
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

More money for health education? / Ochrona zdrowia

There is no doubt that the administration and the health-preservation costs form the biggest part of Poland’s and other countries’ budgets. Nowadays there are always the same problems with providing these funds with money. As a consequence it...


Ogłoszenie (ubieganie się o pracę nauczyciela j. polskiego za granicą)

Advertisement I am a second-year student of polish philology and I would like to learn Polish language in London. I am sure that it can be really attractive for everybody, who likes lerning completely new things, because it is an interesting...


This dog is extraordinary!

In the beautiful sunny afternoon Nick was going for a walk with his dog Amy. He didn’t even notice when it got dark. He was walking near the quarry and suddenly he fell dawn out of it. Amy was standing and looking him. After some time he went...


Minutes of meeting

STAFF MEETING Minutes of the meeting held on Friday, 28 October at 8.45 am in canteen. PRESENT: Lisa – Manager Marta – Secretary Joanna – Staff Clodagh – Staff Agnieszka – Staff Kate – Staff Tom – Staff Lucy – Staff Julie – Staff...


Odpowiedź na ogłoszenie o kursie jezykowym.

Dear Sir, I am writing in a response to your advertisement published in the issue of The Times from November 2nd. I am very interested in taking part in English Language Course in Oxford at May 2010. My name is [...].I am a [..]-year-old...


The place I would visit once again - Miejsce, które odwiedziłbyś jeszcze raz - Recenzja

There were many places I would like to visit again. All of them had their own advantages and all of them impressed me that I cannot forget about them. But there was one which influenced me the most. It was the Amphosis Hotel in Sharm el Sheikh in...


Present Continuous Tens

Present Continuous Tens Czas teraźniejszy ciągły Używamy go gdy mówimy o jakiejś czynności, która obywa się w danym momencie. Charakterystyczne elementy zdania z czasem Present Continuous: - forma czasownika Be w zależności od osoby z...


My dream island (short tekst)

Imagine beautiful morning by the sea cost. The sun rise and making island the most glamorous of the world. Clean water, white sand and flaming blue sky. When you are there you feel free. You don’t need anything from anybody. You are...



Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii,którego wcześniej zaprosiłeś na ferie zimowe.W liście przeproś że:a)nie odbierzesz go z dworca podając powód b)wyjaśnij jak dostać się z dworca do twojego domu i poinformuj ile czasu to zjamuje c)zaproponuj dwie...


Pamięnik z ferii

1) I just remembered that it's Monday again. The cool thing is that my winter vacation just started today. I do not have to go to school and I am actually on the plane flying to Boston. I am going to visit my cousin. It's my first trip to the...


The house of my dreams

I would like to live in the country in a small city. My home will by very big and beautiful castle. House be located in the forest, behind house will be big garden. On the front of my house I will by see mountains. It will be made of stone. Castle...


Formal letter (complaint about sth)

Dear Mr. Wolff Thank you for your letter of 30 May. I have to say that I am very disappointed with your answer for many reasons. First of all I don't understand why there was such a delay with your answer. I sent my letter on 15th April,...


My best friend - opis osoby

Opis osoby Kamila is a very special person for me. We have known each other since we started the dance lessons. We haven't got any secrets between us. She is medium height, wieghts about fifty-five kilos. Kamila has blond and straight hair,...


Reported Speech - Klucz do Cwiczen

MOWA ZALEŻNA ( REPORTED SPEECH ) – KLUCZ 1 . She said to me : „ I don’t understand what you say „ She told me that she didn’t understand what I said 2 . „Will Ann come tommorow „ , I asked . I asked if/whether Ann would come the...


My city

Trzcianka has a population of about seventeen thousand. It lies in Poland in Wielkopolska on the River Trzcinica near Piła. This is very small town. Trzcianka is famous for few things, but this is very beautifull town, so there are many tourist...


Zaproszenie na weekend

Daer Kate Thanks for your last letter. Now I'm writing to you, because I want to invite you to my house. I will be very happy if you want to stay at my house for the nearest weekend. It will be May 27th and 28th. I would...



