
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Family or friends - which are more important ? (CAE)

Family or friends - which are more important ? Everybody, undoubtedly, will say: family, because it is said that our family is closer to us than our friends. But is it always like that ? In the first place, I must admit that it is a very...


List do rodziny Hiszpanów

Treść zadania: Napisz list do rodziny znajomych Hiszpanów, u których mieszkałaś/eś w czasie pobytu w Madrycie. W liście: - podziękuj za miły pobyt i prezent, jaki od nich dostałaś/eś przed wyjazdem - poinformuj, kiedy wróciłaś/eś do domu i jaką...


My future

When I pass mature and finish a high school I am going to begin new life. First thing which I am going to do is relax on holiday. I am not going to think about school and exams. I will leave to England. For two months I will stay with friends and...


Write a letter (formal) to the employment agency asking about the Go America students programme.

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to ask about the Go America students program, advert of which I saw in a newspaper. I would be interested in working in Florida. What type of jobs do you have vacant? I am an ambitious person so I think that any job...


My family (moja rodzina)

My family is huge.Grandmother comes from numerous she counted families, which seven persons.I will tell true history now.Listen. My grandgrandmother- Helena- lived once in Poland, but from political regards she transferred to United States.There...


My family

My name is fijas. I’m seventeen and I come from Świdnica. I’m learning at technological school. I’m an only child. My mother is a nurse and my father is a mechanic. I have a pet called Dino. It’s a dog and I lke him very much. I have two...


Recenzja płyty

One Touch is the Sugababes debut album - and what an album it is! Starting with the hit single “Overload” and ending with the class “Run For Cover” the One Touch album is a must have. Each song on the album is different and each babe has her own...


The Internet - helps making new relationships or brings isolation and loneliness?

As the Internet is expanding, more and more people are joining chatrooms, web communities, as well as e-mail and communicator services. They often state that it gives them an opportunity to make new relationships, to develop their interests with...


Sport in our lives

Sport is a very important thing in our lives. It makes a big influence for healthy. Sport was already popular a lot of centuries ago. The first the ancient Olympic Games was in 776 years b. c. People did sports for competition and pastime....


Short story of Jack The Ripper

I would like to tell you something about the case of Jack The Ripper – one of the most interesting and dangerous serial killers of all times. He lived in London at the end of XIX Century and the police first saw the effect of his “work” in 1888...


Exams are not useful. What is your opinion?

Exams have always been the only way of testing and estimating students. Some people still belive that exams are the most accurate form of testing. However, I disagree with the following statement. First of all it is possible that a student has...


Keeping animals in zoos

Today there are a lot of zoos all over the world where thousands of animals are keept in cages or other similar places.But we can ask if this way of living is a good idea. On the positive side,we protect endangered species from...


The Palace of Culture and Science

One of the most famous building in Poland is the Palace of Culture and Science. Monumental high-rise is located in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. This skyscraper is one of the most tall building in Europe and the tallest building in Poland. The...


Death penalty 175 slow

Capital punishment is a method of retributive punishment as old as civilization itself. Both the Greeks and the Romans invoked the death penalty for a wide variety of offenses. Socrates and Jesus were perhaps the most famous people ever condemned...


Pomoc horizons 1 unit 6

I chees, meat, orange juice, eggs, bread, wather mineral, fish, milk, cakeol sweets, vegetables, chips, II piece, cup, loat, bottle, packet, IIIone hundret and twenty-five, three hundret and fifty, four hundret and sixty-seven, fife hundret and...


Umówiłeś się z koleżanką z Holandii na wyjazd na narty w przyszły weekend. Niestety stwierdzasz, że musisz się przygotowywac do ważnego egzaminu.

Dear Caroline, How are you??? Let me thank you for your last letter. I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier, but I was really busy. It was great to hear from you. I'm writing to you because I have a problem. I can't spend next week with you. I...


