
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

The family is getting weaker and family ties will gradually disappear.

What we would like to talk about is that the family is getting weaker and family ties will gradually disappear. We chose this topic, because we want to present how the family relationships have changed in the last few years. First of all it is...


Review of the film "Beautiful Mind"

It was Tuesday 21 January when I went with my class to the cinema, to see great nominated to Oscar Awards film- A Beautiful Mind. The action was set in the Princeton University. John Nash, who was a Princeton graduate student was working all...


Letter to my friend about my other friend

Dear Piździawka, Thank's for your letter.It was great to hear from you.How are you my dear? I heard that you have a new it true? Please tell me something about him:) Well,I'm fine. I'm going with my best friend Huniamunia to...


"Just like haeven"

"JUST LIKE HEAVEN" -film review The film which I saw recently is known as "Just like heaven". It was produced in United States and made in September 16th 2005. The mains roles are played by a great american actress- Reese Witherspoon and very...


Outdoor activities.

Which outdoor activities do you find interesting and exciting? How do you relax and spend your free time? After hard day of work people have to relax. Different people prefer different kind of activities to feel better. Sometimes, we are too...


Nowadays there is too much viloence on TV - write an article.

In my article I would like to express my opinion about children who are affected by crime and violence on TV. There is no doubt that TV has immenswe impact on children. Nowadays they seem to have only one entertainment and they spend more time...


List formalny - Compulsoty letter

Temat: You decided to go on a short break to The White Horse Hotel. Unfortunately nothing was as you had been led to expect. Using the notes, write a letter to the hotel manager about the night you spent there. THE WHITE HORSE HOTEL...


List z wakacji do przyjaciela.

Ruciane Nida Poland 6th August Hi John, Thanks for your letter from England. I'm sorry I haven't written for a long time. I am writing to you from Ruciane Nida. I used to work for two weeks at the begining of holiday and next I went to...



The word „vegetarian” was coined in about 1840 to mean people, who lived without killing for food,either for moral and health reasons, or both. But the practice is much older than. The priests of ancient Egypt were forbidden flesh-foods. Many...


People lie for a variety of reasons.

Being entirely truthful is commonly accepted as a virtue. Nevertheless, today, people find it difficult to be untainted and honest. Due to facing many everyday problems, they treat a lie as a solution for some uncomfortable situations. There...


"The strangest thing has ever happened to me was"

It happened 2 years ago when I was 15 years old. I went with my mom and dad to my grandparents for Christmas. It was very cold winter. It was snowing all the time, it was freezing and the temperature was very low. We came directly for Christmas...


List w sprawie odwołania miejsca w akademiku

Polecenie: Planujesz pojechać na kurs językowy do Wielkiej Brytanii. Wpłaciłeś/aś kaucję i zarezerwowałeś/aś miejsce na konkretnym kursie. Szkoła także zarezerwowała dla Ciebie miejsce w akademiku. Twoje plany uległy zmianie. Napisz list do...


Pierwszy dzień w pracy to poważne wyzwanie...

3. Pierwszy dzień w pracy to poważne wyzwanie... Napisz opowiadanie o zdarzeniu, które miało miejsce właśnie tego dnia i które odbiło się niekorzystnie na dalszych relacjach między bohaterem i jego/jej szefem. It was a beautiful day. The sun was...


For and against essay

Everyone knows famous sportsmen. We are happy when they are winners and not satisfied when they lose the competition. But we never think about money they earn. However some people assert that they should earn less money for their work. Some...


My favourite film.

My favourite film is "What hides truth ?".I've seen it in the cinema.It's a crime thiller which stars Harrison Ford and Michale Pfeifer.The film is just over two hours long.Film action begins when some family is moving to a large house at the...


Dlaczego ludzie uczą się obcych języków. (why do people learn foreign languages?)

There are many languages in the world and there are many reasons for learning them. Nowadays the knowledge of foreign language is very important and useful. It is human nature to broaden horizons and to explore new things - that why people...


