
Język angielski

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Opowiadanie z użyciem słówka Because

Mary cat-killer One day Mary went to the shop because her mother needed a sugar to tea. She went to "TOP MARKET" by bike (or bicycle). In her way she met a drunker who slept under a tree because he drunk too much......



I was a sunny summer morning. Gosia phoned me, she was very scared. She was trying to say that her neighbour was dead. As fast as I could I sit on my bike and went to her. When I arrived I saw man lying on the path. In his chest was a knife. I...


Juliusz Verne

Most people live in the world of fantasy created by excellent writers. “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” is one of many superb works, written by J.G. Verne known as the grandfather of science fiction. J.G. Verne was born on February 8, 1828, in...



1budynki a)sklepy Shoe shop- obuwniczy Computer shop- komputerowy Video shop- sklep z kasetami VHS Fish and chips shop- jedzenie tradycjonalne Anglików Book shop- księgarnia Florist- kwiaciarnia The newsagent’s –kiosk The butcher’s –...


Przedimki okreslony the, nieokreślony a/an i jego brak

a) 'a' używamy przed rzeczownikiem zaczynającym się na spółgłoskę lub 'u' (ju:) np. a castle, a red belt, a universytet b) 'an' używamy przed rzeczownikiem zaczynającym się na samogłoske a także na 'u' (A) oraz nieme h np. an independent...


Horror(little stupid)

When the clock struck midnight I turned off TV. I realise that I was not at home but in a strange, abandoned farm. There were a few graves. Then I saw 7 dead bodies get out of these graves and come in my direction. I felt a little as if I was half...


Plan Rozwoju Nauczyciela Języka Angielskiego Na Stopień Nauczyciela Dyplomowanego

Plan rozwoju zawodowego nauczyciela mianowanego ubiegającego się o stopień zawodowy nauczyciela dyplomowanego na podstawie powinności i wymagań wynikających z rozporządzenia MENiS z 01/12/2004 Imię i nazwisko: mgr Aneta Staszewska Data...


List prywatny- o przeprowadzce na wieś

Dear Sarah, Thanks for your last letter! I really liked your story about your new boyfriend. What I would like to write you is that I moved to country. The reason is that my parents wanted to live somewhere where is more fresh air than in...


Word formation

Końcówki charakterystyczne dla angielskich przymiotników -ible, -able, -uble, -ive, -ous (-ious, -uous, -eous), -ate, -ful, -etic, -ic, -ant, -al, -y -ible gullible, sensible, edible, responsible, visible -able portable, irrevocable,...


The influence of British culture of the lives of teenagers in Poland

The polish teenagers have searched for a new authority. For a culture and traditions which would improve their standard of living and give a lot of amusement. Finally, they've found one. It's the American and British culture. Though, the first one...


Romeo and Juliet

The story is, of course, about a pair of star-crossed lovers. Two teenagers pursue their love for each other despite the fact that their families have been at odds with each other for decades. The story combines swordfighting, disguise,...


Plot and structure.

Plot and structure A plot is a sequence of events one leads to another. A conflict is the opposition between two groups of people, between individuals or lager forces such as natural objects, ideas, models of behaviour, public opinion etc....


The strange event

I want to begin my story when I was a little girl.My childhood passed in the quilt village. My cousin Jack also lived with my family. I have known him since my childhood. He was very funny and polite person Jack had his favorite occupation.He...


Tv: is it a good thing? (Advantages and disadvantages of TV) ocenione na +B ok 180 słów

Tellevision is very popular nowadays. For many people TV set is the moste important thing at their home. People love TV but they often do not realize that in reality, it has both its advantages and disadvantages. There are many pluses...


List opowiadający o przestępstwie (kradzieży, morderstwie) po angielsku

Dear Elvis! In this letter, I will tell you an interesting story about what happened last night. When we were returning home from the party we saw a fat bloody man who ran with a big, bloody spoon. We were shocked because the man had a woman's...


Year 1984 written by George Orwell.

Orwell’s „Year 1984” was the first book of this author that I have read and it impressed me very much. This book was firstly about to be published as “The Last Man in Europe” and till then noone knows exactly why did the author switched the title....


