
Język angielski

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living with parents or renting flat

When given the choice of living with parents or renting your own flat most people prefer the first option. To me, however, living in a flat is more appealing. Firstly, it is easier to be responsible for yourself if you live on your own or share...


Is our planet coming to an end?

It’s worth acknowledging that the world is being destroyed because of our exploitation. Is our planet for this reason coming to an end? In my opinion it’s quite probable that we might completely impoverish natural environment. Firstly, people...


how to handle school and work

Students who work and study seem to enjoy the best of everything. They get their education at the same time are able to keep their jobs and get a paycheque. However, it isn’t as easy as it sounds and studying at the same time as working is...


About me

I'm Karolina. I'm a student and I live in a  flat in Łódź with my family. I travel to my university every day. I have lessons every morning, and in the afternoon I usually study in the library. I work hard but I also have a lot of fun...


A story about an incident during holiday trip - an unexpected event - Opowiadanie o wydarzeniu z wakacji - niespodziewane wydarzenie

A trip to Spain dreamed of for centuries. Sunny, narrow, cobbled streets, lovely old buildings sharing with you their spirit, passionate Spaniards. I've always loved the sun, golden beaches, blue sea and ciszchy sound of waves breaking on the...


A story about a walk in the mountains - a story about a bear - Opowiadanie o wyprawie w góry - opowiadanie o niedźwiedziu

It was May, school things slowed down a little bit. Jane and Tom decided to get some rest and fresh air, and therefore rented a room at a hotel in the Alps. We are very glad that they will be able to escape from the problems of Plymouth. They also...


A spooky story - Straszne opowiadanie

It was Halloween and we were poprzebierani. We went from house to house, hoping that people will open the door. We went fairly well, but the evening was over. Hanna and I, being the oldest, we divided all we got equally and gave each his plot....


A description of a day at school - Opis dnia w szkole

On Monday, lessons begin at 8:00. I go to school by bus. I am waiting for a friend near the bus stop and we go to school together. The first lesson is geography. I really like geography, but it is difficult to concentrate at this early hour of the...


A dangerous adventure - opowiadanie

A year ago, I and my family went on a vacation to ski in Austria. We stopped in a small Austrian town where it was little more than hotels and ski lifts. There were also with us my two friends and their parents. Every day we used to eat breakfast...


Być dzieckiem celebryty - rozprawka za i przeciw

Star. We all know them. Some of them have children. Has anyone ever wondered that it's like to be a child of Angelina Jolie or Johnny Deep? Is it comfortable? Firstly, these kids can have whatever they want. Everyone dreamed of going to...


The graph shows figures for motorcycle production in five countries during the period 1940-1990. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

IELTS czerwony, TEST 3. writing task 1 The graph shows figures for motorcycle production in five countries during the period 1940-1990. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The single graph given...


The graphs below show the number of visits to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999, and some destinations of UK citizens travelling abroad.

IELTS czerwony, TEST 1. writing task 1 The graphs below show the number of visits to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999, and some destinations of UK citizens travelling abroad. One of the graphs shows the number of visits to and from the...


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Subjects such as Art, Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for subjects such as Information Technology. Many people feel

IELTS czerwony, TEST 1. writing task 2 Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic. Subjects such as Art, Sport and Music are being dropped from the school curriculum for...


Historyjka o morderstwie

One time Peter and Leslie were going for a campfire in the light of the moon. When they were away from their city, they noticed a hitch-hiker on a road. Leslie stopped the car and the guy came into. This man looked mysterious. 'Where are you...


Wakacyjne plany

Hi John, First of all I would like to say ‘thank You’ for Your post card, it was so nice. I’m sure that You spend a lot of time with Your new girlfriend. I’m writing to You, because I would like to tell You something about my plans for summer...


Niektóre firmy ubezpieczeniowe zachęcają młodych kierowców do instalowania czarnych skrzynek w samochodach w celu monitorowania ich jazdy. Wysokość składki jest uzależniona od tego, czy kierowca jeździ bezpiecznie. Napisz rozprawkę, w której w

“Test 6.” zad. 9/27 Some car insurance companies are encouraging young drivers to install log recorders in cars, in order to monitor the drive. An amount of insurance fee may vary, depending on safe or not driving. In my opinion it is a good...


