
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Wyrażenia and, so, because, but I (a,an,the)

a/an/the używamy przed rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej lub przed poprzedzającym je przymiotnikami mówiąc o kimś lub o czymś poraz pierwszy. An- występuję przed wyrazami, które zaczynają się na samogłoskę an apple, an old women. A-...


The Most Frightening Event in My Life.

I lay in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I probably did, because some time later I opened my eyes. I did not know what had woken me up, but something did. At first, all I could hear were regular night noises, the wind in the trees and the leaves...


Niebezpieczenstwo nowoczesnego zycia. Jakie srodki ostrozności podjąć idąc samemu przez miasto. Jak ty się zabespieczysz. (THE DANGER OF MODERN LIVING. HOW SAFE IS IT TO WALK ALONE IN YOUR CITY. WHAT PRECAUTIONS DO YOU TAKE?)

The modern world isn’t easy and safe place to live. What we can observe is that the greater and more advanced development of civilization, technology and economy, the more dangerous it is to live. But what do we understand by danger of modern...


Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

V. Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie RELATIVES – krewni AUNT – ciocia UNCLE – wójek BOYFRIEND – chłopak GIRLFRIEND – dziewczyna BRIDE – panna młoda GROOM – pan młody SISTER – siostra BROTHER – brat FATHER – tata SON – syn...


'Bliwin' in the wind' - analysis

The 1960s was the period of time, when many youthful people protested against governments, conflicts, hunger as well as wars. These people were often called ‘hippies’. Famous singer, Allen Zimmerman, also known as Bob Dylan belonged to this...


Lady Diana Spencer - Biography

When you think of fairy tales, you think of a Princess and Prince living happily ever after. This fairy tale is similar but has a twist in it. Princess Diana Spencer has touched the lives on many people in many ways. Some of the ways include...



The Simple Present Tense Budowa: Zdanie twierdzące: podmiot + czasownik w formie podstawowej (w trzeciej osobie liczby pojedynczej z końcówką -s) I eat my breakfast every day. Jem moje śniadanie codziennie. John eats his breakfast...


Słownictwo związane z roślinnością.

akacja – acacia , brzoza – birch(tree) , buk – beech(tree) , cis – yew dąb – oak , grab – hornbeam , jarzębina – mountain-ash , jesion – ash tree , jodła – fir(tree), spruce , kasztan – chestnut , klon – maple(tree) kosodrzewina –...


I want live in Italy

This country where i would like to live is Italy . This country is in the south of Europe . Italy is a very old Country . The history of this country is very interesting. It is a big country . The population of Italy is about 40 million . The...



see about- with; 2.make arrangements for(see to) see sb off-go with sb. to their point of departure see sb.out-accompany sb. to the door/exit of a house/building see over-inspect a house,flat see through sb/sth-not be deceived...


Jesteś na obozie narciarskim [...]- postcard

jestes na obozie narciarskim w Polsce. Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego, w ktorej: *poinformujesz gdzie jestes *wymienisz niektore zajecia i rozrywki *napiszesz jaka jest pogoda *zapytasz jak jej/jemu się udal wypoczynek Hi! I'm on ski...


My favourite film.

Would you like to see amusing actors, funny scene? Then watch "Legally Blonde"! It is a fantastic comedy and romance. Elle Woods has got handsome boyfriend- Warner. One day, he finished their relationship. He acknowledges that they musn't...


First an Second Conditional

1. I have some strong feelings. Sometimes I’m sad, sometimes I’m happy. 2. I don’t laugh very often but I think a lot. 3. People think I want to fight with them. 4. I tell other people what they have to do. 5. I always keep my promises. 6. I...


My holidays

Last holiday I spent in Turkey and polish mountains- Bieszczady. In Turkey I was sight- seeing: Didim, Troia, Pamukkale and Stambul. I trvelled by exclusive coach. I was there with my friends. I lived in a good hotel. Name of hotel is " Hergul"....


Opis osoby, którą chciałbym naśladować – Zawisza Czarny

A person imitable in my view is medieval knight Zawisza Czarny (The Black Knight) from Sulima coat of arms. He came from Grabów and lived for 1379 to 1428. His nick - Zawisza Czarny- comes for his dark hair and the fact...


