
Język angielski

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My favourite Sport - Windsurfing

Maciej Kaleciński Academic Writing 3A January 8, 2007 PhD Sean Hartigan Windsurfing the most fascinating water sport ever Windsurfing is one of the most amazing water sports and sports in general. It combines the thrill of surfing, the...


Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.

Online shopping has recently become very popular among people of different ages, gaining their trust immediately. This fact, together with its undeniable benefits, has some serious dangerous. In the following essay I will discuss both advantages...


My ideal house. (House of my dreams)

I think that the ideal home will be beautiful. It won't be very big. My house will be made of wood and glass. In wooden walls and in the roof there will be very big windows. My house will have ground floor, afirst floor and garret . In my...


Compulsive military service - an essay

Since very old times many young men has to face this problem. However, nobody really cares about changing it. One can say that mandatory military service is aimless. And he is right - we have less and less wars, and the real forces are...


My holiday

My parents, my brother and I were in Spain on holiday. We were there for two weeks. We stayed in a little hotel. We had a great time. Day by day we went to the beach. I and my brother swam in the sea. Water was great and beautiful. We had a very...


Historia Walentynek

On February 15 the Romans celebrated Lupercalia-thus honouring their pagan gods :Juno,the goddess of women and marriage,and Faunus,the god of nature.During the festival every young man drew the name of maiden from a box.The girl he chose was to be...


Political System In UK

Government Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy with an unwritten constitution consisting of historic documents such as the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, and the Bill of Rights (1689); statutes; judicial precedents (common law); and...


Maria Curie-Skłodowska

She was the first to use the term radioactivity. In 1902 Marie Curie earned her doctorate, the first awarded to a woman in Europe. In 1903, she became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for Physics. The award, jointly awarded to Curie, her...



A dream is group of related thoughts, images, or feelings, experienced during sleep. Some scientists say that dreams are secret messages to ourselves. To recognize the value of dreams, you have to understand what happens when you are asleep....


Upadek - Fall Down

„Fall” „Fall” isn’t a very outstanding film. It tries to catch all of Nazis’ evil, but I think that Hitlers’ phenomenon is too hard to show for creators of this film. German actor – Bruno Ganz is the most important person in “Fall”. He tries...


Subject- verb concord

Concord (another word for agreement) is a grammatical relationship of the words, which affects the form of one or more of them. In English we can distinguish three types of concord: grammatical ? following a form of the words notional ? based...



INVITATION I want to invite you to ''Polish music night''. It will start at 8.00 pm in a restaurat "Werona". There will be a lot of sorts of music like: dance, pop, house and...


Letter to a friend from USA

Hi Feliks It’s me as you can see. Thanks for your letter. After I read your letter I have to say that USA is like other world in comparision with Poland. Anyway let me tell you what’s new here in Poland. Well your girlfriend Julia is still...


The best of british pop

The Beatles were the most popular band of the 60?s. The four members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were all born in Liverpool, England. Their first record, ?Love Me Do? came out on 5th October, 1962. By 1964, The...


PUNISHMENT (school) Have you or your friend ever been unfairly punished? Tell us about it.

Many student dislike or even hate school. The reason for this aversion is complicated. Students usually identify with teachers, They complain that teachers are often unjust, strict, intolerant, subjective and malicious (złośliwi). They are not...



PRESENT SIMPLE: · używa się w ogólnych twierdzeniach, które są prawdziwe niezależnie od tego, kiedy się je wypowiada. Water boils at 100*C · wyrażenie czynności, która się stale powtarza, ma charakter zwyczajowy: Cows give milk Birds fly....


The importance of sport in modern world

Sport is an important part of today's society and plays a large role in many people's lives. Now more than ever, sport events dominate headlines and athletes have become national heroes. It goes without saying that sport should be constantly...


The pros and cons of technology

Technological progress completely changes people’s life. In nowadays nobody can imagine how to life without hot water, electricity, gas, television, telephones and many others things. But do we really need technological progress? Some things...