System szkolnictwa w Polsce

In Poland kindergarten last 3 years. The last year is compulsory for all children. Next, at the age of 6 children go to the primary school. Primary school last 6 years and is composed of two stages in three years. First 3 years are for...


Is fashion business or art?

Nowadays, we can constantly hear the news about fashion, watch fashion shows on TV and find many websites in the Internet about this topic. But what is fashion? Is it business or art? In my humble opinion, it's just business. Firstly, most...


Letter - personal news

Hi Viola! I’m sorry that I haven’t written so long. I had a lot of work and I have learned almost whole evenings. I regret that I couldn’t be with you on your birthday party a week ago… I’m really sorry. I hope that you enjoyed and you will...


List - zaproszenie do Londynu

Dear Mrs and Mr Johnson, I was delighted to hear from you last Saturday. The I like the idea of spending holidays together very much. Presently, I live in London where I am working as a care taker of elderly people. The work is fine, and...


"Sophie's World" - a book which inspired me

Among a vast number of books I have read in my life, there are less than few titles which deserve to be labeled as sources of my inspiration. If I was to choose the one which had the greatest impact on my way of thinking, for sure it would be...


Formal letter

Thank you for you letter of 24 May. As I am sure you will appreciate, I am most upset to learn that you were unable to locate my suitcase. As I pointed out in my letter, the suitcase cointained a lot of documents that I require for my job. I have...


My hobby

My hobby is computer. I like doing various things with this device. As far as I’m concerned, the computer is the most useful machine ever invented. I can write an essay (like this one) or solve a complicated science problem. It’s very helpful at...


Ochrona dzikich zwierząt.

Most wild animals live in Africa and America. In Africa there are elephants, and lions but elephants may soon become extinct be¬cause people kill them for their tusks which are very expensive. It is the same with the rhinoceros - its horn is...


The importance of sport - Discursive Essay (275 words)

Sport is an important part of today's society and plays a large role in many people's lives. Now more than ever, sport events dominate headlines and athletes have become national heroes. The question is, does sport merit this kind of...


Things/activities i like doing in my free time

My life is very creazy. All the week afr=tershool ia have lessons, so i don't have a lot of free time. But if I find some time I love meeting my freinds. I have them so many that I can't meet with everone on one day. When we meet we are talking,...



Woodsboro, a small town in the American province. A teenage girl, Casey Becker in her parent’s absence gets a call. The stranger says that he is watching a lonely house and he forces the girl to take part in a quiz, which rests on knowledge about...


Phrasal verbs

Catch someone out –zaskoczyć/wykluczyć kogoś Come across sth – przypadkowo znaleźć Give up Look out for sth –szukać czegoś Move on(to sth)- przejść do czegoś Read through sth –od początku do końca Think about sth – myśleć o sth Work sth out...


Recenzja ulubionego filmu

Recenzja ulubionego filmu ? ?Szósty zmysł? (?The sixth sense?) 1999 many Oscars went to the thriller ?The sixth sense?. The film, that is directed by M. Night Shyamalan, stars many good actors, for example Bruce Willis ( as a psychologist...


How can we make our city more environmentally friendly?

Imagine our city with no pollution, and with no smoke (like this from PKN Orlen...) instead of clouds. Visualize yourself walking down the street and breathing in with a cool fresh air... enjoying it... Isn’t that dream worth to come true? Of...


Sprawozdanie z koncertu (A concert report)

A concert of Blue-Tea took place in Plaza Center in Nasielsk on Wednesday. 1’300 people arrived at it. Although the tickets were quite expensive there was no free space on the auditorium. The Blue-Tea has been well known in Poland for four years....


A short interview with a star

- Welcome in „Who is our guest today ?”. In our show viewers guess, who is our guest. If you know the answer - call to us! Then welcome stranger. - Welcome. - What do you do and do you enjoy your job ? - Well, I’m an actor. I like my job a lot,...


Opinion essay - There should be one common language in UE.

The problem of common language exists in the European Union since it was set up. The opponents think that it is not a good idea and fight against politicians who want to implement English as a common tongue to communicate in all European...


