
Język angielski

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Pierwszy (1) tryb warunkowy i drugi (2) tryb warunkowy z ćwiczeniami

Pierwszy tryb warunkowy Dotyczy przyszłości, warunku który najprawdopodobniej się spełni. Czyli – co zrobimy, albo co się stanie jeśli spełni się jakiś warunek. np. jeśli będzie ładna pogoda to pójdziemy na spacer Konstrukcja (Future...


Zwroty list formalny

LIST FORMALNY Pisze z zapytaniem o….I AM WRITTING TO ENQUIRE ABOUT Czy moglibyście przesłac mi dalsze szczegóły na tem..COULD YOU PLEASE SEND ME FURTHER DETAILS ABOUT Bylbym wdzieczny za szybka odpI WOULD APPRECIATE A RAPLY AT YOUR EARLIEST...


Biografia Fryderyk Chopin

Rej was born in a noble family in Żurawin, near Halicz. His father moved to Russia from Nagłowice, Poland, which is near Kraków. Although he received little formal education in Lwów and one year in Cracow Academy, he managed to educate himself...


Przepis na potrawe po angielsku

Pasta with delicious sauce Components: ? 50 dag of pasta ? 50 dag of mince meat ? 1 can of tomato pomance ? 1 big onion ? 3 spoons of olive oil ? 2 spoons of flour ? Cayenne ? Pepper ? Salt ? Herbs ? Green parsley Recipe: To give meat good taste...


My favourite city (Paris)

Have you ever wanted to live in a modern city, one of the bigest places to live in a world ? Set in the heart of northern France, Paris is my favourite city. In this lovely place everyone can find something what they like . Paris has many...


Charakterystyka / opis osoby

I was born on 5th June,1988 in Wrsaw.The meaning of my name "Agnes" is cleanness.I am the student of the first class technical school,so I am 16 years old.I am 1,60 cm height (tall) and I think I am weel-builit.I have layered,short,fair hair with...


Moje ulubione miejsce, które pamiętam z dzieciństwa.

There is no other place I could describe. When I was younger every summer holidays I spent in a cottage by the lake. From there comes my favourite memories. Having spent there the best moments of my childhood, I learnt a lot of things and met...


The day that everything went wrong

I set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock and went to bed. It was a terrible day. I woke up at 8 o'clock because my alarm clock was broken. I packed my books and had breakfast. As I was leaving home, I noticed that my dog was waiting for me and...


Opis dnia po angielsku

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock. I quickly make my bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my eyes, face and brush my teeth with a toothbrush, then I carefully comb my long hair. I put my clothes on and I am ready to have some breakfast. I usually have...


My ideal house

Every of us dreams of an ideal house waiting for him or her somewhere in the future. My house will be situated in the southern suburbs of Krakow, to give me more opportunities for going to the Tatra Mountains for weekends. Besides, I would like...


Wady i zalety bycia sławnym. Advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

Advantages and disadvantages of being famous. Most people dream about being famous. They want to be admired and loved by fans. The media show rich and fashionable stars and it is believed that their lives are full of happiness and pleasure....


Disadvantages and advantages of my school

I pay attenttion that my school, like every school, has got adventages and disadventages.Iwant to represant some. One of disadventages of my school isthat we are learningthings which are haveno use.Good exampleis Physics.Alot of people aren't...


Przedstawić siebie po angielsku

My name is (imię i nazwisko) , I come from *Poland ( opcjonalnie ). I'm ( wiek ) years old. I was born on ( data urodzenia ) in ( miasto ). I started my education in ( data rozpoczęcia szkoły ) at a primary school....


Informal letter

Dear Roger Thanks a lot for your letter – it was great to hear from you again and I am very happy that you want to come with me on a day trip to France. I think that it will be really exciting. In letter you asked me about more details...


List prywatny

Brałes udział w międzynarodowej imprezie sportowej jako widz. Napisz list do anglojęzycznego kolegi. - napisz, jakiego wydarzenia sportowego byłeś uczestnikiem i kiedy się ono odbyło - podaj, z jakich krajów i w jakim wieku byli uczestnicy -...


Dialog u Doktora ( Klasa I gimnazjum )Praca sprawdzona przez nauczyciela!!!