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Subjects such as Art, Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as Information Technology. Many people feel

IELTS czerwony, TEST 1. writing task 2 Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Subjects such as Art, Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for...



Amount-ilosc,liczba Appear-pojawiac się Asleep-spiacy Atom-atom Author-autor Best/worst-najlepszy/najgorszy Biography-biografia Blind-niewidomy Brain-mozg Catchy-podchwyliwy Chemical strucrure-struktora chemiczna Chemist-chemik Circle-okragly...


Jak być zdrowym i sprawnym?

Everybody wants to be in good shape. As many people are busy; they do not have much time to think of their own body. They think of they feel good, they do riot have to do anything for their health. Yet if they take care of themselves now, it will...


Describing a sculpture

Marcello Maschievini (1906 - 1983) Italy „PRIMAVERA” - 1968 The sculpture is in my mind woman compared with nature. I think that the author wanted to show that many people live in this world and we should think about it a little more. The...


List do koleżanki

Dear Kate How are you? Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry I haven't written to you earlier but I had accident, which took a place during my winter holiday. I'm writing to inform you about reason for which we must cancel your arrival to...


Robert Kubica - The Sportstar

Introduction Robert Kubica was born in 1984 in Kraków. He is the first polish racing driver to compete in Formula One, the Queen of motor sports. Kubica started his professional career in 2000 as a test driver for Formula Renault 2000 car. During...



Village - wieś Often – często Always – zawsze Sometimes – czasami Never – nigdy Saldom – rzadko Usually – zwykle Gardener – ogrodnik Clean – czysty Dirty – brudny Tired - zmęczony Difficult - Trudy Boring – nudny Relaxing –...


My best friend

I would like to tell something about my best friend. My best friend is Natala. She is sixteen years old and lives in Marzęcino. She has an elder brother and sister. She is quite tall. She have short, brown hairs and beautiful green eyes. She has...


95 nieregularnych czasowników angielskich

Infinitive Past tense Past Participle Polski Czasownik arise arose arisen powstawać awake awoke awake/ awoke obudzić be was been być become became become stawać się begin began begun zaczynać bite bit bitten/bit gryźć blow blew blown...


Genetically modified food - a blessing or a curse? Present your opinion.

Nowadays most people are habituated to eat genetically modified foods. But many of us do not know whether these foods are safe or dangerous for our health. We should try to know something about these types of foods. First of all, we should know...


Rzym - Rome - prezentacja

The most comfortable time to go to Roma is May and June, because they are sunny and warm days. The August is a hottest month of year and the temperature often exceeds over 32 C. Winter days are short and it can rain quite a lot. The average high...


Healthing power (- alternative medicine)

to tylko w ramach krotkiej wypowiedzi ustnej np na mature dlatego nie rozpisuje sie o jodze itp i w ogole sie nie rozpisuje..:) Alternative medicine is a really famous way of the treatment. Some people insist this is the only method which can...


The letter from holidays

Dear Susan, How are you? I hope you’re well. I’m writing this letter because I’m in Spain and I wanted to describe you my impressions. I’m having a wonderful time. The weather is great, sun is shining and it’s hot. I’m staying here for two...


Personality and Character

Personality and Character- słownictwo. Arrogant arogancki lively Żywy Artistic Artystyczny loud głośny Bad-tempered Wybuchowy mean skąpy Boring Nudny Nervous nerwowy Brilliant Genialny nice miły Calm Cichy Open minded O szerokich...


Czy globalizacja jest zniesieniem barier

Globalization- it is the process of spreading economic, political, social and cultural processes independently of the degree of advancement of civilization or geographical location. Some people says, that it is removal of barriers, and...


Wymarzony zawód.

I adore studying social history. One day, when I graduate from high school I would like to study Anthropology and Italian in Milan University. I want to be a journalist when I grow up, just like my uncle. My uncle Krzysztof is journalist for a...


Biografia Van Gogha

Name: Vincent Van Gogh Nationality: Dutch Work: Impressionist painter Dates: 1853 - 1890 Achievement’s: beautiful picture Key events: 1886- live in Paris; Painted (most important paints) 1887 “Still Life witch French Novels and a Rose”, in...