List Motywacyjny w j. angielskim

BEST Personnel Consultants Ul. Dobra 78 0-678 Warszawa Warsaw, July 11, 2003 Dear Sirs, Please find enclosed below my current resume. I am currently looking for new challenges and development opportunities, and thus I am actively...


Pomoc z horizons 2 unit 1

Grupa A I car, feery, camp,….,beach, sunbathe, gwim. windsurfing, swim, museum, galery, .. II fun, disgusting, friendly, relaxing, interesting, III did travel, worked, stopped, didn’t enjoy, did last, didn’t help, closed, did decid, didn’t...



Wales Get Active in Wales High mountains, rushing rivers, placid lakes, and a long coastline of beaches, bays and estuaries ... Wales is made for activity holidays. It's one of the UK's most popular walking destinations. Golfers, pony trekkers...


New York

New York is America’s most popular city and the ’capital’ of the world of finance and business. The city is also the assemblage of world-class museums, gallery and the places which they make up the centre of culture of Western Hemisphere. New...


Write a letter to a friend at home.

International Space Hotel Gerool, Mars Zone 512 16th September 2050 Dear Tom, We have stayed in the best space hotel – “International Space Hotel”. It’s near a red planet – Mars. Here was quite good! We have slept in the comfortable rooms...


UFO – The day, they came.

I was with friends on the weekend in small village – Kopaniec, near Jelenia Góra. On Saturday, we did barbecue and were playing “hide and seek”. It was my turn to hide and my friends Michael and Paul were looking for me. I hid under the red Opel...


What will the world look like in 2100

We must wait for the year 2100 for a long time. I don’t know what the world will look like then. In my imagination the world will be less interesting and exciting as today. Technology will be high developed. Many things will be mechanized. For...


Should"light drugs"be legal

SHOULD "LIGHTS DRUGS" BE LEGAL? I think that "light drugs" should be legal becouse: -"light drugs"are the same kind of narcotic like cigarets (it means that it make the same kind of adicted like them.) -It is bad when "light drugs"...


Money can’t buy you happiness?

Most people think that money can’t buy they happiness but I think that isn’t completely true. Of course you can’t go to shop and say: ,,please one happiness’’ cause it’s impossible at all. But with money you can buy things, which will make you...


The young people nowadays think that the money is all and when they grow up,they find that out for certain

6 a.m.: a wake –up call, a shower, a coffee, stiff collar, a suit, a briefcase and off to work for eight, maybe ten hours . Then a fake smile, constantly sitting in front of the computer with a short break for a stressful business lunch . And then...


What do you think about TV programmes?

In my opinion most of our TV programmes are quite interesting. There is a lot of education programmes for example natural or historical programmes and also quizes in which we can check our knowledge. But some of them are transmited too early or...


Ideal job

I think in the future I will have a job connected with computers. I think that it is very interesting job and I have already talked with some people who work as computer experts. I want to work in telecommunication firm most. I think that computer...


Ways of spending free time.

I thing there are many ways of spending free time and everybody just has to find the right ones for himself or herself. Some people can't imagine life without free time. For them, the end of labour day means the end of any duties. It's time for...


Blaski i cienie bycia sławnym

Being a famous person-it must be a great experience. This feeling inside when you know that most of people like you, that your fans wanna touch you, kiss, hug-you are God for them-WOW. Firstly the celibrites have a lot of money, which they earn in...


Napisz dłuższy tekst użytkowy.

Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii, którą wcześniej zaprosiłeś na ferie zimowe: przeproś, że nie odbierzesz go/jej z lotniska podając powód, wyjaśnij jak dostać się z lotniska do twojego domu i poinformuj ile czasu to zajmie, zaproponuj...


My winter holidays

My winter holidays On my winter holidays I was with my sister and my parents in Poznan. It was really superb! I visited my grandmother, my aunts, my uncles and all my family. I swam, went to cinemas and listened to music. I also ice-skated on...