I do not dig into people’s problems. I prefer to face my own phobias. My biggest fear is to have only few months left to live. What is it about the words, "You've only got six months to live," that strike such fear in a human heart and shake a...


Opis budynku, cerkiew, kościół, angielski

Old Ortodox Church in Hrubieszów. Hrubieszów is a small town on the east of Poland. It is located only one hour away from Ukraine. There is a monumental Ortodox Church which I really want to describe. In my opinion it could be the biggest...


Women and men should be allowed to do the same job. What do you think?

Nowadays in western cultures women are regarded as nearly equal as men in many aspects of life. But in fact the men are those who created the whole system, culture and who caused the industrial development and this makes parity with men only...


Dance isn’t a sport

Dance isn’t a sport This sentence said Mrs Hazel Fletcher, former world master in sport dance. It’s nonsense. She’s on the meeting with IDSF & International Olimpic Organization say: „(...) I hate a sport.” This sentences are criticize by...


My life

My life My name is Milosz. I am twentyseven years old. I live in Old Lomnica. It is a small village but it is a very beautiful site. We have a beautiful stadium . In my village there is primary school with a large gym. My house is big . I live...


You are baby sitting for some English friends.

If it is the only way to make you sleep I will tell you a tale about a dancing princess. Once upon a time there lived a king with a very beautiful daughter. There lived in a big castle. The king had a big problem. His daughter spoilt her boots....



Ecstasy becomes more and more popular among young people, especially in Britain. Ecstasy or E is usually taken in nightclubs or discotheques. As regards a chemical structure it is known as methylenedioxymethamphetamine, in short MDMA. Ecstasy...


Jak wygląda edukacja w polsce?

In Poland, school is compulsory beetwen the ages of seven and nineteen. Next, students can leave school or go to university. There are different kinds of school in Poland: primary school, gymnasium, secondary school and university. In the...


Letter of complain

The Manager of High Street Polish Telecommunications Cracow 1st January 2000 Dear Sir, I am writing to you, because, from a very, very long time, I have huge problems in communication. This mainly refers long distance calls and connecting...


Describe the characters of Boxer and Napoleon and discuss the significance to the novel as a whole.

George Orwell’s famous novel ‘Animal Farm’ is a genius allegory story. It tells about animals which drive out their owner Mr. Jones and establish their rules a farm which aim is liberty and equality of all creatures except people. However, it...


My weekend.

My weekend usually starts in the Friday's evening, when I come from school, but first I try to do my homework. When I do this I plan rest of my spare time. In Friday evening I usually go with my friends to the cinema to watch an interesting...


Fashion in the future

In the year 2200 fashion will be more practical and versatile from today’s because scholars will create surprising inventions. Despite many electric elements on clothing, they will be tasteful and nice. To start with, our clothes won’t destroy...


Famous person

Singers, actors, politicians, painters and many more celebrities are exposed to all the dangers of fame. Wherever they go, people turn out to greet them. Some crazy fans will do anything to have a glimpse of the well-known faces, to touch their...


The infinitive or the gerund

The infinitive 1.)The infinitive as object or complement of the verb The most useful verbs which can be followed directly by the infinitive are: Agree** be determined** pretend* Aim endeavour proceed Appear* fail promise*...


Have you ever been in Barcelona?

Have you ever been in Barcelona? if not, it is the definetely time to go. Barcelona, the capital of Catalonya ( a part of Spain) is located on the Mediterreanean Sea in the north east of spanish cost. With population of 1,5 million it is the...



In my opinion greatest invention is a computer. It gives us quick access tour file, internet too. We don’t have to go in library to find necessary information. The computer possesses software, which control grammatical error beside write. We might...


A day in the live Jim Barber, Scotish footballer

Jim Barber is a centre forward for Glasgow Rangers football club. He talks to Paul Sullivan about a typical day in his life. I don’t usually get up till 8.30. On a match day I’ll get up even later. I’ll sit in bed, watch breakfast TV for a...


My Shyness.

