantages that results from Polish integration with European Union. Last of all, Poles are perceived as friendly, hard-working, disciplined and reliable people.
To sum up, is Poland a good country to live in? I think it isn’t because there are much more cons than pros. There seems to be a lot of better places to live in.

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