
Język angielski matura różne sytuacje...

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1.Kandydat na pracę... I would like to work in this shop, because I need money. I`m a student and I need money for my study, for my books and for my flat. I`m very talkative, I`m open for people, I`m outgoing and ambitious. I can talk with people, I`m don`t afraid of talking with people who I don`t know. I never late, you can rely on me. I`ve experience in this job, because my parents have shop and sometimes I help them. I think you will be proud of me and I`ll be an excellent worker.

2.Skrytykuj kolegę, który nie uprawia żadnego sportu. Don`t be reckless, don`t be stuppid. Think about your health. You should do some excersies, you can enrol to some football team,volleyball or basketball or you can play tennis. You should cycle or swim everyday in your free time or after work, school you should spend one for sport. In the summer think about jogging, tennis football,cycle...and in winter you think about swimming in swimmg pool, skijng or hockey.If you keep fit, you will be healthy, relaxed, slim and you will be feel better and happier

3.Zwyczaje w Polsce. In my country most people are catholics. Poland is a religious country. Every sunday families go to churchces. Poland is famous for it`s exellent cusine which is fat, but very taste. Main dishes are : dumplings bortsch, saver kraut, noodles with cabbage and may others. The Polish people love alcohol and very often we drink it too much. On West we have rather bad reputation because foreigners said that we are thieves. Young people often go to foreign countries steal in the shops and later sell it in Poland. But not of all are thieves and alcoholists.

4.Jakie pytania zadałbyś przeprowadzając wywiad z gwiazdą ? My favourite music star is Peja. He`s hip-hop star in Poland. He`s very popular, he sings about polish reality, about poltics, about live, about unemployment, about young people, about drugs...I would ask him :-First, why do you choose this kind of music ?-Second, Who writes your lirycs ?-Third, who inspires you ?-Next, where do you usually record your singiels, you CD`s, your records ?-How much do you earn ?-Why do you sing in Polish only ?-And last question hmm....when will you sing in Stargard?

5.Wynajmujesz komuś pokój. Kilka zasad które ta osoba musi przestrzegać. I`ve some rules for you and you must obey them :-First of all you must pay me for this room every first Friday of Month.-Secondly in my room must be clean and you mustn`t play loud music after 10 p.m. -Thirdly, your guests can sleep with you in room, but not often.-Next, you mustn`t smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol on your room.-And finally you can use my phone whenever you want, feel yourself at home

6.Przekonaj koleżankę do przyjęcia pracy w miasteczku. You should accept this job, because :-In the small city or town the air it isn`t polluted, so it`s fresher, you will be healthier.-There aren`t traffic jams.-Everybody knows you and you everybody, too. It`s easier to ask for help and to make friends.- You don`t loose your time on going to work, because everything (shops,banks,restaurants) is near your home. Life is slower.

7.Jakie pytania zadałbyś przeprowadzając wywiad z nauczycielem jęz. angielskiego. I would like to ask you some questions :-How many years have you been learning English ?-How many years have you been teaching English and in which schools ?-Do you enjoy your job ?-What kind of students do you prefer : -youngest ? -teenangers ? -adults ?-Do you have any native speakers friends ?-Have you ever been in England ?-Why have you choosen this job ?

8.Opowiedz o swoich planach na przyszłość. Obviously I would to pass matura exam. After that I`m going to study in Szczecin at University. In future I`m going to get married and have familly with children. I will have good job, big house with a garden and car. I`m going to go abroad, if I don`t find a job in Poland. I would like meet a lot of new people. I would like to go England to improve my English. I hope i will be happy and succesful man.

9.Chcesz wynegocjować u szefa podwyżkę. Krótko to uzasadnij. I would like to have higher rise, because:-Firstly, I think I`m a good worker.-You can rely on me.-I`m outgoing and I`m talkative.-I`m work long hours and I`m never late.-I can always fix everything for our company for examples :good clients, reasonable prizes.-I`m very important and neccesary for our company.I think You should
consider my view on the rise.

