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Polecamy | Najnowsze

Violence and Bulling

Violence is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Mass media are almost bombarding us presenting acts of violence every day. We are surrounded by violent and dangerous scenes from our everyday life. According to scientists\' opinions violence...


Informal letter to a frien

Dear Peter, How are you keeping? Sorry I haven’t been in touch recently. I’ve been intending to write to you for ages, but I’ve been so busy working that I haven’t had time to do anything else. Nevertheless, to be honest, I’m...


Black Hawk Down- review

Title: Black Hawk Down (Helikopter w ogniu) Director: Ridley Scott Screenwriters: Stephen Grahan, Ken Nolan, Steven Zaillian Cast: Josh Hartnett, Tom Sizemore, Ewan McGregor, Sam Shepard American rangers and soldiers from Delta Force are...


Driver’s License in USA

Maryland's Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) is one of the government agencies responsible for vehicle registration and driver licensing. Anyone driving a vehicle on the roads and highways of Maryland must have a valid Maryland driver’s license....


Wielu ludzi sądzi, że działania pojedynczych osób na rzecz ochrony środowiska są całkowicie bez znaczenia.

„Oxford” TEST 3. Poziom rozszerzony. Many people believe that individual acts on behalf of environmental protection are meaningless. Now a days, the matter of pollution, extinction etc. is very popular. Our planet is becoming more and more...


E-mails or letters

E-mails or letters-which are better? That question is the most interesting one, since the Internet was invented. E—mails are very modern way of communicating. It is used by millions of people all over the world. First argument for...


Festivals in the UK

Scotland celebrates New Year, with bagpipe music and dancing in the street ow the night. At midnight, there are fireworks and everyone sings ,,Auld lang syne''. Scottish families go friend and relations to continue the celebrations! 25 January...


Oil leaks

OIL LEAKS When a tanker collides with a rock or another ship, an oil leak occurs. The oil leaking onto the surface of water forms a thin layer and, if not treated, is brought with the waves to the shore. Oil glues feathers of a bird and makes...


The Friday

My name is Greg. What you see in front of you is an evil magic, so if you don’t have nerves, do not read. It happened four years ago. I will never forget that wonderful Friday afternoon. The sun was high in the ocean blue sky, casting rays of...


Violence in Poland.

Violence it is one of principal problems not only in Poland but in all the world . Every day we can hear on television, radio or read in newspapers about people who were killed, robbed, arrested or who were guilty . In my point of view...


Poland - an attracive place for foreigners?

Poland’s a medium state. Although it’s not big it has a lot to offer. In the north’s the Baltic Sea, it’s rather cold but it’s very comely. In south’re mountains. The Sudety Mountains and the Carpathians aren’t as beautiful as the sea but they...


You can make a change in the world ... what will it be?

Children have the right, recognized in international law, to good nutrition. The world has the obligation to protect that right, building on both the great experience gained and the scientific knowledge achieved. But did you know that in countries...


New York customs

There are over 25.000 restaurants, cafes, fast food shops, pubs, bars and food stands in New York and more and more come into existence every day. New Yorkers like good food, so these 25.000 make their dreams come true. You can eat in New York...


Modern technology is developing more and more rapidly. But we should not by rapidly is simply as a way for business to make

Modern technology is developing more and more rapidly. But we should not by rapidly is simply as a way for business to make money.We should use it to improve peoples living condition Modern...


Euro - the official currency of the EU

Euro - the official currency of the EU On 1 January 1999, 00.00 a.m., the euro became the official currency of 11 Member States of the European Union with a fixed conversion rate against their national currencies. From now on, the value of the...


Education in England

Compulsory education In England, children start school when they are 5 years old. They can leave at 16. Examinations Everybody does maths, science and English. They can also do history, geography, art., design and technology, a foreign language...


In the future

In the Future I want to be a movie star. I would like to be beautiful and famous, because that’s how it usually is with movie stars. I would met many fantastic and interesting people, actors, actresses and filmmakers. I would spend much time on...


Castle in Chęciny

Royal Castle in Chęciny built on one of highest rocky hill in region. It has been thrown up near 1300 but next it has been extended in XV century. But nobody knows who it was build by. It has been divide into two parts: main castle with...


Shepherd's Pie

Shepherd's Pie Shepherd' Pie is a very popular English dish. It originated in the north of England, but is now eaten all over the country. 1. Slice the onions, carrots, and mushrooms. 2. Fry them in a pan with minced beef for about 8 - 10...


Czasowniki nieregularne

Elegancka tabelka w załączniku.


Job application

Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Mateusz Górny. I am nineteen years old student from Poland. I am writing in order to apply for the position of a tour leader during summer time in Study Tours International. I believe that I have the necessary...


Story about an animal

Last summer I was on holiday at my grandmother in Warsaw. There was very hot so we went with my aunt and cousin Kate on ice cream. While we were waiting for green light at the crossing I noticed little boy, who was stading with his mother and his...


System edukacyjny nie pomaga dzieciom

Educational system never help to develop the individuality of children. It is generally believed that school is called ‘our second home’ because we spend there a great part of time during our life, It is also said that educational system...


CULTURE SHOCK May a foreigner feel shocked in our country? Which of Polish customs may seem strange to them?

When we go to another country we are sometimes surprised, with the way that people live, with the customs they have. It often happens whet we go to the country of different culture. We are not very surprised when we go to another European country...


List do zajomej z USA!

Hi Ania, -> Thanks a lot for your letter. I am realy happy to hear from you again and I'm glad you are OK. -> I'm sorry I haven't written for such a long time. I've been ill for guite a long time. -> I have new hooby- swimming. And I don't...