Bank in england

Bank in England


Dialog- mieszkanie

D: Hello I`m phone about a flat advert In a local paper. A: Hallo. D: Do you give me more detail? A: Yes, The flat is in Andersen St. D: How big is a flat? A:The flat has two bedrooms. D:Is it furnished? A: In kitchen is all furnished, bathroom...


The advantages and disadvantages of living in a flat

Since I can remember, I’ve always lived in a flat. I think it has many advantages. First of all, you don’t have to worry about a flat when you leave because you have many neighbours who will always look after it. Also, blocks of flats are always...


My ordinary day

I usually wake up at about 7 o’clock. The day starts with my parents’ complaining about my late and slow getting up. I don’t really care about it and slowly wash myself and than pack my books and notebooks to my backpack. Then I prepare a...


How our life will be different in year 2050?

We don’t know how our future will look like. We only can try to imagine it. At first we think about human relationship. In the year 2050 we will use computers almost every day. We will be making new friend through the Internet – even our...


Planujecie z przyjacielem wspólne wyjście. Kolega proponuje, żebyście się wybrali na film The Lord of the Rings. Masz inne zdanie.

- Hallo! May I speak to [Wstawiasz swoje imię]? - Hi! This me. - Hi! What are you going to do on Friday evening? - Nothing special. - I have a wonderful idea. Let’s go to the cinema. There is super film playing in cinemas now – Lord of Rings,...


List do znajomego z Anglii, dotyczący mojego hobby. Letter to friend from England about my hobby.

Dear Agata, Thanks you for your last Letter. It was great to hear from you. I?m sorry, I haven?t written for so long. I want to tell you about my new hobby. Recently I was interesting about photography. I interested of this after I saw very...


Szkodliwości palenia tytoniu

Most Western nations have the same basic environmental problems, although they take different forms in each country. Here you can read about some of the dangers facing Britain’s environment. Air pollution: One of Britain’s environmental...


New Year celebrations in different countries.

In every country people celebrate New Year, but in each of them it looks different, because depends on their culture and tradition. SWITZERLAND Swiss housewives bake special bread, which is rich in butter, eggs and raisins. They also cook...


Foreign languages

Let`s ask yourself a question: should people learn foreign languages? Although the answer to this question seems to be easy, wanting to give a reasonable answer we should think really hard to do so. There is an unlimited number of answers but...


Listy formalne i nieformalne

ListA1) spedzięś wakacje u znajomych w angli po powrocie piszesz list w którym dziękujesz z gościne i za zorganizowanie wycieczki. Dear xxx I’m writting to tell you that I have arrived home I realy appreclate(doceniam) for time a have spend in...


Living under stress

Stress has never been good. Stress appears in many common situations of our lives and there are many reasons of existence it, for example: too many problems at school, at work or at home. Also unregular style of life, bad life's conditions and...


Poszedłem do kina i nie jestem zadowolony z seansu . Napisz do kierownika zażalenie w formie listu (zażalenie)

Poszedłem do kina i nie jestem zadowolony z seansu . Napisz do kierownika zażalenie w formie listu: a) podaj kiedy i na jakim seansie byłeś b) poskarż się na złą jakość obrazu i zbyt cichy dźwięk c) poinformuj, że obsługa cały czas...


Living under stress

Stress has never been good. Stress appears in many common situations of our lives and there are many reasons of existence it, for example: too many problems at school, at work or at home. Also unregular style of life, bad life's conditions and...


List formalny

Main Manager Pens Company 55 Sunberry Close Downing West Midlands 6 February 2008 Dear Sir or Lady Thank you for your package with pens, which are very useful. Unfortunately, there has been a mistake which I am going to write about in this...


List nieformalny

How are you?I`m fine. Now I have got a lot learnings.Often my parents come to home from the work very late or care our garden.Sometimes my brothet help me in my homework.Even I have got a small kitten.he is very sweat.I was at Spain in holidays...



I really enjoy read. I don’t know why, but for as long as I can remember I have spent my free time just reading. When I was a little girl my mom read with me every evening. My house was always full of books. There were many different kinds of...