
Język angielski

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Money is the power ,power is the money ..... We all know that people from our century are trying to get more ond more money ..... Money became people’s aim in life ...... We live in a materialistic society.People want to possess as much as...


We are a product of our environment

It must be admitted that not only people has an influence on environment , but environment has a great influence on us as well. It often doesn?t come to our mind that we are created by it in a quite big way. I would like to present you the...



PRESENT CONTINOUS Zastosowanie: -czynność odbywająca się w chwili mówienia (I'm reading now.) -Czynność tymczasowa (He's staying a hotel at the moment.) -Plany na najbliższą przyszłość (We're going to the theatre on Sunday.) -Krytykowanie...


A letter giving advice

Dear Ann, I was sorry to hear about your problem. If I were you I\'d tell my parents about the accident. They of cours will be unhappy, but they have a reason. They worry about You and your future! I think yuo should start revising. If you...


Zaimki osobowe-Angol

Zaimkami osobowymi są słówka takie jak: ja, ty, on, ona, ono/to, my, wy, oni. W języku angielskim są to następujące słowa: - I (zawsze z wielkiej litery) - ja - you - ty - he - on - she - ona - it - ono/to - we - my - you - wy - they -...


Advantages and disadvantages of Internet shopping.

Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. The Internet’s main components are...


Napisz recenzję filmu, który nie jest godny polecenia.

"Glen or Glenda" is one of black and white films directed by Edward D. Wood Junior - the worst director in history. He played the main character, wrote the script and produced this horrible movie. World premiere of "Glend or Glenda" was in...



Sport is very important in our life. We spend a lot of time on learning, working, watching TV, using computers. Sometimes we feel bad, tired and often we live in stress. Then we need sport. It is a good way to relax. Our whole body and brain need...


List Formalny - użyteczne zwroty

Letter of Complaint I am writing /to complain about.../on account of/ because of/ on the subject of... I am writing to draw your attention to I am writing to you in connection with... I was appalled at... - bylem zbulwersowany... I feel I...


There are many languages and cultures which are disappearing or have already disappeared from the world.

Latin, Greek and Yiddish are dead languages. Latin is used by doctors and in biological terms . Yiddish is used by orthodox Jews. Another example is the pagan culture which was destroyed by Christianity. The culture and traditions of Inks or...



The actual word perfume comes from the Latin “ per fumus “ witch means literally “ by smoke”. Until than there was scent (czytaj sent ) of course, in flowers even in trees but it could not be controlled in any way. The Egyptian used scent very...


Dieting- does it bring more harm or good? Present and justify your opinion.

Dieting is one of the most widespread ways in which people take care of their health. It concerns everyone because it is connected with one aspect of human life common to all people and necessary for survival- food. people start dieting for a...


Właśnie wróciłeś z kursu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Mieszkałeś tam razem z angielską rodziną.

Dear Mrs Smith, How are you?? I would like to thank you once again for the truly lovely time I spend with you and your wonderful family and all the hospitality you showed me. I really often recall the days we spent together. I have a...


"My favourite meal’’

My favourite meal is chicken with vegetables salad. The meat of chicken I sprinkle salat, black pepper, herbal and chilly. After I roast it in oven for 1 hour. Vegetables salad I do with eggs, tomato, carrot, cucumber, onion, green beans,...


Write about yourself

Write about yourself. My name is Marcin Węgrzynowski and I’m twenty years old. I’m tall and slim. My hair is short, straight and blond. I’m big blue eyes. I have a brother, he is two years younger than me. He is short and fat. My brother is a...


A review of a film

“Bruce Almighty” is a comedy set in a quite small American city- Buffalo. Jim Carrey plays the lead role as Bruce Nolan, a TV newsman. He wears khakis and plaid shirts on the air, he needs a haircut, and he hold his microphone as if he doesn't...