Matrix - recenzja

What can I say about Matrix? I thought it was a fantastic film and I was very impressed. The story in Matrix tells about group of people who are trying to get out of the system matrix. Keanu Reeves stars as Thomas Anderson a worker for a big...


A funny story about a monkey

A baby monkey tried to climb the top of a palm- tree, but when it was half- way up, it slipped and fell to the ground. A party of tourists happened to be standing under the palm-tree and they laughed at the monkey’s misadventure. The tiny animal,...


Słownictwo (różne)

Abbrev(i)ation - skrót Draft - szkicować, projektować Manual - podręcznik, ręczny Royalty - członek rodziny królewskiej, tantiemy Sponsor - sponsorować, sponsor Circular - okrągły Editorial - artykuł do redkacji, wstępniak Preface -...



(dotyczy przeszłości) 1. seem, claim, happen to, 2. must+PI- wnioski twierdząco- dedykujące 3. may+PI- przypuszczenia 4. can’t+PI (couldn’t+PI) wnioski przeczące 5. might+PI- przypuszczenia, że coś mogło, ale się nie stało; przypuszczenie z...


How we can fight the stereotypes.

There are many stereotypes – fixed ideas against somebody or something based on ones opinion– that man can hear around the world. They can be connected with many aspects such as look and appearance, country, race, sex, nation, profession,...


List do przyjaciółki.

Dear Ania I am going to secondary school.There is 20 people in my class, but I have got 3 friends here: ola, robert and jacek.Ola lives in a block of flats next to the school.She lives with her adult sister.Her parents live in other city.Ola is...



on the cheap- tanim kosztem lose one's grip- tracić kontrolę set great store on/by- pokładać ogromne nadzieje have sth in view- mieć coś na oku in a daze- oszołomiony be on tenterhooks- siedzieć jak na szpilkach talk shop- rozmawiać o...


Are you in favour or against the zoo?

The animals in zoo certainly feel bad. First of all they have not sufficiently big space and live in unnatural habitat. Their cages are small and uncomfortable. Secondly they are often lonely and sometimes untidy. Because of...


Franklin Delano Roosevelt - czy mogłabym się z nim zaprzyjaźnić?

Franklin D. Roosevelt is an important person in the history of the USA and world. He was a 32nd president of USA. His decicions had a strong influence on events of The World War II. He studied law but he was interested in politics. Following the...



Hallowe'en is one of the oldest festivals of Britain. The name "Hallowe'en" comes from the full name of the festival: All Hallows Eve (the night before All Hallows or All Saints' Day which is on the first. of November). The Celtic festival of...


List o moim mieście

Thursday, May 09, 2002 HI! My name is Kasia. I’m 15 years old student of second grade of grammar school. I was born in Lublin and I live here. I want to encourage you to come here. Why? There are many reasons, one of them is that Lublin is the...


Leisure activities

On weekdays I do not have too much time for my hobbies. However, I cannot study all the time and I try to spend my leisure in the best possible way. I am a good sportsman. I play ping -pong and I am a member of a table-tennis team. Hence, I often...


If you had a choice to visit any English speaking country where would you like to go , and why?

If you had a choice to visit any English speaking country where would you like to go , and why? I think that everyone would like to go somewhere. Personally I always wanted to go to the USA, exacly to New York, because my grandmother told me...


Moje ambicje

Career Goal As I think of my future career I think of one specific scenario. I picture a woman walking into a room, she sits down. She has a melancholy facial expression. She looks up as she speaks to the person sitting across from her. She...


Do zoos serve a useful purpose?

Do zoos serve a useful purpose, or are they unfair to animals? During the last few years there has been noticed a great development of zoos. Some people think that such places are entertaining or even needed. However in my opinion zoos should...


A risky expedition - story

Bright morning sunlight shone though my bedroom window when I woke. I lay there lazily for a few minutes, then jumped out of bed and stepped under the hot water of the shower. I was been on the travel in Egypt and nothing showed that may be...


Why should truthful?

School is place where should be good and truthful because it not, unless to get reproof, and consequence to take is weak mark from manners. Several days ago to say that nothing are homework and teacher of English to tell I to do write essay at...


Practise make perfect

The topic of this essay is „practise make perfect”. In my eyes I think that is true, because I belive that if you want sth and if you hard try you will reach this! Everybody wants to be good at sth, do sth as good as it is possible and I...



Racism is a belief that humans differ in heritable traits making certain groups superior or inferior to other. The true is that neither the color of your skin, hair and eyes nor the shape of your head is determining your character, intelligence or...



Civic involvement is the community participation in government which is the cornerstone of democracy. When people take the time to provide input to their government about the issues affecting the community, it not only strengthens the relationship...


Formal letter

„ Letter complaining about travel “ 23 Nightingale Street Eldafjord GR8 SEX 3 December 2000 Customer Care Manager Capital Rail London AM2 SE6 Dear Sir/Madam The reason I am writing is to complain about train delays...


Old age

I think that there aren’t any positive sites of old age. There are many arguments for and many reasons against old age. I, personally, think that there are many reasons against. The fist can be illnesses. The second is that they don’t have lots...


It’s a duty of parents to look after their children in whatever circumstance- discuss.

The problem of childcare is as old as human society. It is obvious for everyone that parents should take care of their children until they can live by themselves. However, there is evidence that this rule is sometimes broken. A newborn baby is...


Significant event essey

When I came here, to the United States, I dreamt of becoming a doctor, a dentist to be more precise. I went to High School and took AP Chemistry with a great professor. He showed me this great world of chemistry I never understood in Poland. I...