Informal letter

Many thanks for your letter. Firstly I want to apologize for not having written for so long. I`m sorry to hear you`re in hospital. No one told me that you`re there. Anyway, you asked me about my holiday. Well! Everything would have been...


Czasowniki nieregularne

CZASOWNIKÓW NIEREGULANRYCH domyslnie uczymy sie w ostatniej klasie podstawowki. Nauczyciele 66 słówek powinni dzielic na 3 tury po 22 słowka. Na nauczenie dają tydzien. W podstawowce uczymy sie tylko odmiany bezokolicznika na czas przeszly. W...


Prejudices are destructive and they make our lives harder. Do you agree with the statement? Justify your opinion.

I totally agree that prejudices not only do nothing good in case of people's relations but also make our lives harder. Firstly I would like to explain what, to me, prejudices are. Those are all the negative stereotypes and opinions that we have...


Słówka medyczne.

acquired zdobyty advice rada ambulance anaemia anemia ankle kostka antibiotic anntybiotyk immunity odpornosc arm ramię artery tetnica aspiryn aspiryna back plecy bandage bandaż beard zarost belly brzuch bone kość brain...


Advertisements – a source of information or a clever mean of manipulation?

We come across advertisements every step we take: at out homes on television or on radio, in the streets on so-called billboards, in newspapers etc. But have we ever wondered what kind of influence do they have on us? Are they a source of...


Conditionals 0-4

1. FIRST CONDITIONAL -przyszłość, bardzo prawdopodobna IF+PRESENT SIMPLE+FUTURE SIMPLE If I call you we will go to the cinema. 2,SECOND CONDITIONAL –gdybanie ,teoretycznie możliwe, ale bardzo mało prawdopodobne, dawanie rad IF+PAST...



Curriculum Vitae Name: FRED BLOGGS Address: 100, Hill Street Wrexham LL11 1SN Date of Birth: 01/01/1980 Marital Status: Single Skills, Abilities and Achievements: Good communicator with all...


Will the advances in science and technology being made at present improve our everyday lives?

I think progress in technology and science being made at present is improving our everyday life. But I have to add that it has both advantages and disadvantages. Definitely a very big advantage is progress being made at medicine. Doctors work...



England is the largest and the richest country of Great Britain . The total area is 130 500 sq km and it is 57 % of the whole island. In England live 49 100 000 people and for all of this people main language is English. The capital city is...


Telefon komórkowy- po co Ci telefon, plusy i minusy posiadania.

Nowedays mobile phones are very useful.I can’t imagine life without them. Firs of all, you can talk with your friends wherever you are.It makes yuur life easier and happvier.When you have a problem you can phone your mum who is 200 km from you....


My spare(free) time

My name is Magda and I`m seventeen. My secondary school includes four years studying. I attend to school to third class, so I haven`t got much time for my hobbies on week. I am not a book friend. I read the readings, the through-taken we into the...


List do koloegi wzwiązku z egzaminem. Ok 120 słów

Dear Wiesław, I have heard you are talking your A level in June. I am sure you have been learning a lot lately and haven’t had too much time for your self. But if you organise your day wel. I am sure you will find some time for a rest and...


Most exciting holiday of my life

I spent my last summer holiday very interesting, because I was abroad first time in my life! I was in Croatia on a camp. We were going there almost 24 hours, so we were very tried. We arrived to Pula at 7 o’clock in the morning. Next day I was...


Erotic about M. A. M. U' S band

PART ONE There were two girls famous for theirs voices. They were very young because they had only 17 years old. They didn’t know each other. The place the girls met was Moscow Festival. Liena and Kournikova fell in love at first sight. They...


Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit ? Why ?

I would particularly like to visit Bali because there are the best conditions for kite-surfing and generally it is a beautiful island with unusual nature. There are gorgeous beaches, warm sea and most importantly perfect waves for surfing. I...


Słówka na maturę

Aeroplane/aircraft/airplane-samolot bicycle/bike-rower boat-statek/lodka bus-autobus car-samochod coach-autokar ferry-prom lorry/truck-ciezarowka minibus- mikrobus motorbike/motorcycle-motocykl taxi/cab-taksowka train-pociag...


