
Język angielski

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If you want get a job

take time and trouble - znajdź czas i chęć, pofatyguj się to look for - szukać to prepare - przygotować interview - rozmowa kwalifikacyjna to put together - tu: przygotować demonstration - tu: dowód, przykład interest in the job -...


Scandinavian Gods

THOR "Thunder," son of Odin and Earth. The most beloved god of the Viking Age, perhaps seen as the chief god at that time, and often known now as "god of the common man," Thor is best known for his ceaseless battle against the giants. He is not a...



In the modern world a lot of people travel: to other countries, to the seas, lakes, to the mountains. Many of us like travelling. They feel excited when they go abroad, where they meet people who have different habits, who speak other languages....


Wieliczka Salt MIne

In Poland are many unusual places,which are worth visiting for example the Salt Mine in southern Poland,near Cracov. This place has got rich history. The legend say, that 700 years ago a princes called the Blessed Kinga threw her ring into a salt...


PE teacher - short essey

Hi! My name is Tomek and I wont to be a teacher of Physical Education. I like Basketball very much. This kind of job has got lots of advantages. The plus side of this job is that, lots of time I will be in a gym and teach children how to play...


Spring - My favourite season

The snow had melted and first fresh flowers appeared on the ground. These are some of many signs that Spring-my favourite season has just come. Long and cold winter always drives me mad especially spent in my hometown because it is impossible...


List z reklamacją walkmana

Polecenie: Kupiłeś/aś walkmana podczas pobytu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Po powrocie do Polski masz z nim problemy. Napisz list do firmy, w której go kupiłeś/aś, a w nim: - podaj miejsce i datę zakupu, - napisz, dlaczego wybrałeś/aś ten model, -...


Which would you rather to do: read a novel first or see a film basted on the novel first?

If someone reads a novel he has to think what he is reading about. He has to imagine his vision. It is impossible that two guys will have the same vision of what they are reading. Reading the book, every person will have vision which will be...


If you had a power to change something in your country, what would it be?

If I had a power to change something in my country, I would have a lot of work to do. Firstly, I would start with changing people’s minds. They should be less judgmental about others, and become more demanding from the government. They can’t...


What kind of sports are you and your friends interested in ?

I and my friends are interested in many sports but most of all we like all sort of sports connected with a board. We practice skateboarding in our yard throughout the whole year. I remember the first skate board was owned by my friend Michael...


Dziwne zdarzenia w śnie

I lay in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I probably did, because some time later I opened my eyes. I did not know what had woken me up, but something did. At first, all I could hear were regular night noises, the wind in the trees and the leaves...


The Statue of Liberty

On of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island in New York Harbor. This statue is, of course, the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is woman who holds a torch up high. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so...


Lucky escape

It was a beautiful autumn day. Alex decided to go for a walk with his dog – Sparky. The boy thought that he could ride a bike so he did like this. He was riding a bike and Sparky was following him. The day was sunny and on the sky were only three...


Advertising cosmetics from Lancôme

Advertising cosmetics from Lancôme Sue is at home. She is taking a bath. The house phone is ringing. She put on a towel and goes to phone, and say: Please press the button and push the door! The man, who is a traveling salesman, comes to...


Topics for discussion

Topics for discussion 1. What shapes our personality: our genes or the environment in which we grow up? Justify your opinion. 2. Does our nationality determine the way we think and act? In what way? 3. Do you believe in horoscopes? Can our...



London is the capital of England, Great Britain and the UK. It's the largest town in Europe and one of the oldest town in the world. More than six milion people live in London. The most important parts of London are: The City, the West End and...


Inconvinien neighbour

Next to my door lives a very inconvenient man. He is incredibly skinny and tall. His face is densely freckled and his got long, straight and red hair. He’s got a scar on his left cheek, which he probably got on one of the black masses. The...


Napisz list do angielskiej uczelni. Napisz skąd dowiedziałeś si o szkole, jakie jest Twoje największe osiągnięcie i czego od nich oczekujesz...

Dear Sir or Madam, I come from Poland. I graduated in computer science at Sikorski High School in Poznań. I am interested in studying at the University of Birmingham. I found an information about this school in the internet and newspapers....


