
The pros and cons of technology

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Technological progress completely changes people’s life. In nowadays nobody can imagine how to life without hot water, electricity, gas, television, telephones and many others things. But do we really need technological progress?
Some things were replaced by the other like paraffin lamp by electric lamp or fireplace by electric cooker. Other things were modernized, to make our life more comfortable. Hundreds of gadgets make our life much more convenient, enjoyable and safer. Technology helps us to produce food, clothes and medicines.
Furthermore, treatment of many diseases is mach more effective and we can also travel faster, cheaper and safer. We also have a connection with the entire world by television, phones, radios, Internet and the press. Thanks to so many inventions we don’t have to waste our time washing the dishes or dirty linen.
On the other hand technology has also many disadvantages. Many inventions can by use to produce very dangerous weapons or nuclear bombs which can destroy our planet. Technology make serious hazard for our environment. In one day in our future we can woke up and seen that disposals and pesticides had pollute our entire world. Many inventions like for example mobile phones are dangerous for our life. It can develop a cancer of our brain or many other diseases. We have also become very lazy because machines can do everything for us.
To sum up, thanks to technology we live in modernized world, everything is easier and I don’t know any person who would like to come back to Stone Age. I think that we have to learn how to use new inventions and everything will be all right.

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