
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Compulsory military service should be abolished in all countries

The problem of conscription has always been a controversial issue. However, many opponents of compulsory military service maintain that conscription does more harm than good and that it should be abolished for professional, personal,...


Fryderyk Chopin

FRYDERYK CHOPIN 1) Childhood Fryderyk Chopin was born in the village of Zelazowa Wola in Mazovia in 1810. He had three sisters Izabella, Emilia and Ludwika. In 1811 his family movies to Warsaw. 2) Starting to perform Fryderyk in 1816...


Arnold Schwarzenegger - opis

FACTFILE Name: Arnold Schwarzenegger Nationality: American Work: actor Dates: July 1947 Achievements: he’s a good actor, he’s a PRIME...


Country, Nationality, Capital city

Wszystko jest po angielsku w ząłączniku.


How and why did Bolsheviks seize power in Russia in 1917?

The Bolsheviks were a fraction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Their leader was Vladimir Lenin. In October 1917 he lead Bolsheviks to a triumph in the Russian Revolution. From now on Russia became a single party state, which later...


Jedzenie - słówka

Fruit - owoce Pear - gruszka Raspberry - malina Cherry / sour cherry - wiśnia / czereśnia Plum - śliwka Peach - brzoskwinia Pineapple - ananas Grape - winogrona Lemon - cytryna Strawberry - truskawka Vegetables - warzywa Cucumber -...


Story - "By the time I got there it was too late"

It was a nice,sunny day.I woke up ,as usually, at 10 o'clock.Because of hunger I could not make up my mind and decide what to do with the rest of such lovely day.As only did I get to the kitchen I found a piece of paper stuck to the fridge.My...



Madrid, the Spanish capital, is situated in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula and has a population of over three million. There are situated all of ministry’s and all government with Prim Minister of Spain and also it’s a home of the Spanish...



REPORT TO: SCHOOL MAGAZINE FROM: PIOTR DOMAŃSKI AND GRZEGORZ GONTARZ SUBJECT: THE LOCAL TRANSPORT SITUATION IN KRASNYSTAW DATE: 2003-11-30 Krasnystaw is a small town in the east of Poland. The aim of this report is to examine the...


Reported Speech - notatka

-------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Reported Speech – zdania twierdzące i przeczące -------------------------------------------------------------- Example:...


Mistakes most frequently made by Poles.

MISTAKES MOST FREQUENTLY MADE BY POLES -- typical Polish errors in English and how to correct them. Here are two such common mistakes: 1. I have bought the ticket yesterday. 2. He is painting the kitchen since 10 o’clock this morning. (The correct...


Review "The Goodfather"

Review „The Goodfather” The book "The Goodfather", written by Mario Puzo, is a thriller based on the film "The Goodfather", directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The book is show coulisse New York's mafia activiting composite with five...


Opis drogi do domu

Route to my home Iwas very happy, when I received your letter and I’m glad that you have decided to visit me next Saturday. Because you have never been to Rzeszów I have decided to give you directions so that you can reach my house easily....


Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1833. The son of an engineer, he moved in his childhood to Russia, where his father was working on an underwater mine. Alfred studied Chemistry in Paris and worked for a time in the USA before...


Poppy Day

Poppy Day, 11 November, is the day when people in Britain remember the soldiers and that died in the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945) and all other wars since. The first Poppy Day was in 1921. The First World War had...


Analysis of the poem "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love" by Christopher Marlowe

“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe is one of the most well-known love poems in the English language and one of the earliest examples of the pastoral poetry in Elizabethan era. It consists of six four-line stanzas rhymed...


Stereotypes of Polish nation

A lot of people all over the worlds have a negative feeling about Polish people, but not only. First of all, Polish people are thought to be a lazy nation. Secondly others say that Poles are unfair. Polish people are very religious –...


British customs

Expectant mothers in many parts of Wales had to be very careful what they did before the baby was born. For example, if she stepped over a grave, it was believed that the baby would die soon after birth or would be still-born. If she dipped her...


My ten beliefs

1.I believe that short guys are mischievous. I base this belief on my experience. It starts from my elementary school, for some reason they are always trying to proof that they are “taller” then they really are. From the perspectives of my mature...


What are the most important things in your life?

What things can be important in our life?? There are lots of things but perhaps one of the most important is to lead a honest life and to draw joy from minor situations; to be spontaneous. In life, education is necessary too, and developing...


Historia j. angielskiego

Język angielski wywodzi się z rodziny języków indoeuropejskich, ale jego bezpośrednim przodkiem jest grupa języków germańskich. Dwa główne nurty jakie ukształtowały język angielski u jego początków to wpływy germańskie i romańskie (łacińskie)....


Museums and art galleries

Exploring and visiting new places is something that people love to do. It has many benifits. It has been said : "He that travels far knows much". When you are visiting new countries you learn about different cultures. Many people visit...


Matura : Opisz postać literacka , z którą mógłbyś sie zaprzyjaźnić.

One of the literey person , with who i could break the ice is Frodo Bagins. Frodo is a key figure of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's novel - "Lord of the rings". Frodo is young hobbit, who takes quiet life, he comes from small, rural town called...



Countries and nationalities Where are you from ? skad pochodzisz ? where do you comfrom ? I am from poland I am - Polisch (nationality) Poland (countriy) You are - German Germany Hi is - Britisch The UK...


The advantages and disadvantages of early retirement

Many people sometimes dream about life without working, especially with extra earnings Because of this people in middle age often choose early retirement. Is this good or bad option for them? As far as early retirement is concerned, it has some...


