
A Formal Letter

poleca 85% 344 głosów


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am wruting to ask for more information about the"Trans Canada journey" which I saw advertised in Tygodnik Siedlecki last week. I am verry interesed in the hoiday,but I would like some more details

Firstly,I would like to know all the information about the price becouse it is not clear for me.What is incuded in the price? What sort of accomodation do you provide?Could you tell me how much the double room costs.I would like to know If it is possible to get a singe room.

Secondy,I would be gratefull if You cuud tel me which country the plane to Canada takes off?.I live in Poland and to fight from London would couse a ot of complications.

Thirdly,Your advertisment also mentioned that You provide a hotel in Toronto or Vancouver.Could You send me some information about the hotel?What kind of facilities has the hotel got?Do You ofer ful or half board?

Something else,I would like to ask about transport from the airport.Is it provided or will I have to take care of it on my own?

Another,and the last query I have is about the clothes.What kind of clothes should I take for example an anorak or a waterproof jacket?

I look forvard to hearing from You

Yours faithfully,


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Czas czytania: 1 minuta