
Recenzja książki, która powinna znaleźć się w kanonie lektur szkolnych

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Nowadys lectures are for many pupils boring. For me our school books should be more fascination. Once of very magnificent book are Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte. In based on this graceful lecture Roman Polański realised Nine gate.
Club Dumas is a story about rare book`s detective. One day he took very specific instruction. The collector wanted to know if his book had been orginal or forgery. To made this Corso (the name of dctective) should have gone to Europe to compare other two exist copy. In his travel accompany him misterous girl who protected and helped him all the time. We want know why she helped him and what part with all this story had books of Duma.
This book is great constructed. It had everything what should have wonderful thriller. It keep us in tension all the time. This book will change the way you think about rare books. After reading club dumas we started think that every book has own (sometimes really sumptuously) history. We remembered that a lot of medival books had hidden secret. Arturo Perez-Reverte encurage us to reading rare books.
In my opinion Club Dumas should be a school book. It is very great thriller book. I think that if it was a lecture many pupils would fall in love with this book. If you do not believe me read Club Dumas and find out.

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