
How should the ideal boyfriend be like?

poleca 85% 257 głosów


An ideal people don’t exist. Everybody has virtues but faults, too. However everybody wants be perfect.
If I could choose my boyfriend, he would be an ideal. Supposing his name is Hubert. He would be two or three years older than me. He should be tall, slim and certainly fit. He can be brunet or blond, it isn’t essential. But Hubert should got short straight hair and big brown eyes. He would be a boy with dark complexion, thin lips and beautiful smile. He could has a glasses, but they aren’t necessary. He would be very handsome. His good looks would be difficult to forget.

But in actuality the appearance isn’t the important thing, the more important is character.
My ideal boyfriend must be sincere and tolerant. He has to help people, who this help need. He should be intelligent and clever so he should understand difficult subject quickly and easily. He must be responsible for his behaviour. He should be optimistic and always smiles. His eyes must emanate warmth and love, because the eyes are the mirror of soul. He should hate people who are cruel to animals, just like me. He should be ambitious and polite. He must be forceful and isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He can’t be egoistic and mean. Furthermore he must be romantic and bring me roses every day. And finally he must love me very much and should be always there when I need him.
His hobbies? I don’t know. Certainly he should be really out going personality and loves meeting new people. In his free time he should enjoys doing creative activities with me, for example climbing or cycling. He should spend a lot of time with me. He should like listening to music and dancing.

All in all, although an ideal boyfriend doesn’t exist, it is nice to imagine that somewhere in the world is a boy who has only valuables and has no faults. I am glad that perfect people don’t exist, because if that were true, the world and our live would be boring.

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