
Nowadays there is too much viloence on TV - write an article.

poleca 95% 102 głosów


In my article I would like to express my opinion about children who are affected by crime and violence on TV. There is no doubt that TV has immenswe impact on children. Nowadays they seem to have only one entertainment and they spend more time watching TV than learning. Every day they see a lot of violent scenes- isn't this a serious problem? Absolutely. There is general consensus that there are three major harmful effects of viewing media violence.

The first one is becoming insensitive to real world violence. If young people see a crime on TV they may perceive the violence as something casual, normal. They walk indifferentky past the robbery, mogging or even murder.

Moreover some of them may be afraid of going out. They fear of being a victim ant this can make viewers mistrust the others. People may think that behind every corner there is an attacer waiting exactly for them.

The final and the most important point against violence on TV is that it causes an increase in childrens aggression.They become more aggressive and nervous after watching some cartoons, bacause an infant doesn't see the difference between the reality ant fantasy. They often believe that cartoons are a reflection of real life. Particularly boys tend to identify with unrealistic and offensive characters. What is more children can accept the violence as a solution to the problems.

In conclusion, although violence is sometimes needed to tell a story it is not essential. There should be much more educational and entertaining programmes instead of detective stories and horror films. Additionaly, parents shoul take an active role in the selection of TV programmes to rpotect their children from needless violence.

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