Wojna jest wyłącznie źródłem nieszczęścia, a ponieważ bez wojska nie byłoby wojen, wszystkie państwa powinny zrezygnować ze swoich armii. Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na ten temat.

„Test 1” Zad. 9/7 The only outcome of the war is a disaster. Without armed forces there would be no wars, so all countries should give up on maintaining an army. I strongly disagree with this view. In my opinion every state should have an...


W wielu regionach Polski uroczystością rodzinnym, np. ślubom, towarzyszą ciekawe obyczaje. Opisz uroczystość, w której brałeś udział, a utkwiła Ci w pamięci ze względu na interesujący obyczaj.

Test 04 PR Zadanie 3. Nearly three years ago, me and my parents participated in a two-day wedding. Granddaughter of my grandfather's sister and her fiance were getting married at the end of summer holidays. Ceremony and wedding reception took...


1. W dzisiejszym świecie regularne korzystanie z komputera stało się koniecznością. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony tego zjawiska.

Zadanie 3. Test 05. Poziom rozszerzony. (Matura Masters - Matura Practice Tests) Now-a-days using a computer is inevitable. They are used in big companies and helping small businesses, there is also a great need of them at schools. Have you...


Wielu ludzi sądzi, że działania pojedynczych osób na rzecz ochrony środowiska są całkowicie bez znaczenia.

„Oxford” TEST 3. Poziom rozszerzony. Many people believe that individual acts on behalf of environmental protection are meaningless. Now a days, the matter of pollution, extinction etc. is very popular. Our planet is becoming more and more...


Ludzie nie zostali stworzeni, aby mieszkać w mieście. Wszyscy powinni mieszkać na wsi.

TEST 2. Poziom rozszerzony. Zadanie 3. People were not created to live in cities. I strongly believe that, all of us should be living our life in the country. Of course, it has also advantages and disadvantages. First of all, living in the...


“The day I ran in a marathon”

Egzamin 1. PR “The day I ran in a marathon” Four years ago, on the first Saturday of April my best friend Sue – typical teenage girl avidly interested in running – decided to take part in a long distance race in Cracow. As she claimed not...


Speech on sports classes in school

Matura dwujęzyczna - maj 2011 Task 4. As a member of a student government body you are worried that young people do not practise enough sport. You have suggested organising extracurricular sports classes in your school. Write a speech which you...


How can we protect ourselves from becoming addicted to technology?

How can we protect ourselves from becoming addicted to technology? In my opinion we have a lot of ways to protect ourselves from becoming addicted to technology. We should find a new hobby, which doesn't have relation with the internet,...


"I was planning to give my friend a surprise..."

I was planning to give my friend a surprise. His eighteen birthday got closer and closer and I didn't have any original ideas. Finally, with other friends, we decided to make a typical surprise-party. At first, we shared the rules. Olaf had to...


Wakacyjna przygoda po angielsku

Last summer I was in England. I flew there cause I wanted to work for some time. I loved England – it’s different country than Poland. Life in England is easier, happier and more interesting I think. We can meet lot of different people, know...


Kate and Anne

One day Kate and Anne was riding to school. The weather was sunny and the sun was shining. they were riding along the street and they were talking and laughing. This day promised to be calm. They did not know what is going to happen. When the...


A Guide to Good Manners During A Job Interview.

Everyone dreams about a perfect job and high standards of living. A lot of people have problems with getting a satisfactiory activity. To accomplish best target everyone must remember that one of the most important thing is a good...


Taking care of health and condition - problem/solution essay

Nowadays working people find taking care of their health and condition problematic. This happens mostly because there's so much to do throughout the day, that it just leaves no time for healthy activities. So, how can this be fixed? Firstly,...


Wpływ muzyki na zachowanie i wygląd ludzi

Music have influence on how people look and behave. I agree with this opinion but not completely. Music is an element of culture with which people are identifying. They often take inspiration of clothes from their favourite artist. For example...


"Reklamy skierowane do dzieci powinny być zakazane". Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoją opinią na temat tej tezy

One of common topic in discussions about children is whether advertisements targeting them should be banned or not. I would answer yes, it is definitely good for kids to cut off the "ad's". First of all should be said that in early...


Napisz opowiadanie, w którym podróż głównego bohatera przybiera nieoczekiwany obrót na skutek zgubienia czegoś ważnego

Giving the story short introduction lets steal some life from a unknown woman, yet important, and put it on this sheet of paper. I’ll call this woman Caroline and place her in one of old English cities. It was rainy and windy November. Typical...


