
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Comparing Culture USA - Poland

COMPARING CULTURE - POLAND vs. USA Our project is aimed at comparing cultures and lifestyles teenagers in Poland and the USA. The United States of America is one of the largest countries in the world, with many differences. Each region...


Słownictwo (personality)

Outgoing – towarzyski Extravert – ekstrawertyk Carefree – beztroski Light-hearted – beztroski Truthful – prawdomówny (prawdziwy) Open – otwarty Candid – szczery Frank – szczery, otwarty Easy-going – spokojny, opanowany (niefrasobliwy,...


Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing with regard to your advertisement for London Tourist Flats. I didn’t find there few things that are very important for me. My fifteen friends from Japan are looking for accommodation in London. I found your advertisement in...


Tradition in Norway - legend about Trolls

Far to the North where the winter storms whip the weather-beaten coasts, you will find a long and narrow country. Here you see dark forests with moonlit lakes, deep fjordssurrounded by mighty snowcapped mountains, and long rivers and cold streams...


Presentation - how the global warming will change the world in the future?

I am going to talk about what the global warming is, how it will change our world in the future and make sure if it is a fact. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth caused by greenhouse effect ? that is...


Recenzja filmu - The Island

“The Island” is a science-fiction film with elements of thriller and action. The film is directed by Michael Bay and the main characters are played by Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. The story is about a special organization in which...


How and from where do you find out about the world?

How and from where do you find out about the world? In our daily life we always have contact with information - all kind of information. We are almost flooded by information. On every step we have served news. No matter how, it can be through a...


Write a report about one of the things that you like or can’t stand.

I very like playing on computer. The reason for this is very nice thing. I play about four hours a weekend. In working days I stay about five hours. I can teach and play. When I haven’t answer the question, I on a computer and start right...


Great Expectations

The book titled „Great Expectations” is a fascinating novel, that moves your heart. It’s unusual atmosphere and excellent visions of Charles Dickens treasure forever in reader’s memory. An understanding of Philip Pirrip (Pip) is essential to an...


St Patrick

THE TRUE ABOUT HIM Patrick was born in or about 415 in Carlisle. He was captured by raiders, when he was 16, and spent this time slaving for a master (six years long) in the west of Killala. Then he escaped to Gaul, and went with his family...


Advantages & disadvantages of shopping on-line.

Shopping on-line is more and more often means of doing shopping in Western Countries. In Poland it has been present for a couple of years as well. Although it is still not very popular, lately it has been gaining more and more users. This kind...


American Pie - The Wedding

American Pie - The Wedding With its tongue only slightly in its cheek, the poster for this third slice of American Pie describes it as the climax of a "saga" - as opposed to the last sequel it can reasonably get away with. But maybe there...


A letter from parents to a host family in USA

Dear Sir, We are very glad that you will undertake to take care on our son Adam while he is in the United States on a 10 month CET program. We are convinced that he will make no difficulties to you. We believe that you will do your best and...


Czasy gramatyczne przeszłe i teraźniejsze

Tenses (czasy gramatyczne) Tenses for speaking about present time: 1. Present Simple -czas ten określa czynności i zdarzenia rutynowe, odbywające się regularnie, stałe, a także stany: She...


Letter of complain

Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to you to complain about a second-hand DVD player which I bought week ago. I would like to complain about the products, which customers can buy in your shop. Firstly, when I go to the shop and I asked about...


A report assessing the good and bad points of a department store in your area.

To: Bill Gates From: XYZ Subject: New department store "Babilonka" Date: 8th November Introduction The aim of this report is to describe a new department store "Babilonka" in Wrocław and asses its good and bad points. Facilities...


Opowiadanie - My lucky day

My lucky day Things hag gone wrong recently. Then one morning I woke up and felt very strange feeling. I noticed that I am a bit older. “What’s up?” I asked...


My hobby - speech

My hobby, about which I would like to tell you, is computer graphics. Well, somebody can tell that it’s rather generally said… so answering this, I want to tell that, I’m interested in typography, which means everything connected with making new...


No mobile phones at school- benefits and drawbacks

Mobile phones are considered by many as an essential part of modern life and they are becoming more and more common among students in high schools and even in grade once. Due to many factors and parents' fears many schools are prompted to ban...


Formal letter

letter > apply for the post


My experience of learning English

English is very useful language . I think that everybody in the world should speak in English. It’s a difficult language. I think that the most important thing to learn in English is pronunciation. It’s very important to speak correctly,...


Najstraszniejsza przygoda jaka mi się zdarzyła - The most frightenig jurny

The most frightenig jurney. It was on my holiday in montagnes. I met an iteresting man. He was wanderfull, We were allways together. I didn't know how this could happen, but I felt in love with him. We had an idea to go together for a walk to...


Phrasal verbs.

see with; 2.make arrangements for(see to) see sb. off-go with their point of departure see sb.out-accompany the door/exit of a hause/building see over-inspect a hause,flat see through sb/sth-not be deceived by...


Social disease

Violence it?s behaviour that is intended to hurt other people physically. Over 95% victims of violence in family then the woman and the children. What third person in Poland puts together with violence in family. The suicide commits every year...


Holidays of New York

Dear Mariusz, Thanks four you letter. Did you go to New York in the end? I want to go to New York last month. I`m sure you had a good time. Anyway,I`m writing to tell you about what I`m doing at the moment a yoga. It`s very relaxing,...