Television and video distract us from books ,cinema, theatre and family life.Do you agree?

Watching television has advantages and disadventages.Television is a very popular form of entertainment.It`s a good source of information,it brings us a lot of information about events in the world.It broadens our knowledge and gives many...



Dear Iza: Thanks for your letter. It was so nice to receive the latest news from you. Moreover, it is good to have at least one close friend in England to exchange letters with. Someone you can always confess in is very valuable to me....


Raport o schronisku młodzieżowym

To: the London Tourist Office From: Julia Lipińska Date: 27.02.09 Subject: Tourist’s opinions of Old Station Youth Hostel The aim of this report is to identify what students like about the hostel and to show the main problems about staying...


Is holiday with a school party preferable to a holiday with the family?

There are many different ways of spending holidays. Some people prefer holiday with family, others like holiday with a school party, or on a camp. I think people who prefer spending holiday with family get on well with them. In spite of...


Hotel describe

Hotel Freedom Palast in Floryda is located 10 kilometres south of Miami. Just 40 km from the Bahama Island. Our establishment consists of two buildings with a lovely lake in between the Freedom Palast and the Narrow Walls, the old residences of...


O sobie

My name’s xxx. My surname’s xxx. I’m seventeen years old. I’m Polish. I’m from Poland. I live in xxx. I live with my parents, brother and not sisters. I have a two dogs and cat – not like him. I have a room of my brother. I studying in xxx in xxx....


the society is made of many sorts of people

The society is made of many sorts of people. We have different colour of skin, different religion, views, nationality, knowledge, characters. Some of us are disabled people, some homeless. There are many criminals, ill-mannered and uncultivated...


John Steinbeck and his literary works

John Steinbeck (1902-1968) born in Salinas, California, came from a family of moderate means. He worked his way through college at Stanford University but never graduated. In 1925 he went to New York, where he tried for a few years to establish...


Can the problem of crime be solved?

There is a lot of crime in our world. We meet it every day. We read about it in newspapers, hear in radio and TV, we watch films full of murders and violence. People murder other people, even children in age 12, even less, become killers. They...


Eating out in the USA

In the USA, there are many types of restaurants. Fast food restaurants are very famous, with KFC and McDonalds in many country in the world. You look at a menu above the counter and say what you'd like to eat. You pay the person who serves you....


Letter of application (CAE level)

The secretary The Lonsdale Trust 153 Hatton Terrace Bath BA1 9QF Dear Sir/Madam I am responding to your advertisement in Student Magazine which offers grants to young people to study abroad. I am a Russian philology final year student...


David Beckham is my favourite footballer

David Beckham is my secend favourite footballer. He was born in Leystone, England on 2nd May in 1975. David is handsome. He’s tall and slim. He has got short broen hair and green eyes. He’s kind and funny. David has got a lovely family. He has...


Neighbour's profile.

Dear Caroline, How are you? Thanks very much for your letter. My neighbour’s name is Monica. She is 16. She’s of slim build, and she’s got curly blonde hair with a fair complexion. She is short, and she’s got almond-shaped eyes, and dimples....


Recenzja filmu

One of the best film I have evr seen is \" A walk to remeber\". If you are looking for a deep, romantic film “A walk to remember” could be a perfect choice. IT is a beautiful, moving film directed by Adam Shankman. It is based on novel of Nicolas...


Past Perfect

Czas Past Perfect to czas przeszły dokonany, nazywa się go także czasem zaprzeszłym, gdyż opisuje czynność, która dokonała się zanim rozpoczęła się inna czynność przeszła. I went for a walk when I had finished my work. Poszedłem na spacer...


Coraz więcej młodych Polaków decyduje się wyjechać na Wyspy Brytyjskie w celu podjęcia studiów- rozprawka

In today?s world more and more Young people are going for studying on the British Islands. This way of learning has not only advantages but also downsides. There are many advantages of studying and living abroad. Firstly, spending all the time...


