
Pierwszy dzień w pracy to poważne wyzwanie...

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3. Pierwszy dzień w pracy to poważne wyzwanie... Napisz opowiadanie
o zdarzeniu, które miało miejsce właśnie tego dnia i które odbiło się niekorzystnie na dalszych relacjach między bohaterem i jego/jej szefem.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were singing. Nobody could predict that something wrong would happen.
Ann got up at 6.00 o?clock. She was preparing herself to go out. She was a little stressed, because it was her first day in her new work. She went there punctually. She was admiring this big building inside. Suddenly she realized that it was already 7.50 and at 8.00 o?clock she had to be in her office. ?But which?? she thought. There were so many offices and she didn?t know, where she should go. She looked for a paper, on which she had written a room number, but unfortunately she couldn?t find it. Time passed. It was 7.55. Suddenly she saw her boss.
?What a luck!? she thought and started following him. Her boss went into a room number fourteen. She waited two minutes and she also went into the same room. There were ten people. Ann didn?t know anyone, so she said: ?Hello! I?m Ann, I?m new there and I?m going to work with you!?.
They started laughing. She didn?t know why. Suddenly her boss came, but unfortunately he didn?t laugh. It appeared that it was a very important meeting. She felt really stupidly.
Now Ann is working three months in this company. She apologized her boss many times, but he has still thought that she is crazy. She promised herself to be more careful next time.

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