
Język angielski

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Advantages and disadvantages of

Kilka zagadnień opracowanych na zasadzie wady i zalety...: - posiadanie rodzeństwa - posiadanie samochodu - mieszkanie w mieście - mieszkanie na wsi - pisanie listów - pisanie e-maili


The Rude Landlord and His Rules

Have you ever broken a rule and was not aware of it? Did you attempt to protect your opinion about it? Well, my family did. It all started out with complete family kindness, became an enormous fight, and resulted with us moving out. In the...


Recenzja książki, która powinna znaleźć się w kanonie lektur szkolnych

Nowadys lectures are for many pupils boring. For me our school books should be more fascination. Once of very magnificent book are Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte. In based on this graceful lecture Roman Polański realised Nine gate. Club...


Money makes the world go round - do you agree?

Money makes the world goes round Among people, ways of considering money are various. If it comes to me, I would agree with this statement. The first reason why I believe so is the fact that money allows many of us planning and making life...


Dan Brown "DaVinci Code" (FCE)

"The DaVinci Code" written by Dan Brown, is a modern, well-known bestseller all over the world. The story is esay to follow. It begins with finding a dead body in a museum in Paris. It's a strange murder because the dead man was naked and lying in...


Advantages and disadvantages of family celebrations

I think, that family solemnity is very important, because than we can meet people, who we love, talk with they and feel, that we are a big, loving and harmonious family. Second advantage of family celebration is narrowing relationships with these...


My favourite film is

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what it will happen to you" - so said the mother of the main character of the film of Robert Zemeckis entitled "Forrest Gump". The main character is a young man Forrest Gump who has an intelligence...


A letter of complaint to Rigby Activity Camp

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to express my anger and disappointment with the conditions of the Rigby Activity Camp. First of all, I would like to complain about the equipment. According to the...


Indefinite article, zero article

INDEFINITE ARTICLE An article is a word that is put next to a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. FORM: It is used before a word beginning with a consonant or a vowel which sounds like consonant: * a book, a...


Formal letter

Toruń, 11 November 2005 Dear Sir or Madam, I have just read your advertisment about international TV talent shows. I would like to be in this show. I am a 18 years old. I learn in school and I have got matura examination in this year. I...


Stress in human life

Stress is the natural strain which we feel when we have to cope with difficult, unpleasant or dangerous situations. There are many different reasons for stress. some occupations are considered to be more stressful than others. For instance, the...


Czasowniki nieregularne

załącznik 32 słówka


What is your attitude to the following opinion: everyone should earn the same amount of money no matter what job they do? Discuss ?.

Nowadays it’s hard to get a job. Qualifications and education must reach higher level. In addition to this there are people (and there are certainly more of them nowadays) who are constantly supplementing their education and those who didn’t want...


Compusolary Military Serwice

Compulsory military service. The problem of conscription has always been a controversial issue. Some people strongly support the idea while others are definitely against it. Supporters of compulsory military service believe that is a good...


Język angielski matura różne sytuacje...

1.Kandydat na pracę... I would like to work in this shop, because I need money. I`m a student and I need money for my study, for my books and for my flat. I`m very talkative, I`m open for people, I`m outgoing and ambitious. I can talk with...



Present Continuous Present Continus - opisuje czynność jaka jest w tej chwili wykonywana. Aby utworzyć zdanie w Present Continuous potrzebujemy dwóch rzeczy: - odpowiedniej dla osoby formy czasownika być, - czasownika właściwego, do którego...


Podanie o prace

22Słoneczna streat...


English ace - test 2002

1. What do you do? A) How do you do. B) Very well, thank you. C) I’m between jobs. D) I’m an artist. 2. In my country we …………………. when guests arrive. A) usually offer a cup of tea B) normally prepare a meal C)...



Instrumenty muzyczne Bassoon fagot Brass dęte instrumenty Cello wiolonczela Clarinet klarnet Cymbal talerze Double bass kontrabas Flute flet French horn...


Free time in my family

My family wtches TV My grandma, mum and I often watch television. Our favourite programme it,,Klan". Reads books and magazine. My mum and I read books and magazine. My mum usualy read magazine and I read books. See friends. My family often...


Słówka 1C z książki New english file intermediate student's book

1.affectionate - kochający 2.aggressive - agresywny 3.ambitious - ambitny 4.bossy - lubi mieć władzę 5.charming - uroczy 6.competitive - konkurencyjny 7.independent - samodzielny 8.jealous - zazdrosny 9.manipulative - manipulant 10.moody -...



I think abortion is not good , but also is not bad . We have many issue about abortion ,some of them I want to present .For many people, the crucial issue in the abortion debates is whether the embryo or fetus or unborn child is a person. If it...


Travelling and holidays.

People have travelled all over the world from the very beginning of their existence. In the remote past they only travelled on foot, but later they started to use donkeys, horses, camels, elephants, and even dogs for travel, depending on the place...


Story no 2

It was on the disco. Loud music get out of the loudspeakers… Anna was sitting on the bench when suddenly somebody sit next to her… It was he.. Really!! Handsome… suntanned… tall… dark-haired man with the pretty blue eyes… It was only one mistake...


Our miracle brains

Nowadays everybody is expected to be smart, well-educated, qualified and funny as well as self-confident and good looking. If you feel that you are not in a position to fulfill all these expectations, this is something you have to read! People...


Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching TV

From my point of view , television exemplifies unlimited source of various news and knowledge showing aspects of our lives . As many people know , we can divide watching TV to situations when it is useful and helpful for us and unfortunately...


