
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Being single- advantages and disadvantages

The world around us is changing all the time and it has a very strong influence on our lifestyle only because of trying to keep up with it. Nowadays, being single is becoming more popular and it is the easiest way to accomplish our life...


Should pupils wear school uniforms?

Considering the difficult problem of school uniforms one must be aware that it should be perceived from various perspectives. On the one side the opinion of teachers and parents and on the other student?s point of view should be examined. Across...


Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.

The first Internet connection was made in 70s between two American universities. About twenty years later, in early 90s, the Internet spread quickly all over the world. Nowadays, almost everybody use this global mean of communication. Internet has...


Entrance fee

Money rules the world. This old principle feels also about culture. Unfortunately if we want to see f. e. an exhibition of a great artist we should pay for the ticket. Many of us ask than – why do I have to pay for this? Culture is something...


List w sprawie artykułu dotyczącego ZOO

Dear Mr Ford, I am writing to you with reference to yesterday article:” Bestiality treating of the animals in our ZOO” in “The Times”. The autor is showing in this article the problem of not humanitarian treating the animals. He bring many...


List do starszej osoby z przeprosinami i wytłumaczeniem,czemu nie mogłaś(eś) być na jej urodzinach.

Dear Mrs. Paulina! I apologize fornot being able to attend at the anniversary of the noble jubilea. I caught a cold and got high fever. The doctor ordered me to stay in bed. I have been vevy sad because of that.I truly hope that other guest...


Complaint (reklamacja, zwrot pieniędzy)

Dear Sir, I'm writing to complain about yesterday party.I and my friends were very dissatisfied with the meal and all the service in your restaurant. First off all, the food was awful and drinks tasted like salt water.Secondly, the waiters...


The Tower of London

The ancient Tower of London is on the north bank of the Thames, next to Tower Bridge. It was started by William the Conqueror who invaded Britain in 1066. He built the Tower to impress and frighten the English. It has a long cruel history. It...


Does people should practice extreme sports?

The most of people have an aim which they try to achieve. One plays on guitar, one studies all day and one practices extreme sports. There are both positive and negative aspects of practicing extreme sports. First of all, extreme sports are...


Advantages and disadvantages of living a city.

Have you ever thought about the advantages and disadvanteges of living in cities? It may seem, at first, that living in cities has only good sides, but further consideration shows that it also has negative sides. One point in favour of living...



My hobby. Probably every person tried to take up sports. So did I, volleyball, soccer, swimming it was always fun for me. Spending many hours at the gym or in the swimming pool gives me a lot of satisfaction, and most importantly it...


Naturalny swiat jest po panowaniem ludzi. (THE NATURAL WORLD IS UNDER ASSAULT FROM MAN)

What should depress us most in the huge speed and scale of the change that human beings are inflicting on the world. Today we have so many environmental problems that it is quite difficult to point out the most important ones. The burning of...


Rozprawka matura rozszerzona: Panuje pogląd, że planowanie kariery zawodowej nalezy zaczynać jak najwcześniej, żeby po latach cieszyć się sukcesem.

The problem of planning your career from when you are young is being discussed recently. In my essay I would like to show the pros and the cons of this phenomenon. Firstly, the good things about planning a career. If a person’ is planning to...


Families split by lottery win.

One day in summer thirty-two old man who lived in Liverpoll, decided to send a ticket on the lotter. It was Matt Johnson. He was unemployed so he took his wife’s money. The next day he was watching TV. „ It was a normal day ” – recall his wife. In...


1. Computers 2. Pros and cons of renting a flat 3.The best day of my life

1. Computers are very important in our life. There’re everywhere, in homes, schools, offices and shops. Computers make our work easier. Thanks to computers doctor can better people in hospitals also. Computers are very useful for people who work...


Do we need a role model?

Looking back through the years, it is easy to notice that people always look for someone who thay could follow. Let's consider whether and wky wee need role models. Firstly, authorities play a big role in young people's lifes. Teenagers should...


Zasady gry w Tenisa Ziemnego

Tennis basic rules Tennis is a game played on a rectangular court by two players (singles) or four (doubles). Players stand on opposite sides of a net and use a stringed racket to hit a ball back and forth to each other. Each player has a maximum...


My Day

Everyday i get up at 7 o'clock, beacuse my alarm clock is domanded. I go to bathroom, I brush my teeth and wash face. I pack my books and eat breakfast. I usually go to school at half past eight. Afterwards i drive to school by car. I start...


A terrible day at school

One day Kate went to school as usual. Day was sunny, and Kate in good mood, so day promised superbly despite that she had to have in on that day eight lessons. However before she approached to school had to wait on bus by 20 minutes, because...


Where would you prefer to live? -sprawdzona przez nauczyciela j. angielskiego

I prefer live in a city because, because life in cities ws and is always more excating, interesting and comfortable than life in a village. First of all, in cities there are a lot of places where young people and not only they, can spend free...


You should always eat what you enjoy, not what is good for you

Eating is a requisite act in our life. Very often people forget that they eat to live an and not live to eat. It can be very dangerous for us. People in Poland lead sedentary life’s procedure, they aren’t very active. Our national food is fat un...


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice-review We seldom have the opportunity to read ‘sweat’ novels with happy endings and concurrently… inimitable style. ‘Pride and prejudice’ is one of them books. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ belongs to the romantic-comedy genre and...


Starting a new hobby or sport - CAE test answer

Starting a new hobby or sport The hobby I want to tell you about is making Web Pages. I've been doing them for two years and I really enjoy it! A Web Page is a graphic presentation of an idea, company or anything else that you can access...


How can we stop cheating at school

Cheat means to lie to other people or prepare some helps for exams. In our country cheating is nearly a lifestyle. We hear about it in many places. Mostly, it is practised by students in schools. Cheating consists of making some helps at home....


