
FEELINGS/EMOTIONS Should people show what they feel?

poleca 85% 202 głosów


Feelings could be positive or negative. Positive feelings are great. Love and friendship make our life better and richer. People should show their feelings to one another. It’s nice when somebody is polite, careful (życzliwy), but showing negative feelings might sometimes be harmful for us e.g. at work, or at school when we are angry and impolite to our boss or teacher. I cant accept feelings like: hatred (nienawiść), envy (jealousy) because this kind of feelings are destructive, and cant help neither us nor the other people. Hatred can easily rouen our life. People who hate cant be happy themselves. They don’t have friends, they feel alone. We should try to be polite and nice to people but sometimes it’s necessary to express our emotions when we are angry with somebody and annoyed with something. We should tell about it and don’t be deceitful (obłudny). We have to be tolerant and sincere (szczery) to other people.

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