Problem of a crime in our society.

Crime is increasing in our society. We often ask ourselves „why?”. There are many reasons. Firstly the law isn’t strict enough for criminals, so many of them aren’t afraid of punishment. Criminals spend too little time in prison and they have...


Pewnego dnia

Pewnego bardzo słonecznego dnia postanowiłam wyjśc z psem do parku.Będąc na miejscu usiadłam na ławce i spóściłam Tofika z smyczy zeby sobie pobiegał...nagle zobaczyłam jak tofik biegnie w strone jakiegoś psa, zaczełam go wolac ale on nie...


Będąc na wczasach dwa tygodnie temu, kupiłeś sobie urządzenie, które nie działa prawidłowo. Napisz list do sklepu, w którym je kupiłeś.

= napisz kiedy byłeś w sklepie i jakiego rodzaju urządzenie kupiłeś = wyjaśnij, na czym polega problem i co zrobiłeś aby go wyeliminować = napisz czego oczekujesz od sklepu i zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie jeśli to pierwsze okaże się niemożliwe....


The locked door

Elijah was well known at school for his curiosity and inquisitiveness. He always wanted to know everything . He was ubiquitous, there was no such a place Elijah was not seen in. There was no mysterious secret he did not figure out, there was no...


Complain about new CD player

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with the CD player ( Sony SGh) which I ordered on the Internet from your abroad company last week. I must complain about your product because when I brought it home from the...



In my country are many wonderful cities but I think that most attractive place in Poland is my favourite town which I recommend it to tourists from abroad. This city is callee Cracow and it is situated in the south of my countrynear mountains. It...


Czasowniki niereguralne

Forma podstawowa Past simple Past participle Tłumaczenie arise arose arisen powstawać, pojawiać się awake awoke awoken budzić się be was(were) been być bear bore borne nosić become became become zostawać befall befell befallen...


1. What is better big or small family? 2. Family 2+1.

1. Nowadays small families are the most popular but there are still some people who decide to have big family. Both kinds of families have good and bad sides. In large family there are always someone to play, talk or help. It’s also easier to...


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Magda, Greetings from Hawaii! This place is realy fabulous. I arrived on Saturday morning and since then I have had a great time here. I'm staying in is 5-star hotel with a big swimming pool and tennis court. My spacious and very comfortable...


List do kolegi, którego zaprosiłam na ferie zimowe

Dear Peter, I thank that you accepted on winter breaks my invitation. I can not unfortunately take back you from station because I have at doctor then urgent visit. Road from station to my house is very easy so you can alone to me hit freely. It...


My best friend.

My best friend calls Alexander. He is my cousin, and he has 18 years old. Alexander lives in Warsaw, and learns in High School of name Stefana Batorego. He is very tall, slim, and handsome. He has black, brilliant hairs, blue warm eyes, pimply...


Prośba o stypendium

Dear Sir/ Madam I am writing to you because I would like to apply for scholarship. Trip to England is my dream since I have started learning English - in 1995. Since this time I am regularly attending my private lessons. First of all I...


Informal letter

Dear Janet, I’m spending my holiday in Prague. Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and it’s situated on the Wełtawa River. I’ve never seen such a beautiful city before. I’m staying in a lovely, historical hotel in the town centre. Do you...


List do przyjaciela który ma do mnie przyjechać i plany co bedziemy robic

10th October 2005, Oakland Dear Jackie, Thanks for your last letter. It was really good to hear from you after all this time . I’ve been working really long hours preparing for my school exams, but now I’m planning to take a brake and go...


Review - Requiem for a dream

”Requiem for a Dream” is a drug movie directed by Darren Aronofsky. Screenplay of this film is based on the great book written by Hubert Selby Jr. As you might expect if you've experienced any of Selby's previous prose, Requiem is a decidedly dark...