Cradit card

Advantages and disadvantages of using credit cards by students Nowadays, more and more teens and college students are having credit cards. I thing, that credit cards are having many advantages but every plus has its minus. First of all,...


My favourite sport

My favourite sport is swimming. When I have free time in summer and the weather is very hot then I just love to be in water! It is very pleasant both for your body, because one can burn a lot of calories, trim your figure and model your body and...


List reklamacyjny. List na 120-150 słów.W czasie pobytu w Londynie kupiłaś odtwarzacz płyt CD po promocyjnej cenie. Niestety po kilku dniach odtwarzacz przestał działać. Postanowiłaś napisać list do menadżera sklepu:określ cel listu i okolicz

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about a CD player, which I bought in your shop one month ago. I have used this CD player for 3 days . Now, this product stopped working I can not understand how such a player of good...


A great fortune is a great slavery. - napisz rozprawkę na temat zalet i wad bycia bogatym

Most people living in this world dream about being a rich man. But we have to quest ourself: would I be happy if I were rich? There are many advantage and disadvantage of having a great fortune. Perhaps the richest people in the world...


My favourite animal.

My favourite animals are dogs. I especially love badgerdogs. They are sweet and adorable. They have long bodies. Badgerdogs can be about 60-70 centimetres long. Their fur can be sort, medium or long. Badgerdogs also have long ears and black noses...



Vancouver is situated on the west coast of Canada, on the Pacific Ocean. It;s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Vancouver is surrounded by water and has lots of spectacular views. It is a city full of colorful flowers and people call...


Słówka 2A z książki New english file intermediate student's book

Słówka 2A ENG Słówka 2A PL 1.afford - pozwalać sobie 2.blow - uderzenie 3.broke - stłuc się card - karta kredytowa 5.earn - zarabiać 6.greedy - chciwy - pożyczka 8.mall - centrum handlowe - hipoteka 10.spend - spędzać...


Niebezpieczeństwo nowoczesnego zycia. Jakie środki ostroźności podjąć idąc samemu przez miasto? Jak ty się zabezpieczysz? (the danger of modern living. how safe is it to walk alone in your city. what precautions do you take?)

The modern world isn’t easy and safe place to live. What we can observe is that the greater and more advanced development of civilization, technology and economy, the more dangerous it is to live. But what do we understand by danger of modern...


Czasy z angielskiego.

Present Continous Czasu tego używamy wtedy, gdy chcemy wyrazić, iż dana czynność właśnie odbywa się (gdy o niej mówimy); że jest akurat wykonywana, że trwa w tymże momencie. Jest to czas „sprawozdawczy”, „relacjonujący”, „opisujący” zdarzenia...


Several famous people who I admire

There are several famous people who I admire. The first, and probably the most impressive person, is the Pope John Paul II. He is the first Polish pope and that’s why he is the most popular person in Poland. He is very famous as a pope – pilgrim....


Recenzja książki, która powinna znaleźć się w kanonie lektur szkolnych

Nowadys lectures are for many pupils boring. For me our school books should be more fascination. Once of very magnificent book are Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte. In based on this graceful lecture Roman Polański realised Nine gate. Club...


Present Perfect Continuous

Teraz zajmiemy się trochę bardziej złożonym czasem, jakim jest Present Perfect Continuous. Jak można się domyślić po nazwie, będzie to mieszanka Present Perfect i Present Continuous. Tak więc po kolei, najpierw zbudujmy przykładowe zdanie. I...


My interests

1.Moje zainteresowania: My name is Robert. My surname is Pawłow. I’am Polish. I live in Białystok. I come from Poland. I’am student. I’am twenty two years old. I learn on Saturday and Sunday. I get up early at six o’clock. I don’t have...


The Rude Landlord and His Rules

Have you ever broken a rule and was not aware of it? Did you attempt to protect your opinion about it? Well, my family did. It all started out with complete family kindness, became an enormous fight, and resulted with us moving out. In the...


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