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27 of 1756 in Salzburg as a seventh child of Leopold Mozart and Anna Maria Pertl. His full name is Johannes Chrysostom Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. Mozart's father was a musician and his four-year older...


Rozprawka na temat generation gap.

Essay In today’s world its very unusual that people like spending time with equals. Due to this, they for example crate informal group of friends, but not without its problems. Somebody think that nowadays we can observe phenomenon which...


King Arthur

The story of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table is probably one of Britain?s most famous legends. No one knows if the story is true. Some people believe that King Arthur lived in Britain hundreds of years ago. The Lady of the Lake...


Opowiadanie - Matura próbna - Listopad 2006 - 100% punktów

Zadanie z matury próbnej (Listopad 2006) z części pisemnej, za które dostałem komplet punktów. Przepisując, nieco ją poprawiłem, pozostawiając wersję oryginalną w nawiasie tuż za poprawką. Treść zadania: Napisz opowiadanie o nieoczekiwanym...


How should the ideal boyfriend be like?

An ideal people don’t exist. Everybody has virtues but faults, too. However everybody wants be perfect. If I could choose my boyfriend, he would be an ideal. Supposing his name is Hubert. He would be two or three years older than me. He should...


A supermarket or a corner shop. What are the advetages and disadvantages of each of them and which do you prefer?

A supermarket or a corner shop. What are the advetages and disadvantages of each of them and which do you prefer? (dział7, str 50 - ksiązka Repetytorium: Sikorzyńska, Misztal, Mrozowska) It is hard to say which kind of shop is better. Both a...


Za i przeciw mieszkania na wsi

Nowodays most people live in the huge towns. We used to provide big-city lifestyle. People who live in the town think that is a perfect place to live. Usually we leave our towns only when we go for holidays. But there are people, who live in a...


Wiersze o Deszczu - Poem About Rain

Rain showers Rain showers make me sad They water all the plants And water me too I get to stay home all day And I don?t have to go outside Carry umbrellas Wear raincoats Slip on my rain boots Is what I have to do You fall from the sky You...


My life in the Future

My Future When , I grow up , I’m going to be archeologist. I’m going to study archeology. During the studies I’m going to help poor people. After the studies , I’m going to Egipt , as an archeologist. My dream is discover...


Rozmowy minionego weekendu,który spędziłeś w górach.

Last weekend I spent in mountains. I got there on Friday evening by trai.I lived in a small cottage next to the forest. The landscape around the cottage was really wonderful and also the weather was great The next day in the morning after I...


Oscar Wilde - short biography

Oscar Wilde was born in 1854 in Dublin in Ireland. He went to university at Trinity College Dublin and Oxford. He moved to London. As young man, Oscar was brilliant and eccentric, with his long hair and extravagant clothes. He began writing poetry...


My recipe for a healthy life.

In my opinion a good recipe to keep fit and healthy is a good diet and vigorous exercise. I have my recipe for a healthy life. My diet is balanced and differentiat. I often work out, I run least once a week. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables...



Many people all the time are complaining that they haven’t enough time. They wish the day was longer. I think that instead of complaining they should do something and pull their socks up. We loose time by having not prepared adequately our day...


Favourite film: "Seksmisja".

Sexmission is a cult Polish commedy about adventures of two men who after a few accidents wake up in a world without men (they are the last two specimens from the species of men). Directed by Juliusz Machulski, the cast includes Jerzy Stuhr as Max...


Opinion essay - zasady pisania i przykład: books are better than films based on them

Opinion essay 1.Introduction State opinion about the topic and introduce it briefly 2.Main body -Arguments supporting your view -Giving the opposite viewpoint and reasons 3.Conclusion Restate your opinion using different words Books are...


Music in my life- muzyka w moim życiu

My name is ... and i'm 17 years old. Music is very important part of my life. I like lots of different types of music, especially pop and rock. When I hear the guitar I feel happy- especialy when I'm playing it! I go to music lessons twice a week...