Organizacja wycieczki

Dear Mrs. Brown, I read an advertisement in newspaper about your Travel Office. I would be very grateful if you could organize a journey for me. I want go to Great Britain and visit some interesting places. First, I would like to see London,...


List do przyjaciolki na temat kursu w Anglii.

Dear Kate, I am at Summer English Campin London. I learn English three times a week and I spent my free time on sightseeing. The city is fantastic. There are a lot of museums, tourist attractions, shops, clubs and so on. I live with a very...


My perfect wife

I know that my perfect wife doesn`t exist (except in my dreams), but if I have to write about her, she should be very perfect. Let`s start from how she looks. She should has pretty long, curly, blonde or dark hair (also legs should be long )....



The Simple Present Tense: a).Używamy, gdy czynność się powtarza, nawyk(repeated-powtórka, habitual activities-nawyk): np. My father used to smoke twenty cigarettes a day but now he smokes only five. b). gdy mówimy o czymś co zawsze jest...


Opis pokoju - room

My room is small. There is only one window in it. Near the windiw there is a desk. On the desk we can see radio and some books. In front of the desk there is a chair. In the corner of the room we can see a bookcase. The floor of the room is brown....


Akceptacja zaproszenia

12, Wiejska Street 43-300 Bielsko-Biała 27, November 2001 Dear John, I’m writing to you because I want to inform you that I have accepted your invitation on your father’s big farm. I’m very interested because I need to stay in the...


Advantages and disadvantages of alternative medicine. (Wady i zalety medycyny alternatywnej)

The more being a nonconformist is growing popular, the more people need to express their diversity in almost every area of their lives, even if it comes to health. An alternative medicine is something, that people come into for finding new...


The problem of acid rains

Nowadays we have to face many environmental problems.One of them is acid rain which is mostly found in North America and Europe. It is aminly caused by dirty factories and cars which release poisonous chemicals into the air.Then the chemicals...


Every man is the architect of his own future.

Every man is the architect of his own future. Today many people are pessimist, they are dissatisfied with life, they think that everything is unjustly ,they always complain. But also many of people who are self-contented they achieve hapiness,...


Love Story

This is a story about Amanda Kowalsky and Thomas Eric Thomson. Amanda was a beautiful, young person, but her life wasn’t very exiting. She used to get up at six o’clock every morning, going to her university staying there till four and it was...


How has the Internet changed the way you live?

In these days, many people have the Internet in their houses. It is probably the most useful thing in our life but like everything, it has advantages and disadvantages. The Internet for sure has changed our life in bigger or smaller degree....


Czasowniki niereguralne

Simple form Simple past Past Participle A arise arose arisen awake awoke awoken B be was, were been beat beat beaten become became become begin began begun bend bent bent bet bet bet bid...


Comercialism and economic growth are essential to global prosperity

Comercialism and economic growth are essential to global prosperity This thesis is not only hard to support, but also to overthrow. However I will try to present arguments for this claim. Firstly, we must say what is important for global...


Letter to a friend

Chojnice 10th May Dear Karol Thank you for...


"The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne

“The Scarlet Letter” is a novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The action of the novel happens in one of the colonies in Boston during Puritan times. The main character is Hester Prynne married to Roger Chillingworth. She committed adultery...


I am in the perfect shape

Jakub Podolski II G Nr 20 I am in a perfect shape. Technological invasion has made our lives easier but at the same time we have become lazy. Many people aren`t healthy and they aren`t in a good shape, but not me, I am in a perfest shape....


Health care in Poland (report)

To: Minister of Health From: (dane) Subject: Health care in Poland Date: 10th November, 2003 Purpose The purpose of this report is to put a case of standart of health care in Poland. It focuses on situation in hospitals, medical staff,...


List do rodziców z podróży

Dear Mum and Dad, I`m so happy to be here in Nannover for our holidays.I`m having a fantastic time and I just love this part of Germany.At the moment we are having a cup of tea. The weather is hot and perfect for swimming.Germans really love...


Hobbies and interests

I`m Basia and I`m from Głogow in the south-west of Poland. I’ve got four hobbies and interests. My first hobby is listen the music. My favourite kind of music is POP. My idol is Alicia Moore (P!NK), because she has a great songs, and a...


List z prośbą o wysłanie pozostawionej rzeczy w hotelu

Po powrocie z wielkiej Brytanii stwierdziłeś ze zostawiłeś jedną ze swoich rzeczy w hotelu. Napisz list do właściciela hotelu: -poinformuj go w jakim terminie przebywałeś w hotelu i wyraź zadowolenie ze swojego pobytu -napisz jaką rzecz...



Do twojej szkoły ma przyjechać młodzież z Danii w ramach wymiany międzynarodowej. Napisz zaproszenie na wieczór polski skierowane do młodzieży duńskiej: - poinformuj o planowanym wieczorze - podaj termin i miejsce imprezy - zachęć do udziału...


What is the stereotype of the Poles? To what extend is it justified?

There are many stereotypes of Poles on the world. For example: people in Germany think Poles are thiefs, and they steal their cars. They also think, of Poland as a backward country. French think Poles are drunkards. These are characteristics of...


A Tragedy Occurred Within a Tragedy

It happened all so quickly on one sunny day, during my junior year in high school. Three of my friends and I were recording an act scene of Macbeth, a famous playwright written by William Shakespeare. It was an assignment from English class, in...


Credit cards

Today most of people use credit cards. What is more also teenagers use it. Using cards by them have many proponents and opponents. The main advantages of using credit cards is it that people can use their money everywhere they are. It is useful...