
You should always eat what you enjoy, not what is good for you

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Eating is a requisite act in our life. Very often people forget that they eat to live an and not live to eat. It can be very dangerous for us.
People in Poland lead sedentary life’s procedure, they aren’t very active. Our national food is fat un unhealthy (f.e. bigos, schabowy z kapustą). That’s why many people are obese and suffer for illness connected with it.
Children love sweets. They want to eat co\hocolate and candies all day. Then they don’t want to eat f.e. a dinner. Sweets include a lot of sugar and fat. These substances lead to teeth’s caries, overweight what in future is connected with diabetes and many circulation’s system illness. That’s why very important is show children that we can’t eat whatever we like. A person who was learnt about it in childhood remember about it all their life.
We’re only people- we can afford for day called ‘I eat what I want’. Then we can go to Mcdonald’s or KFC, we can buy ice-cream, crisps etc. Daily we should forget about these food. It have a lot of calories, fat and sugar. They’re killers our appearance. But what should we eat? What kinds of food are good for us? Firs of all- fruits and vegetables. They are very good and the most important thing is that they have a loy of vitamins and nutrients. We can eat it without worries. Dieteticks made a food pyramid. On the pyramid’s foot is food which we should and we can eat very often (fruits and vegetables). On the pyramid’s summit are product which we should eat rarely (fats). When we eat in contrast (pyramid is reverseal) -pyramid can’t stay on the tip. The same thing happens with our organism-everything turn upside-down. And then start problems with our health. True is that we can we everything but in reasonable amounts. But why food which we like the most is bad for health? Why wholesome food is disgusting (f.e. spinach)? But not always it’s true. In lasts years in our country were opened shops with wholesome food. There we can find wholemeal bread, soya products and many other things. They’re really good! If we start buying food in such shops we’ll understand that exists better things than meat and potatoes!
So now i can say for sure:not all we like is good for health

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