
Wealth does not bring happiness.” True or false?

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“ Wealth does not bring happiness.” True or false?

Money it’s so argumentative theme. So many people steer to wealth , but they are forget about more important things in life. One human told “money it’s very important in life because give me more possibilities, more growing, and give me, and my friends, family a lot of happiness. I want be wealth because I can buy things which I dream. One a day a money finished, so what can I do if I don’t have money”. on the other hand human told : ”Wealth it’s not good. People which be wealth’s are so vainglory, and only think about money, money, money. I think a this people it’s not really happy. If You have a lot of money You can buy everything, but never You buy love, feelings. Often it’s subject – how can I earn much more money, how can I invested - it’s so not good”. It’s a two different opinion. So what’s true in this cruel world.
So what can we do? In my opinion....what’s is my opinion? I have impart opinion. Why? Already explain.
World it’s so cruel. If You don’t have money, sometimes You don’t have nothing.
On addition In Poland rule corruption, graft. If You don’t have money, if You don’t be wealth, sometimes You have difficulty. Why? As a matter of fact people want to be wealth , so they are steer about this.
We have money. We can buy good doctors, hospital, medicine. But sometimes money don’t help, if our state it’s not so good, we can’t buy health.
Health in my opinion is a most important thing in life. Health = happiness J .
Besides money important is other things. Family, friends, science, fun, health, Assistance other, and more, more things.
In summary money give happiness but, only when we need material things. If we need immaterial things money don’t give it .
In conclusion, wealth not give really happiness.

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