
Rozprawka matura rozszerzona: Panuje pogląd, że planowanie kariery zawodowej nalezy zaczynać jak najwcześniej, żeby po latach cieszyć się sukcesem.

poleca 85% 476 głosów


The problem of planning your career from when you are young is being discussed recently. In my essay I would like to show the pros and the cons of this phenomenon.
Firstly, the good things about planning a career. If a person’ is planning to have a difficult job (for example, an architect) he or she has to attend special courses before studies – the sooner, the better for him or her. Next – if a profession is popular (a chef) it’s better to start the planning earlier because of the problem of cut-throat competition may sho it's face in the future in the future. As a plus we may also consider an argument like this - the fact that a person who planes his future probably won’t face the problem of unemployment.
But unfortunately there are also minuses. If you focus on your career from the very beginning you start to think about money and business, not caring about non-material values. Also, when years pass you can get bored with your ‘perfectly planned’ life; success won’t taste so good in that situation. And a child can be pushed to a certain well-paid job from when it’s little because of the parents and their dreams even though it wants to be a shop assistant.
To sum up – in my opinion the best thing to do is to plan, but in a wise way, considering the case that you can change your mind in the future.

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