AT THE DOCTOR Mary: Good evening, doctor. Doctor Sarah: Good evening, Mary. Mary: I`ve been vomitiny and I`ve got a cough and sore throat. Doctor Sarah: I have to examine you. Mary: OK. Doctor Sarah: It must be a cold. Mary:...


Alcoholics and drug addicts should be separated from the society.Do you agree?

Alcoholics and drug addicts should be separated from the society. Do you agree? Alcohol and drug use can progress into addiction so easyly that sometimes people do not realize how fast it becomes a disease. Most of people who decided to stop...


Ulubiony zespół muzyczny

My favourite band is Maroon 5. It has five members:Adam Levine,Jesse Carmichael,Matt Flyn,Michael Madden,James Valentine.They are from in the USA. I have all their CD's and my favourite song is "This love". Music what they create is great so i...


Pierwszy okres warunkowy

Pierwszego okresu warunkowego używamy, gdy mówimy o skutkach różnych zdarzeń np. Jeżeli nie zjem śniadania będę głodna. jeśli się nie nauczę nie będę przygotowana. By zbudować pierwszy okres warunkowy użyjemy 2 czasów - Present Simple i Future...


Ćwiczenia czas-Present Simple

1. I always get up ( get up ) at 6.00 a.m. 2.He …………( not get up ) at 6.00 a.m. He always ……….. ( get up ) at 10.00 a.m. 3.I usually ……….. ( have ) a cold shower . 4.He ………….. ( swim ) in his swimming pool every morning . 5.I never ………....


I Wish - If Only



Irregular verbs

pierwsza kolumna - bezokolicznik; druga - II forma; trzecia - III forma; czwarta - tłumaczenie ;) be was/were Been być Bear Bore Born/borne Nosić beat beat beaten uderzać become Became become Stać się Begin Began Biegun Zaczynać Bend Bent...


Czasowniki nieregularne w formie tabelki

Forma podstawowa Past simple Past participle Tłumaczenie arise arose arisen powstawać, pojawiać się awake awoke awoken budzić się be was(were) been być bear bore borne nosić become...


Advantages and disadvantages of being a teenager.

Some people say, at the end of their life that it would be great to be young again. Sometimes, they think they could avoid their mistakes. Unfortunately at the beginning of our life, we are teenager and we can make many stupid things which we can...


Cell-phones while driving argumentative essay

Everyday people die in car accidents because they use cell phones while driving. According to research cell phones are leading factors that cause accidents. Studies show that a cell phone put drivers at a four time greater risk of a crush....



Today volunteering more frequently is a just step to career for many young people in Poland. First volunteering was place in Poland when “WIELKA ORKIESTRA ŚWIĄTECZNEJ POMOCY” established. Young Polish students took part in that enterprise....


Zabytki Radomia i okolic

Na terenie Powiatu Radomskiego znajdują się bardzo cenne przyrodniczo obszary: Puszczy Kozienickiej, lasy Iłżeckie oraz torfowiska o specyficznym mikroklimacie. Wiele miejscowości położonych w samej Puszczy lub na jej obrzeżach, znanych ze swych...


Zwroty przydatne przy pisaniu listów prywatnych i formalnych

List Prywatny List z przeprosinami o I’m really sorry that I forgot about.. o I’m writing to apologise for… o It will never happen again.. List z zaproszeniem (invitation) o I’m writing to invite you to.. o I’m having a party…: Would you...


Should animals be kept in zoos?

A lot of people protest against keeping animals in zoos. They claim that animals should live in the wild and keeping them in captivity is cruel and inhumane. But is it really so bad and violent? Are there more advantages than disadvantages of...


Stopniowanie przymiotników

1. Krótkie jednosylabowe zakończone na spółgłoskę np. wet – wetter – the wettest 1 wet 2 wetter - stopień wyższy ( podwajamy ostatnią literę-spógłoskę) d dodajemy końcówkę -er 3 the wettest - stopień najwyższy...


List Nieformalny - List do Rodziców z wakacji

Kołobrzeg, 10.07.2005 r. Dear parents! So as promised, I epistolize to describe with trip my hitherto exist impressions. Fifth day of stay is already. This time fleet so, and one wished. It is wonderfully here. Until lack me words. Raise the...


