
Napisz opowiadanie, w którym podróż głównego bohatera przybiera nieoczekiwany obrót na skutek zgubienia czegoś ważnego

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Giving the story short introduction lets steal some life from a unknown woman, yet important, and put it on this sheet of paper. I’ll call this woman Caroline and place her in one of old English cities. It was rainy and windy November. Typical British November.
Once upon a time I was attending airport for some reasons. Sitting in lobby. Glass of tea was silently listening to my thoughts about current situation – I have lost my briefcase, airplane is departing in about an hour. My name is Caroline.
Ten minutes after I’d noticed that my cup won’t be more empty I had taken a sweeping look onto the airport. Spotting my characteristic, red briefcase in someone’s hands was a shock. Running down the stairs took me a split second. Person carrying my target disappear in passage no. 3. Few seconds and few people knocked over later I was standing next to person with my briefcase. How disappointed I was... Briefcase looked exactly like mine, yet filled with different items. By this time my plane finally departed. So giving glass of whisky opportunity to listen to my bad words I was trying to mitigate lost day. After going back to car which was supposed to stay in parking area for next week I have found this briefcase inside. This missing briefcase.
There was all my documents and papers needed in work, which I supposed to start the following day. Summing: I kept my favorite case, but lost my dream’s work.

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