
House duties and obligations

poleca 93% 101 głosów


I have many house duties and I have to obey parents' advice, but I feel free at home, because I am allowed to do many things, although there are some bans.

My mother doesn't let me have a rat, becuase she is afraid of rodents.
My father doesn't let me drive his car during big trafic, because he is afraid then.
My parents don't let me swear and I agree completely with them, because such behaviour is an example of lack of good manners.
I am not allowed to be outside after 21 pm, although there are some exceptions during holidays..

My mum lets me have a mobile phone, because she thinks it's necessary.
I am allowed to sleep by my friends, but only if I am done with my homework.
Everything is different at shool, because there are more bans than privileges.
I am never allowed to forget my ID card and slippers to school, because I will get reprimand from my teacher.
It sometimes happens that teachers let us run through the corridors and seat on the window-sills.

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