The French wrote the book on la vie en rose and gave the world champagne and camembert, de Beauvoir and Debussy, the Tour de France and the Tour Eiffel. There's a term for their seductive lifestyle - Douce France (Sweet France) and you'll find...


Review - ‘A walk to remember’

My favourite film is ?A walk to remember? directed by Adam Shankman. This is a unique romance and drama. This work is based on best-selling Nicolas Sparks's novel. The cast is excellent. The film stars Mandy Moor and Shane West as students. There...


Social problems.

XXI century is full of modernity and wealth, but the more up-to-date is world the more problems are in it. One of those problems is alcohol abuse, which is the greatest Polish weakness and our national vice. Although Polish society seem to be...


Understanding and Tolerance

My mom never urged me to do anything. She told me: ” Whatever you want to do in your life is your choice.” But she was not totally indifferent about my future. When I told her what I had planned out, she tried to help me to find and consider the...


Uprawianie sportów: windsurfing, koszykówka

Practising sports is a popular leisure activity. For many of us this entertainment fills all our free time. Sometimes we don’t know what sport will be the best for us, but when we already find it, it becomes a very exciting activity. Moreover,...


Parents vs.Children

I think that the problem of quarrels between parents and children has been existing since the begining of human kind. This problem is known to everybody. Quarreling between parents and children is so frequent because there is a huge diference of...


Popularity in Poland - Martyna Wojciechowska

Popularity in Poland Recently one of the most popular people in Poland is Martyna Wojciechowska. I have chosen her because of her last adventure on Mount Everest. Although Martyna...


Recenzja filmu "300" po angielsku

Recently I wanted to see some good film. I looked for it everywhere and I found a nwe film produced in 2007 in USA, directed by Zack Snyder "300". I thought that if I watched it I wouldn't regret it. The film based an a comics by Frank Miller and...



Polygamy is a practice of having more that one wife in the same time. It is found among many peoples. Normally it has been confined to the wealthy and to chiefs and nobles who can support several women and their offspring, as among ancient...


Formal letter to foreign company consisting of an export offer

“ Formal letter to foreign company consisting of an export offer “ An export offer of dental tools and equipment Dear Someone Who Takes Care Of Distribution , We would like to introduce our firm mainly specialized in producing and...


Efekty palenia. (THE EFFECTS OF SMOKING)

Smoking is the largest single preventable cause of death in Europe today. In Britain it kills more people each year than road traffic accidents, heroin abuse or dangerous sports. It accounts for one in three of all deaths between 40 and 64. About...



Easter is the most important holy day in our religion. We are celebrating the death of the Jesus. This days are on March or April every year. On this time we have a very special meals. We eat a lots of eggs. I like eggs very much, so I’m...


List z wakacji- opis zabytków

4 September Dear Mam and Dad, I'm having a great time here in New York. Yesterday, I went to the Guggenheim Museum. I think it's the best museum I have ever seen! I spent the whole day...


My cousin

Of all my relatives I like my cousin Monica the best. She has just finished her eighteen years old so she is already an adult. She lives with her family in the south-east of Australia. Monica is a very nice person. Everyone can see that in her...


A summary of "Odour of Chrysanthemums"

A young woman is standing next to a railroad. She is waiting for her husband to come back from a coal mine. There is someone with her. It is her son. Her name is Elizabeth Bates. She. looks worried. She is dressed in a shabby clothes. She...


Social networking- benefits and drawbacks

Social networking has become incredibly popular in recent years attracting millions of visitors each day. This fast growing Internet communication tool is connected with many benefits and drawbacks. Firstly, the social networking...


Write about your sleeping habits.

Everybody needs to have a good sleep. When we don't sleep enough we are yawing. If we sleep too long we feel very sleepy. At the week I go to bed at half past eleven but at the weekend I am a night owl. I go to bed after midnight. When I...


"Describe a place you will never forget"-wypracowanie z 1 roku studiów