
Napisz opowiadanie , w którym nieumiejętne posługiwanie się nowoczesną technologią sprowadza na bohatera niebezpieczeństwo.

poleca 86% 104 głosów


It was a year ago. My mum bought a new in car navigation system. Day later she decided to go for a trip to unknown places.
It was a beautiful, sunny day. Mum was so excited and couldn't stop similig. She left home about 2 pm. The navigation was showing her a way so she wasn't very focused on things which she was passing. After one hundred kilometers navigation suddenly switched off, and when she wanted to switch it back on it turned out that she needs a code, which she of course didn't know.
At first she didn't panic, she was sure that she can easily get back home. She was driving among trees, still smiling and singing her favourites songs. After half an hour she recognised that she is in the same place where the problems with the navigation had started. At that point she got really scared. Because of her excitement she also forgot to take a map with her. She wanted to call someone from family but she was out of reach. Next three hours passed. It was getting late and dark, mum desperately was trying to find a way out from this huge forest. About 9 pm she finally found a small house.
It turned out that it was very hospitable family who lived there. With their help she could easily find the way to our house. After an hour she was back home and when she walked in she said " always take important numbers with you and never trust technology! "

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