England - Prezentacja

England is West-European country which makes upUnited Kingdom and is part of GreatBritain. It has access to North Sea in East and Atlantic Ocean in West. It’s mostly flat country with mountains in north. United Kingdom is made up of England,...


Literary Essay - A Great Day (Frank Sargeson)

How different we are? Do we all have same abilities and weaknesses? Would you expect that somebody who is seen as a less worthy person could ‘kill’ someone who is strong, intelligent and liked by generally most people? Through a short story...


Napisz opowiadanie , w którym nieumiejętne posługiwanie się nowoczesną technologią sprowadza na bohatera niebezpieczeństwo.

It was a year ago. My mum bought a new in car navigation system. Day later she decided to go for a trip to unknown places. It was a beautiful, sunny day. Mum was so excited and couldn't stop similig. She left home about 2 pm. The navigation was...


Wrong first impression of somebody - opis

When I was in my last year in middle school I met Wiktoria. She joined our class after having moved to town. She didn't look like someone you'd want to be friends with and other girls were laughing at her behind her back. That's because she...


Jak uniknąć kłótni z nastolatkiem? - rady

How to avoid arguments with teenagers? Teenagers argue when they feel the rules are too limiting and when we don’t treat them as grown-ups. They rebel when we always tell them what to do, when we choose their clothes or their friends and when we...


Once upon a time in Miami - story

Once upon a time in Miami there was a man. He was not just ordinary resident of The New Continent, but an exceptional example of kindness and nobility. Our character, named just as his grandfather - Tom, had lived in a trailor, in the middle of...


My closest friend - Michael, opis przyjaciela

Michael has been my close friend for donkey's years. I first met him probably in the primary school. We got the same fads then. Since that time nothing has changed - we have the same interests and spend plenty of time together. Michael is a...


What do you think about dance?

What is the definition of dance? I think that it is quite impossible to define just because it depends on one's individual view. For some it is a sport, an athletic activity, a kind of entertainment, a way to relax and for others it is a...


Opis budynku, cerkiew, kościół, angielski

Old Ortodox Church in Hrubieszów. Hrubieszów is a small town on the east of Poland. It is located only one hour away from Ukraine. There is a monumental Ortodox Church which I really want to describe. In my opinion it could be the biggest...


My close friend and neighbour, opis osoby

The person that I would like to describe is my neighbour and friend Iga. I first met her at her parent's home about eight years ago. We instantly became good friends. Iga is a good-looking, attractive girl. She is short but well-built with...


Bezdomność, homelessness rozprawka z angielskiego

One of the most serious problems facing the world today is homelessness. It concern probably countries all over the world, even the rich and well-developed. We may meet homeless people everywhere we go - their home are just streets. What about...


Cloning. Room’s description.

1.In biology cloneisan organism which has identical or almost the same genetic material. Cloning has lots of advantages and disadvantages. There are followers and opponents of cloning. It is very sensitive task. In my presentation I am going to...


Can the media be ever objective? Professional sport has nothing to do with a healthy life style.

1. In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of objective in the media. I will try to say if the media can be objective or it is impossible. Nowadays the media are everywhere. There are TV, radio, internet and press. That give us lots...


First impression Are sport people good role-model for young people?

1.In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of first impression. Firstly I will say if first impression is important or it is not and than I will express my opinion. To begin with you can learn a lot about some people by their first...


Abortion. Risking life by doing extreme sport should be forbidden.

1. In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of an abortion. Firstly I’ll say why women decide to abortion and then I will present consequences of abortion. To begin with the majority of Polish people are against of abortion. For many...


Cosmetic surgeries. In many countries football is national obsession. Explain why.

1. Nowadays there Isan increasingnumber of people who improve their physical appearance by surgeries. In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of cosmetic surgeries, I will present pluses and minuses of it. To start with, there are lots...


Relations between parents and teenagers. Men are more interest in sport that woman.

1.In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of relations between parents and teenagers. Adolescence is a complex period of transition. It is normal that teenagers one day are happy and outgoing and rude and depressed the next. Firstly I...


Positive aspects of television. My favorite film hero.

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of possitive aspects of television. First of all I will present good sides of TV and than I will express my opinion. Nowadays television is very popular everybody has TV in their houses, it is...