
"Reklamy skierowane do dzieci powinny być zakazane". Napisz rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoją opinią na temat tej tezy

poleca 86% 102 głosów


One of common topic in discussions about children is whether advertisements targeting them should be banned or not. I would answer yes, it is definitely good for kids to cut off the "ad's".
First of all should be said that in early stages of life child is unable to differentiate things properly, choose which ones are beneficial for them. Therefore companies can easily manipulate one's attitude to product, service or shop. It is easy to set trends. For instance: McDonald – happy meal with toy.
Moreover, such advertisements can permanently change child view about what is proper, kid is told what is good or bad, which clothes are "trendy" and - in most cases – will try to get them without sparing a thought about necessity of buying. Such activity should be done by parents, other way it is dangerous.
Another problem is connected with human pattern promoted in media. In most of cases advertisement’s actors or actress are beautiful, skinny, tan. They do not look like plain “mortals” and that is the straight way to instill unhealthy picture of average appearance. It might be a reason of problems with nutrition like anorexia.
At last, child after watching advertisement will pro bably try to force parents to buy advertised thing, we all know how fierce kids can be when they want something.
Giving an ear to opposite side, someone could say that advertisements targeting is only a way to inform young customers about what could be bought. Parents can with no big effort control things that kid is watching or just explain to him marketing mechanisms.
In summary I can say that children supposed to watch less advertisements than they do now. The big companies should adapt their commercials to appropriate audience and think about psychological issues, not only about economy. Little child’s head is full of original ideas and colorful dreams. Do not litter it with standards or massive products.

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