
Bezdomność, homelessness rozprawka z angielskiego

poleca 85% 134 głosów


One of the most serious problems facing the world today is homelessness. It concern probably countries all over the world, even the rich and well-developed. We may meet homeless people everywhere we go - their home are just streets.
What about the reasons? Unemployment and financial difficulties, alcoholism, low education level, incapability to live in society, misfortune, depression, illness? Why don't we help those people? What's wrong about us? People ignore it because it is easier to "close your eyes" and turn away than to solve the problem. It's embarrassing that we pretend to be as blind as bats.
It's high time we did something with this issue. There are so many solutions. First of all, governments should show some interest in that topic because much depends on authorities which could for example: organise free meals and places to sleep, make some new working places and so on. Just give those homeless people an opportunity to start a new life. And what we - ordinary, young people could do? We could support charity organisations or help homeless people even with talk- they need to feel that they are not alone.
I hope that these ideas will help to improve the situation of the homeless as soon as possible. Exchanging good deeds between people definitely strengthen their relationships. Needless to say, living in a world in which mutual cordiality is something usual is much more pleasant. As a society, we should develop willingness to help - you never know when you will need somebody's hand.

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