Słownictwo - Człowiek, praca, szkoła, życie rodzine i towarzyskie.

Człowiek education - wykształcenie family name/surname - nazwisko marital status ? stan cywilny nationality - narodowość country of residence ? miejsce zamieszkania (kraj) first name - imię date of birth ? data urodzin gender -płeć male ? męski/...


EXERCISES: Past Simple Tense

I. Przetłumacz zdania i dopisz przeczenie i pytanie... 1)Oni wykopali olbrzymią dziurę wczoraj....


Being single- advantages and disadvantages

The world around us is changing all the time and it has a very strong influence on our lifestyle only because of trying to keep up with it. Nowadays, being single is becoming more popular and it is the easiest way to accomplish our life...


A person who influenced my childhood

A person who influenced my childhood most was my father. He brought me up to sensitive, cheerful, sensible as well as trustworthy person. My father, Jack, is of medium height in his early fifties. Moreover he is slim and has got short grey hair,...


Travelling broadens the mind

Travelling broadens the mind. (dział 8, str 53 Repetytorium - Misztal, Mrozowska, Sikorzyńska) Many of us like travelling.It can also broaden our minds. We feel excited when we go abroad and we see a different culture, habits and we hear a...


Kurt Cobain - a biography of a tragic genius of grunge music - Życiorys tragicznego geniusza muzyki grunge

Kurt Donald Cobain was born into a working class home. At the age of seven, he was abandoned by his father. This feeling of abandonment, and the subsequent depression that followed, persisted throughout the life of Cobain. And, as a result, Kurt...


Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country. (fo and against)

Nowadays more and more people want to live in the country but not everybody can afford this. Despite many obvious advantages the debated issue has also its disadavantages. One of the main benefits of living in the country is friendly...


NIGHT DREAMS Describe the most horrible dream of yours

The most horrible dream was about some creature. There was a night when I met it. I was in the forest. It was a full of moon, the wind was blowing, wolves were howling and owles were hooting. It was raining and then I saw it. It had three heads,...


Dialog - hotel

Marcin Filip IN THE RECEPTION Good morning. Good morning. Do you have any vacancies? Yes. How Can I help you? I’d like a single room with twine beds, a bath and a shower. Okay, we can offer you such a room. I’d also like a room at the...


Słówka na temat szkoły

TYPES OF SCHOOLS boarding- z internatem co-education (co-ed)/mixed- koedukacyjna college- pomaturalna comprehensive- ogólnokształcąca (współczesna) grammar- ogólnokształcąca (tradycyjna) primary/ elementary- podstawowa private/...


Describe your own town (Rzeszów)

Rzeszów is a provincial capital and the largest urban center in the south – eastern part of Poland. It has a population of 155 thousand and plays the role of an important local economic cultural and scientific center. There are three rivers...


Opis książki - Władca Pierścieni

My favorite book is J.R.R.Tolkien's Lord of the rings. I like this book, because it is fantastic. Means heroes are members a fellowship of the ring: Frodo Baggins, Merry, Pepin (they are a hobbits), Aragorn (he is a human, descendant of king),...


Changes of life over last decade in small polish towns.

Despite the fact that ten years is a pretty short period of time, in Poland during last decade has changed quite lot, especially if we’re concidering development of small towns, where changes are clearly visible nowadays. After rapid drop in...



Friendship is one of the most important feelings and things in our life . Songs , poems about friendship are common and can be found in all languages . Everyone would like to have friend-someone trusted , loyal and faithful. Friend haven’t to be...


Being a teacher- for and against essey

Being a teacher- for and against essey Have you ever thought how hard a teacher job is? Not everybody knows what like teacher job is and not everybody can be a teacher. One of the main advantages of being a...


Advantages and disadvantages of living in detached house.

Living in detached house has disadvantages and advantages. In my opinion the most important advantage is independence. When you live in detached house you don’t need to worry about what your neighbours will tell when you throw a party with loud...


Dwa państwa anglojęzyczne

The population of Canada is approximately 26 milion. Most of the people are you of British or French origin. There are also about 368000 antives peoples 25000. Inuits and a wide range of immigrants from places such as Italy, the Carriben, Greece...


Wedding ceremony in Poland

If you get a invitation to a wedding you can go with him/her. The times of the wedding ceremony and reception are both on the invitation. The ceremony is only for close family. In Poland, the bridge and groom have to go to the ceremony together....


List do lokalnej gazety (FCE)

Dear editor, One day I was walking down a street with my girlfriend when we saw a car race. It was some kind of tournament where the winner takes all and losers go back home with empty pockets. As far as I am concerned it is illeagal and very...





Sławny człowiek - Bill Newton

Bill Newton is Britain’s most successful film star. His smiling face appears on covers of international magazines, and every years he give out a hundreds of autographs. However, life used to be very different for this young star from Bristol....



JEDZENIE I PICIE bez smaku - tasteless białko - egg white blacha do pieczenia - baking tray bułka słodka - bun bułki - bread rolls ciasto - sweet dessert cukier puder - icing sugar czajnik - kettle drożdże - yeast garnek,...


Famous places and monuments in Great Britain

The United Kingdom is an abbreviation of “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. It is often further abbreviated to “UK” and is the political name of the country, which is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern...


Pocztówka z Zakopanego

Dear Troy, I am on the trip in Zakopane.This is the wintry capital of Poland. I have never seen more beautiful city than Zakopane. It is really wonderful here! I am staying in hotel "Baca". The hotel is convenient for Morskie Oko. I like this...