
Death penalty 175 slow

poleca 85% 296 głosów


Capital punishment is a method of retributive punishment as old as civilization itself. Both the Greeks and the Romans invoked the death penalty for a wide variety of offenses. Socrates and Jesus were perhaps the most famous people ever condemned for a capital crime in the ancient period. Hammurabi's Code, a code of laws developed by the king of one of the first empires, dates back from the third or second millennium before Christ. This code claims that retribution, an eye for an eye and a life for a life, is justice. In Anglo-American law the death penalty has been a customary response to certain kinds of offenses.

I think that death penalty must be using in all countries on the world because it is fair for people who are honest or almost honest. Law is unfair for people, when somebody kill someone – this person is only going to long holiday. When the death penalty was be everywhere that the crime was be lowed. The felon must be afraid about his/her life!

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