
Is holiday with a school party preferable to a holiday with the family?

poleca 93% 102 głosów


There are many different ways of spending holidays. Some people prefer holiday with family, others like holiday with a school party, or on a camp.

I think people who prefer spending holiday with family get on well with them. In spite of generation gap they can be together, talk, play without stressful atmosphere. There is possible when parents are tolerant, understand children and trust them.

On the other hand most teenagers prefer holidays without parents but with friends. They want to be accepted by others, so they try to spend free time with them. They know that without parents they are independent and they do what they want.

However when teenagers grow up they start they family so they respect good relationship with them. They want spend with their family more time. Then even the best friends aren’t as important as before. They come into conclusion that only family makes constant value and every member can always relay on it.

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