Korzyści i szkodliwość telewizji. (what are the beneficial and harmful effects of television?)

Television is one of the media. We can live without TV, but we often forget about it and most of us are under the big influence of TV. We are addicted to TV programmes and information. Before TV was invented we were doing certain things such as:...


Brad Pitt

The person I want to write about is Brad Pitt. He is an actor who became famous after his role in „Seven”. He is also famous because of his position on the top of the most handsome men and because of his private life and women (mainly Jennifer...


Listy i ogłoszenia Język angielski Liceum

8 prac. 4 ogłoszenia oraz 4 listy 120-160 słów. Może się komuś przyda.



Hello Mark! Oh, it doesn't matter that you sent it again, I'm happy twice :) Tell me where are you now. Are you still in London? Here it's generally fine but I have a lot of exams in school and I must learn a lot. Anyway, as for music I love indie...


My Sister’s Keeper

One of my favourite English books is ‘My Sister’s Keeper’. It is a novel written by Jodi Picoult – the best author of 16 novels, for example: “ Change of Heart” , “Handle with Care” , “ Harvesting the Heart” , “ House Rules” , “ Keeping faith” ,...


How to make a good business?

Everyone would like to have a good business that would bring him or her a lot of money, a high life position and satisfaction. But how to make it? How should you begin to get round to it? It is hard to answer the question but there are some...


Podanie o prace

Dear Madam I am writing in response to your adverisement, which appeard in local newspaper on 12th December. I would like to apply for this the post, which you offer. I think that I have experience and demending qualification on this position....


Briefly about Poznan.

Poznan is one of major cities of Poland. This city is situated on the river Warta. It is capital and the biggest city of Greater Poland. It has more than 550 thousands inhabitants. Poznan is the fifth of the largest cities in Poland. Poznan is...


Why do we need a car? (+/-)

Everybody knows that cars are very important in our life. We can’t imagine how people could live without this invention many years ago. A lot of families in all countries have their own cars nowadays, they help us in daily life. Our life has...


A Formal Letter

Dear Sir/Madam, I am wruting to ask for more information about the"Trans Canada journey" which I saw advertised in Tygodnik Siedlecki last week. I am verry interesed in the hoiday,but I would like some more details...


Okresy warunkowe -Conditionals

0 okres warunkowy - opisuje sytuację zawsze prawdziwą. konstrukcja: IF+OSOBA+PRESENT SIMPLE, OSOBA + PRESENT SIMPLE+ ... 1 okres warunkowy - opisuje sytuacje która będzie spełniona, gdy będzie spełniony jakiś warunek. konstrukcja:...


My dream husband.

I think I will get married when I'm twenty five years time. I havent's completeof atline my husband figure, but I tell you a bit about him. I dream about carring and dear husband. He will take care and love me. He will have to defend me from...


Pytania, odpowiedzi, tłumaczenie.

1. I would like some chicken soup, potatoes with beef and some orange juice. (aj łud lajk som sup, potejtołs łyz bif end som orendż dżus) Chciałabym zamówić rosół z kury  ziemniaki z wołowiną I sok pomarańczowy 2. My favourite sport is...



A detached house to rent! Large, modern in reasonable price house in Warsow on the Piwna's Street is waiting to You! There are: 3 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. It is fully furnished. Terms are really comfortable. A price to negotiable. I'll be...


Positive and negative sides of having money.

Everybody wants to have a lot of money. When you get some of them you wants to have more and more. But are the money the most important thing in our life? What is the most important thing in our life? Each person has his or her own dreams and...


"The Haunted House"

For 20 years a house near a cemetery wasn?t visit. It was dirty and base spider?s web when Bob and his friends came in. They had heard a lot of legends before they dared to come to this place. ?One of these legends is very fascinated so I think...


Rola i znaczenie twórczości Szekspira we współczesnym świecie

William Shakespeare was the greatest writer in the English language. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of eighteen he married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years older than he was. A few years later he moved to London, where he...