
A nightmare journey

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It was a beautiful summer day. My friends and I decided to spend a weekend in my grandparents’ cottage in Słona.
My friend Marcin borrowed a car from his father and we set off towards Wojnicz. After some time we realized that the car was running out of gas. Two of my friends had to go and fetch some fuel from the nearest gas station. We were waiting for an hour. When they came back we were able to continue our trip. Our driver was so angry that he started to drive too fast. We were overtaking several vehicles and suddenly the police stopped us. It was obvious for us that we are going to have a ticket for speeding but surprisingly we found out that our lights weren’t on so we had to pay for two tickets. It made us extremely nervous.
The last part of our trip was the longest, because we stuck in a large traffic jam near Zakliczyn – two trucks had a collision and one line was blocked. In the meantime we tried to do some shopping, but we got only a kilo of sausages to grill in the evening.
When we finally arrived to Słona it was about 10 at night and we were so tired, that we went to sleep without having grilled sausages. It was a really nightmare journey.

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