Bad and good points of closing shopping centres on Sundays and festive days.

Bad and good points of closing shopping centres on Sundays and festive days. Closing big shops and supermarkets on Sundays has its bad and good points. Some people think shopping centres should be open 24 hours in a day. In my opinion there...


Write an article for a magazine. Describe the pleasures and possible problems of your chosen hobby or sport. Mention any equipment that is nneded and what osts are involved.

Basketball as you has never known it Probably every person tried to take up sport. So did I. Football, basketball, swimming or any other sport always seem to me great fun. Spending countless hours on a court or swimming pool gives me a lot of...


Life in The future

I think that many things will change in the future . People's life will be better. In my opinion that Everything will be amazing and fascinating, different than present. People will be able to live longer because of medicine development and...


The Past Continuous Tense, The Present Perfect Tense, The Presenr Perfect Continuous

PAST CONTINUOUS (czas przeszły ciągły) I/He/She/It was playing football. We/You/They were playing football. Was I/he/she/it playing football? Were we/you/they playing football? I/He/She/It wasn’t playing football. We/You/They weren’t...


Pros and cons, informing letter.

Dear Hilda, I’m so glad that you thinking about coming to my country to study. It will be great opportunity to deepen our friendship. You asked me what life is like for university students in my country. I try picture it. Firstly, your future...


Travelling through the Poland

Thank you very much for your interest of spending some time in my country. I’m sure that you will enjoy it and have a good time here. If you would like to know my recommendations regarding places to see in Poland, I would recommend the following....


The story about car accident

Some years ago when I was 16 I met my shool friend and he said, that he has own car – Fiat 125. I thought that it will be cool if he give me to drive and I suggested him go anywhere. He agried and we drove to the nearest forest near Bartąg. I had...


Szkoła - słówka(repetytorium oxford)

boarding- z internatem co-educational/mixed - koedukacyjna collage - szkoła pomaturalna oraz niektóre wydziały uniwersytetu. comprehensive - ogólnokształcąca grammar - ogólnokształcąca primary/ elementary - podstawowa private / independent /...


Computers in our lives

Computers – what do they mean for us ? Are they only devices or something else? Can we live without them ? Maybe yes , but I think that not . At present computers are commonly used in our life. Most firms cannot exist without them. They make...


About myself

My name is X and my surname is Y. I was born on the 19th of March 1983. now I am seventeen years old. I’m Polish by nationality. I was born in Poland where I live now. My native city is B. Now let me tell you some words about my appearance and...



Many people in the world have religious holidays. Christians celebrate Christmas-the Day when Christ was born and the days after it. They also celebrate Easter-the Day when Christ rose from the dead-The Resurrection. In Poland and in the countries...


Wild animals should not be kept in zoos.

In my opinion wild animals should not be kept in zoos. There are many arguments forward for not keeping animals in captivity. It’s not good for them. As far as I can see there are many reasons against keeping wild animals in zoos. The first...


Positive and negative sides of having money

Money are very important in our life. Many things influence from it, but do people who have a lot of money are really happy? Do money bring luck or happiness? Are they the M0ST important thing in our life? When you are rich you can buy what...


descriptive essay

One winter afternoon, while I am doing my homework and listening to the radio, I hear Eric Clapton’s “Tears in Heaven,” an old, romantic song that drew me back to an earlier, innocent time in my life. Every time I hear this song, the sweet...


My interests, my hobbies, my free time

When I'm thinking about my hobbies , intrests or free time there is some things that come to my mind. Football (soccer) makes big part of my life. I spend my free time mostly on activities connected with football: active like playing football...


Visitor from Britain - Letter of complaint

Dear Sir or Madam It is with great regret that I have to inform you that I was not happy with my British guest. In spite of requesting for a man who would be similar to me in age and interests, I had to entertain very young girl. I am now 18...


My holiday

Holiday is the most perfect time of the year. Not going to school for more than two months itself makes them such great. But there is still a few things that can make holiday even greater. One of the most important things about summer is the...


Story. Write a story beginning with words: " I was shocked to see Mark covered in mud and looking very unhappy"

I was shocked to see Mark covered in mood and looking very unhappy. ‘Mark! Mark!’ – I shouted and ran to my brother quickly. He looked at me with his sad and scary eyes. His eyes… they told me more than words. I was staring at him and couldn’t say...


Konstrukcje gramatyczne.

Treść w załączniku - Microsoft Excel


The person I admire

Many people need some person, which they can admire. They want to live in a way like this person or at least to have some features like their ideal. It could be often for example pop star, politic or world-famous person, but it can be also a...


Discription of envent

Lost Thusday I went with my class to filhamonic concert. It started at twelve in the mornig and losted two hours. It was concert of Japan music.Composer of music was Otaka while conductor wos Chicara Immamura. Introdactor was Miss Gładynewska....


Career of family life.

Everybody knows that family is one of the most important things in the world. Our family help us to solve many problems, it gives us love and safety. But sometimes we have to choose between a family life and career, which gives us money,...


What makes ideal holiday

Holiday is the most perfect time of the year. Not going to school for more than two months itself makes them such great. But there is still a few things that can make holiday even greater. One of the most important things about summer is the...


Poland:A new awakening

Poland has only recently fully opened its borders to western tourist after 45 years in the gloom of Soviest Communist rule. Somehow, the magnificent old buildings of Krakow have survived centuries of invasion and occupation which have scarred...


Mój ulubiony sport

I am rather fit and play sport almost every day my favourite sport is swimming I started going to the swimming pool with my mother when I was 4 years old. The water in the swimming pool seemed very cold to me then and I did not want to get into...