I’m simple person; I love to laugh and enjoy life. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. But sometimes I have a big problem-shyness. Shyness keeps me from getting the things I want out of life. I feel shyness taking over in certain situation,...


New York

One of the most fascinating cities I have ever visited is New York in the USA. I have been there several times. New York, or N.Y. as it is called, is the USA’s largest city. It is situated on the eastern coast of USA. The city with a population of...


1. Mobile phone. 2. capital punishment

1. Almost everybody have mobile phone now. Somebody have a few also. Like ex. my uncle. He has 3. There are lot of advantages of using mobile phones. First of all there are so small that we can take them everywhere, we can even hold them to...


Job - słownictwo.

Which two factors are necessary to find a lucrative job? A lucrative job is the one that provides people with high salary ,perks, Christmas bonus and the return of various expenses. Being employed in the company that offers such things is...


"A step in time" journey 2100 A.D.

Welcome to our museum! My name is Anna and I am a new class of robot. We made this display to celebrate and farewell the 20st Century and welcome new, 22nd. I am going to guide you through our amazing exhibition to finally see you totally...


Two Cities

Fifty years lasts the war between two neighbor-cities in north east of central Poland. Those two cities, Bydgoszcz and Torun, are fighting over everything. Which one is better, bigger, more prosperous, which has a better speedway team, and which...


Film review - Hostel

HOSTEL – the place where all your darkest and sickest imagination could come true. HOSTEL – Sick, twisted, disgusting and absolutely brilliant ( Graphic, deeply disturbing and inspired by real facts does not leave anybody...


Learning English is enjoyable when you love this language

I know from my own example, that I wouldn’t learn any language, if I did not love it or at least like it. It is like a relationship with another person. You can not be with him or her if you dislike them. Learning languages can be much easier...


Kupiłeś niedawno telefon komórkowy, z którego nie jesteś zadowolony. Zredaguj list z reklamacją do sprzedawcy, w którym opiszesz powody swego niezadowolenia I sformułujesz żądania (180-280 słów).

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about your mobile phone, which I purchased from your website on 20th October for £150. Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with it. The most important thing is that the screen went...


Opowiadanie kończace sie zdaniem "And to think that only that morning I saw my life as being empty and dull"

I was very happy when my dad told me that he will took me to the Netherlands.. I always wanted to go there and my dream came true. It was sunday, me and my lovely dog - Phillip were sitting in front of our hause and waiting for dad, who was making...


Can we divide crimes into bad and good ?

Can we divide crimes into bad and good? What a crime is, everybody knows. If we want to define it, we say it’s an action that’s illegal. We can divide crimes into more serious, like a murder and less serious, for example when someone damages...


Project 1

My name`s Monika . I live in Nowy Sącz, a middle-sized citi in the south of Poland. Nowy Sącz famor Castle, gallery, City hall, we hawe got football teams, Sandecja, Dunajec, Start. There`s a big shop Europa, lost of club and disco and there...


Polski system edukacji / Polish system of education.

Polish stystem of education. I finished primary school in 1999 and high school in 2006. In this year I start go to primary school and I going to finish this school in 2009. On finish this school I should pass the very important exam....


Why do teenagers eat more and more fast food?

I can’t agree with this sentence, because I think that nowadays the young people's attitude to fast food has completely changed. Previously it was considered to be very good and trendy. However, today youths are more sceptical and try to reduce...


Place I would like to live in.

The fun of dream houses isn't in having them, but in dreaming of them. When I was a little girl I used to dream of a nice, little, white detached house with a beautiful garden, swimming pool and hammock. It looked more like a Barby-doll house with...



England : Area: 130 420 km2 Population: 48,5 m. Capital: London Government: returns 529 members to Parliament; a mixture of 2-tierand unitary local authorities, with 36 countries, six metropolian countries, and 27 unitary authorities. Head...


Advantages and disadvantages of the television

Television is the main and most important source about what is happening on the, world and watching TV is the most popular pastime in many countries. But television has also it’s dark side, because when we watch it too much we are subject to be a...