Computer – advantages and disadvantages

Almost every home, office, or school has a computer of some kind these days. It may seems at first that having a computer brings only benefits, but further consideration shows that it also has disadvantages. First of all computers are very...


Opis koleżanki

Na angielski : My girlfriend has on name iza. Lat (summer; year) has 14 and it walks from (with) I for class. Sibling has. Three brothers and one siostre. Has green eyes, simple brown hair, complexions dark, it is thinnest. Two dogs has and...


Moje hobby 1

My hobby is music. I listen to music all the time when I am at home, except when I am in the living room and the television is on. Most of all I like pop music and such pop singers as Prince, Tina Turner and groups such as Dire Straits, The...


Przykładowy opis rysunku z użyciem długich zdań.

The picture shows two people in a room. One of them is a men, sitting and sleeping in an armchair, wearing a blue sweatshirt. He’s bald and snoring. The second person is a women, sitting on a chair, and painting on a material, which is...


When - While

When (dokonane): I. S. Past + P. Cont. When it started to rain I was working in the garden. II. P. Cont. + S. Past I was working in the garden when it started to rain. I was speaking (talking) on the phone when the doorbell rang. While...


Advantages & Disadvantages of being famous

Being a famous person-it must be a great experience. This feeling inside when you know that most of people like you, that your fans wanna touch you, kiss, hug-you are God for them-WOW. Firstly the celibrites have a lot of money, which they earn in...


Przymiotniki i przysłówki

Stopniowanie przymiotników Stopniowanie regularne Jest to stopniowanie za pomocą końcówek -er i -est. W ten sposób stopniuje się przymiotniki jednosylabowe oraz dwusylabowe zakończone na -y (wówczas -y zamienia się w stopniu wyższym i...


Sprawdzian z j. angielskigo - Stopniowanie przymiotników

Name: ______________________________________________________________Class:__________ 1.Uzupełnij. Adjective Comparative Superlative young ____________ ______________ pretty...


Holiday in my country- Easter

In many countries of the world Easter is not celebrate. In Poland this holiday is celebrated in a special way for Jesus Christ is resurrected. About forty days before Easter we celebrate Lent . During that time we are customarily do not dance or...


Przepis po Angielsku

Yogurt pudding with peach souce Ingredient for pudding : & 4 natural yoghurt & 100 g. Sugar & 3 eggs Ingredient's for sauce : & 4 spoon for peach jam & 1 peach in sugar & 100 ml. (1/2 glass) lemon juice preparation - mix...


Opis miasta

There's so much to see in (podaj miasto).You must visit the Castle Santa Valentines and city hall.It's rally old Santa Valentines courch. You can visit beautiful school museum.In (podaj miasto) are a lot of pitches and tennis courts. You can swim...


Maria Skłodowska Curie - biografia po angielsku

Maria Skłodowska Curie was very famous women. She and her husband devoted their lives to Science and radioactivity. In 1903, they won the Nobel Prize for Physic. In 1906, she took her husband's job at Sorbonne in Paris . I like her, because she...


Chronologiczna lista prezydentów USA

Prezydent Okres prezydentury Partia Elekcja Wiceprezydent 1. George Washington (ur. 1732, zm. 1799) 30 kwietnia 1789 4 marca 1797 bezpartyjny 1 (1789) 1. John Adams 2 (1792) 2. John Adams Jr. (ur. 1735, zm. 1826) 4...


Formy czasowników

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Polski I forma II forma III forma odpowiednik be was\were been być become became become stać się begin began begun rozpoczynać bend bent bent...


Angielski dla początkujących

STRUKTURA ZDANIA : 1.Porządek wyrazów w zdaniu W odróżnieniu od języka polskiego zdanie angielskie ma na ogół ustalony i ściśle przestrzegany porządek. W zdaniu angielskim nie wolno: zmieniać szyku zdania opuszczać orzeczenia i podmiotu...


Letter of application for the post of an English teacher

Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply for the post of an English teacher in your school as advertised in this week's issue of 'The Teacher'. As you will see from my c.v. I have the qualifications, experience and language proficiency you...


List do kolegi o szkole

Hi, Rob! My new school's great. My teacher, Mrs. Blue, is nice. I like her a lot. There's a boy in my class called Joe. I hate him. He's very conceited. On friday I bought a meat. Is very delicious. I buy to it every day. I love it! The...