
Endangered species

poleca 92% 103 głosów


Nowadays, we have to face environmental problems.One of them are endangered species.
Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive as their natural habitat is destroyed.One of solutions to protect them from extinction is to give financial support to poorer countries where people cut trees because they need wood and the farmland to grow crops on.
Another solution to the problem is to plant more and more trees so that destroyed habitats could be substituted for new ones.
It is also a good idea to create national parks where many endangered species could be saved.
The second serious problem is pollution which treats the lives of many animals.
For instance, factories and cars release poisonous chemicals into the air where they mix with the water and fall down in the rain doing great damage to the plant and animals in lake and streamers.
To prevent this degradation, we have to encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production.
The public should be also educated about the importance of recycling because a lot of rubbish decompose for many years.
Another point to consider is illegal hunting because there is many people who kills animals only for their benefits.They hunt to get tusks,skins or horns.As a consequence,these animals become endangered.
Raising public awarness about the problem is one of ways to help the situation too.
Another way to help the endangered species is to introduce harsher punishments for illegal hunting.
To conclude,I would like to say that there is a lot of things we can do to protect our environment.There is only a matter of our approaching to the problem.If we take it seriously, we will deal with the problem of endangered animals and we will be able to make any effort to make the situation better.

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