A speech on peace

Peace. This is one of the most famous topics for politicians. They talking about “world peace” very much. In my opinion, every person must talk about peace. A lot of organizations persuade to keep peace. One of those organizations is NATO. It is a...


Test z gramatyki

Test obejmuje następujące czasy: Present Continuous, Simple, Past Continuous, Simple, Present Perfect oraz Future Simple.Pod każdym ze zdań umiedzczona jest poprawna odpowiedź ukryta przez zmianę koloru czcionki na biały. Wystarczy zaznaczyć...


About polish language essay

Polish originates from the group of the Slavonic languages, such as Croatian , Czech and Russian. Our mother tongue is said to be one of the most difficult languages in the world. Its grammar, spelling and pronunciation creates a lot of...


Three generations under the same roof. What conflicts occur in this kind of family?

In the beginning I would like to sort my reflection in two parts:-In first part I will show the negative parts of living in that kind of family. -In second part I will show the positive parts. I’ll show the examples from my own and my friends live...


Antologia po angielsku - Wisława Szymborska

Non-reading Bookstores don’t provide A remote control for Proust, You can’t switch To a soccer match, or a quiz show, win a Cadillac. We live longer But less precisely and in shorter sentences. We travel faster, farther, more often,...


Reported Speech - następstwo czasów

Nastepstwo czasow w ang: 1. Present SImple --> Past SImple I often drink coffee. He said he often drank coffee. I never go out. She said she never went out. She doesn't say 'hi' to me. He said she didn't say 'hi' to him. 2....


How important it is to protect the environment - discursive essay

How important is it to protect the environment Environment is inseparable part of our life. We are depended on it and we have to adjust to survive on Earth. But do people pay enough attention to keep it in good condition? Are we conscious how...


A letter of request

Dear sir or madam I am writing to request about subsidization our theatrical festival with we are organized each year. This is our school festival, played for 1st class students since 1998 always in the Valentines Day hence we...


LEISURE What are your favorite ways of spending free time?

Leisure is a pleasure. I like free time, but I don’t have it much, especially recently. When I have spare time I invite my friends. It is very funny and I don’t bore. We often go to the pub and play cards, especially bridge. It is our favourite...


Funny story

This month I have heard one funny story: Why is walking under ladders believed to be unlucky? There are a few explanations for this. The most common is that someone on the ladder might be holding a pot of paint or a bucket of water which could...


Positive aspects of television. My favorite film hero.

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of possitive aspects of television. First of all I will present good sides of TV and than I will express my opinion. Nowadays television is very popular everybody has TV in their houses, it is...


Wypowiedz przedmiotu mogącego coś powiedzieć w wigilię (łyżka).

-Uahhh! (yawn) Uh...heh... I don't belive it! I can talk! can it be??!!Hmm... Let's see... Today is 24 th of December. I heard, that on this day animals can talk.It's very strange, becouse I'm not an animal, I'm a spoon. Never mind! I...


The Traditions of Easter

As with almost all "Christian" holidays, Easter has been secularised and commercialised. The nature of Easter and its symbols, however, is not necessarily a modern fabrication. Since its conception as a holy celebration in the second century,...


A nightmare journey

It was a beautiful summer day. My friends and I decided to spend a weekend in my grandparents’ cottage in Słona. My friend Marcin borrowed a car from his father and we set off towards Wojnicz. After some time we realized that the car was running...


List skargi- na organizację wycieczki

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is XYZ and I am writting to express my strong dissatisfaction with a trip organized by your travel agency. It took place on 15 December 2007 and London was the destionation. First of all, all participants of the...


Kłopotliwa sytuacja

Hello Darek. I spent two weeks by the sea last summer with me friend from Cracow. Once of beautiful day we thinking about walking to beach. So we getting swim-suit for our body and we goes to the beach. Children play in the water, boys playing...


The worst wedding in my life

It happened in 1993. The worst wedding in my life witch I saw. At the begining on the eve of wedding someone stole the wedding rings. The bride and the bridegroom were desperated, but this is not the end. Later when they bought a new wedding...


What kind of spending holidays would you choose and why?

Every year many people have got a problem with making decision how to spend holiday. As far as I know, almost half of them choose spending their spare time in a tent. Also many people like to spend their holiday on a backpacking tour. To my way of...


Memories of Beatrix Potter child

“Once upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter.” This is the introduction to one of the best-loved children's stories of all time - The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Beatrix Potter was born in...


My town.

I live in Siedlce - a town in the east of Poland. There live about eighty thousand people . I wasn’t born in Siedlce - I was born in Warsaw but I have lived in Siedlce for sixteen years. I will try to describe my town a little. Siedlce is...


EXERCISES: Passive form

I. Przetłumacz zdania. 1)Ona czasami kupuje jeans(y). ...............................................................................................................................


My journal

What happened between April 14 and 19? Not much. All in all it was a typical week (as if anything is ever typical!). Go to school, avoid schoolwork except where necessary, spend the majority of my evening hours with my fianc Tom, chatting with...


Technological and scientific advancements are necessary for society.

Moving towards the 21st century, technological advancement has become a focus of today's society. Technology has entered the lives of even the poorest members of society, and it is very rare to find anyone who does not have some form of...


Gdansk is an ideal city to visit

Gdansk is an ideal town to visit. It has been one of the most significant cultural centres in Poland for centuries. From the 16th century onwards the city, as a major port and trade centre, has also played an important role as an European...