There was a public transport strike.. opowiadanie

There was a public transport strike, so we all had a day off last Wednesday. Although unfortunately it was a dull, rainy day, so me and my friend decided to go for a hot cup of coffe. We went to the nearest coffe bar due to this terrible weather....



The historic centre of Cracow is situated at the foot of the Wawel Castle - the former residence of Polish kings. It was built is style during the reign of Sigismundus I and his Italian wife Bona Sforza. After the fire that consumed the majority...



I have got a cat. He′s name is Yoda. Yoda is small and his fur is black and white and brown and his eyes are green. My cat is five years old. He likes sitting on the radiator. Yoda lives in the hause with us but during the day he is in the...


Romeo must die

The film which I would like to review is a thriller. It is untitled “Romeo must die”. Person who written a sound track to that film is Aaliyah. “Try again” is the most popular song from the film. The director “Romeo must die” is Andrzej...


House from my dreams

I would like to live in a big house in the suburb of the city, far from the main street. It would be two storey houses with the basement and a small attic, all white with the brown roof. Nearby I would build a garage where I would keep my car. All...


EXERCISES [1]: Present Continous Tanse

1)Te drzewa rosną bardzo szybko....


Dangerous sports

Dangerous sports: (ZORBING and STREET LUGE) Recently I’ve heard quite much about exciting activity called zorbing. It was brought to us by the same people who invented bungee-jumping, and it’s the latest adventure experience from New Zealand....


Położenie geograficzne Polski, w pracy uzasadnij też języki jakmi na codzień posługuja się Polacy

Poland - officialy the Republic of Poland. The location is in central Europe over Baltic Sea. Poland borders with seven countries. There are: the Germany (on west), the Czech Republic and Slovakia (on south) as well as Ukraine, Belorussia and...


Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii

hey krzysztof how are you? May as your parents? transfer them to warm greetings from me. per month August meeting on August I can not wait. pick you at the bus station, there is certainly no worries there, I find you. I feel about writing off...


Life is much better today than in the past.Life is much better today than in the past - poprawione

I have not the slightest doubt that life has changed and it is completly different than in the past. Life has become much easier but whether better? Let’s go back to the long-ago times – not necessarily to the antiquity but it would be...


Learning in your town. Defect and advantage.

Learning in your town. + In new class you have classmate who you know. After lesson you may go to home. You haven’t wait on bus. When you forget something you can come back to home and that's not a problem. When you're sick you have many...


A Story From Childhood.

It was a warm, summer day. I was six, maybe seven years old. I was on a lane where beautiful flowers were growing along it. I rode my little bike when it began raining. Flowers buried their heads in the sand, protecting their petals against huge...


Letter of application

Dear Mrs Hunter, I am writing to apply for the position of schoolteacher which was advertised in the Daily News, May 12th 2005. I am 24 years old. I have graduated from Jagielloński University in 1999 and I got M.A in English philology. In...


Endangered species

Nowadays, we have to face environmental problems.One of them are endangered species. Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural habitat is destroyed.One of solutions to protect them from extinction is to give...


Small smugglers

TEMAT: Write a story which finishes with the words "I'm glad it's finally over..." 'I'm very glad it's finally over', said Kelly when Jill asked her about the holiday... Everyting began at the beginning of June. Kelly, her boyfriend Adam and...


Ciąża i dzieciństwo - słownictwo

1. baby - niemowle 2. baby boy - chłopczyk 3. baby carriage - wózek dziecięcy 4. babyish - dziecinny 5. bib - sliniaczek 6. to breast-feed - karmić piersią 7. to change a baby - przewijać niemowlę 8. child - dziecko 9. child-mind - opieka nad...


Letter from hospital

Gliwice 12th December Dear Ania I`m sorry that I did not came to your party and hadn`t call to you but now I`m away from home – in hospital. I have had a car accident and I have to stay in here for a few days. Last Monday I met...