List- twój kolega z USA przebywający właśnie w Polsce napisał do ciebie list z propozycja wspólnego wyjazdu w okresie świat wielkanocnych. Ty jednak zaplanowalaś już spędzenie świąt z rodziną. Napisz list, w którym: przeprosisz i podasz pow

Dear Michael, Thank you for your letter very much. I'm writting to you to tell you that I can't get a trip with you at easter. I planed that i will spend easter in this year with my family. I'm really sorry and I feel sad because of fact that we...


The most exciting holiday of my life.

I want to write about the most exciting holiday of my life. In 2006 I was spending my holiday on Italian sea. I was there with my friends. We stayed in the luxurious hotel with view on the sea. Every day we were swimming or sunbathing, sometimes...


Słówka sportowe.

aerobic aerobik anabloic steroids anabiliki athletics atlethics lekkoatletyka available dosteopny baseball basketball beat uderzenie beginners poczatkujacy belts balast bindings wiązania, uprząż blow cios board...


My ideal house (FCE)

My ideal house is in a quiet neighbourhood in Great Britain. Every time I walk into it, I feel an immediate sense of warmth and security. It is the most noticeable house in the street because of its colourful paints. There's a long driveway which...


Używanie elektycznych lub elektronicznych urządzeń - rozprawka

It is hard to imagine contemporaneous world without all those magnificent electric or electronic contrivances, such as a music player, fridge or electic kettle. They play an essential role in our everyday life. However, there are also some...


Review of a restaurant

Lately I was in a mood for some traditional polish cuisine, so I opened the phone book on the pleat of restaurants and searched or the one that would make my palate gloat upon delicious food. My choice was a restaurant with funny, but...


Rodzina - słownictwo i zdania

1. adoption - adopcja 2. ancestor - przodek 3. aunt - ciotka 4. brother - brat 5. brother-in-law - szwagier 6. child - dziecko 7. cousin - kuzyn, kuzynka 8. daughter - córka 9. daughter-in-law - synowa 10. descendant - potomek 11. divorce -...


Zaimki i określniki dzierżawcze

Zaimki i określniki dzierżawcze Zaimki dzierżawcze są ściśle związane z tzw. określnikami dzierżawczymi (Possesive Determiners). Różnią się one tym, że zaimki dzierżawcze występują samodzielnie, określniki natomiast łącznie z rzeczownikami, które...


Children on the Net

The Internet is the best working tool for children. However, it has got not only pros but also cons. Using the Net offers quite a lot of advantages. One of them ( For example ), children can learn about other countries and cultures in their...


My Holiday

This is Holiday I'm spend in Hajnowka and Stoczek.W Hajnowka I'm play a computer game ,I go to uot my friends Marta nad Agnieszka ,and my boyfriend Adrian.W Stoczek I'm go out my friend , play football and volleyball.


Computers belong to the 21st century, books don't

Computers are one of the greatest inventions thah have ever been invented. Since we had them our lives are easier. Not only can we communicate with whole world, but also computers give us a new opportunity to educate, work and fun. Nowadays, for...


Living in a big city

Generally speaking most people in the world live in big cities. Some of them say that it is comfortable and they are happy because of living in such a city. The other say that living in a big city has many disadvantages. I think that living in a...


Friendship makes our lives more meaningful.what is your opinion?

Friends Ever since I was a child, my mother raised me to recognize and appreciate various kinds of friends. There are three different kinds of friends in this life. I classify them according to how well I know them and how well they know me. We...


My holidays

Dear Sandra Thanks for your letter from Ustka. I'm sorry I heven't written for a long time. I'am writting to you because I wont to tell something about my holidays. I spend my holidays in Bułgaria Gold Sands and mountain Ochotnica dolna. In...


Gramatyka - Przedimki a/an/the

a/an, the Przedimka a/an używamy przed policzalnymi rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedyńczej wtedy, gdy traktujemy daną osobę lub przedmiot jako reprezentanta grupy i nie interesuje nas, o którą dokładnie osobę lub rzecz chodzi, np.: I've...


FEELINGS/EMOTIONS Should people show what they feel?

Feelings could be positive or negative. Positive feelings are great. Love and friendship make our life better and richer. People should show their feelings to one another. It’s nice when somebody is polite, careful (życzliwy), but showing negative...