Past Simple

Konstrukcja TWIERDZENIE: I / you / he / she / it / we / they + czasownik + ed (przy czasownikach regularnych) lub + druga forma czasownika (przy czasownikach nieregularnych) PRZECZENIE: I didn't + czasownik w beokoliczniku You didn't +...


Christmas in Britain

Christmas is the most popular family in Britain.On 24 December usually all preprations for Christmas are complete.Christmas greeting cards are exchanged,a Christmas tree is decorated and presents are purchased.In many work places the annual...


Castels od the chelmian region –A tour guide

CASTLES OF THE CHELMIAN REGION – A TOUR GUIDE All the information in this guide has been gathered and edited by 1st grade students of the lower-secondary school in Grębocin and 1st grade students of Tadeusz Kościuszko 4th Secondary School...


Buisness Letter

[Your Name] [Address] -when you write a business letter , it is usually good to add your phone number under the address [Today's Date] [Recipient's Name] [Company Name] [Address] Dear [Recipient's name or heading] : Re: [to what...


My dream island (short tekst)

Imagine beautiful morning by the sea cost. The sun rise and making island the most glamorous of the world. Clean water, white sand and flaming blue sky. When you are there you feel free. You don’t need anything from anybody. You are...


About Blink 182'

I like group called Blink 182'. They parody famed boybands like Backstreet Boys. They laught at Ricky Martin and run nakedly along Los Angeles. On concerts they spit and curse like Bloodhound Gang. It shame quotes! Group Blink 182'cames into...


The best things in life are for free!- Najlepsze rzeczy w zyciu sa za darmo.

There are many theories about what is the most important thing in life. I would like to write some invisible things which in my opinion make human life important: family, love and friendship. Everyone needs somebody with whom he can talk,...


Kategoria rodzaju (Gender)-ang.

W języku polskim rzeczowniki mają tzw. rodzaj gramatyczny, który wynika z konieczności zastosowania odpowiedniego zaimka wskazującego (ten, ta, to). W języku angielskim rzeczowniki mają tzw. rodzaj naturalny, tzn., że rodzaju męskiego mogą być...


Write back to your friends asking them for more information on summer work in Florida.

Hi Sally! First of all, thanks for your reply. I'm writing again because I wanna tell you that after reading your letter I've decided to go to the USA for two months this summer. In connection with that I've got a few questions. I'd like to ask if...


The division of students at Universities all over the world

School – the place where humans widen their knowledge. Student – an inseparable part of the school. Without him this institution would be nothing more than only four walls built to attract somebody’s attention. Certainly, everyone of us is aware...


House duties and obligations

I have many house duties and I have to obey parents' advice, but I feel free at home, because I am allowed to do many things, although there are some bans. My mother doesn't let me have a rat, becuase she is afraid of rodents. My father...



Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but the term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been mutated...


Sic Story - 'The School Chainsaw Massacre'

'The School Chainsaw Massacre' When the classroom door opened, everybody went silent....Believe me or not, but SHE was standing still,with that murderous look and skin eaten away, in front of us.... It seemed that this day would be as boring...


What do you hope to be doing in five years time ?

My plans for the next few years are very ambitious so I’ll have a lot of work to do. In the near future I hope to get my driving license and I know it is not all that easy to pass the exam in the first go. I am also planning to attend a...


Are you for or against death penalty.

Many people in the world would like the death penalty to be everywhere. I`m not sure if death penalty is good for killers. I think that the criminals would be more scared, if they got life sentence. For example, somewhere in the USA, a bad man...



Australia - Australian - Australia Brazil - Brazilian - Brazylia Britain - British - Brytania Canada - Canadian -...


Where are you from ?

I come from Wielki Kack which is one of many districts of Gdynia. Before founding of the city in 1926, Wielki Kack used to be a village which was attached to the town during its development. Today much of the character of the village has remained...


Violence in the world

There is more and more violence in the world today. People commit more and more serious crimes; not only in the streets but also within their families. Every day the news you hear about someone, somewhere being, shot, robbed, raped, or killed,...


Applying for the scholarship

I am apply for the scholarship on travel to England. I have been learning English for seven years. At first I learnt with my older brother who was in England,also he told me about British culture. I studied English at school and on a language...