10.Podaj przyczyny oraz sposoby rozwiązywania konfliktów między nastolatkami a rodzicami. There are a lot of causes of conflicts between teenangers and their parents.Firstly, teenangers want be independient, they don`t want listen to advice from their parents. They want to solve their problems alone.Teenangers want to grown up, and and they want to decide about their want live. They try smoke and drink alcohol or drugs. It isn`t good for them. Parents should look after their kids, they should talk with them more often and understand them, and they should observe their childrens behaviour. They should know what kind of friends their children have. The best remedy is honest talk with a child.

11. Podaj wady i zalety studiowania daleko od domu : Advantages :-First you become more independient, you must look after your flat or room, you have to plan how to spend your money, and how to earn some money for living.-You must learn how to deal with everyday problems.-You can meet a lot of people.-You can go to disco, pubs whenever you want without your parents permission. Disadvantages :-You live far from your familly, from your home town, from your friends. You can miss them very much. You can`t see them everyday and it`s very hard from some people.-Independents means that you must to deal with everyday problems alone without your parents help. -Maybe you don`t like the place and people where you are.

12. Czy wszystkie rzeczy można kupić ?Jeśli nie ,to które rzeczy nie są na sprzedaż. I think you can buy a lot things, if you have money, but money isn`t everything. You can`t buy love or friendship for this you have to work hard yourself, because love and friendship come to you after some time. You have to be open for a person and you must take care of this feeling. You must be sensitive, honest and trustworthy and you will be happy. In the world there are people who have the money, but they can`t find real feeling , true love and best friends. So if you want to find a love or make friends with sb, you needn`t any money.

13. O pobycie w letniej szkole. I was in British school last summer. It was in London and I lasted 2 weeks. There i met a lot of people from different countries. Everdyday i lernt English for 5-6 hours. One day I had a trip to Newcastle and I saw a lot of movements. In London I saw many interesting buildings for example BigBen, The House Parliament and The River Thames. Teachers were very strict but they were very friendly. I had a great time.

14.Poradż koledze żeby zmienił swój styl życia. (podobne jak w drugim temacie You must change your live style. Don`t be reckless, don`t be stuppid. Think about your health. You should do some excersies, you can enrol to some football team,volleyball or basketball or you can play tennis. You should cycle or swim everyday in your free time or after work, school you should spend one for sport. In the summer think about jogging, tennis football,cycle...and in winter you think about swimming in swimmg pool, skijng or hockey.If you keep fit, you will be healthy, relaxed, slim and you will be feel better and happier.

15.Opowiedz o wypadku drogowym o którym słyszałeś lub byłeś świadkiem. Yesterday when I was walking down the street I saw an accident. It was about 6 p.m..Some guy was knocked down by a car, because the weather was simply foggy, and driver wouldn`t stopped, because the road was slippery. The man was uncoounscious and I was a wwitness of this accident and I called to police and ambulance.After that a man was taken to hospital and I had to describe this accident. Next I went ahead

16.Powiedz jaki dzień w roku ma dla Ciebie największe znaczenie i dlaczego ? The most important day of the year for me is new year`s eve . In the morning I usually do shopping, I buy some food and some drink and fireworks , because in the evening I have a party. I clean all the house and decorate my flat, I prepare music , champan, glasses. When I do everything I`m wait for my friends. When they come, first we start to drink sth, next we eat sth , and we start to dance and we talk about plans of new year, we listen to loud music,too. At midnight we leave a flat and we enjoy looking at fireworks burning in the sky and after that we come back to flat and we have a good time to te morning

17. Co przez ostatnie cztery lata się zmieniło w Twoim życiu. I have moved to Stargard from Ulikowo. I`ve grown up and I`ce cut my hair because it was long and now I`ve got very short hair .I`ve started working at the weekends as referee. Every weeks I go to some villages and I referee a matches. I`ve became the most important student in school. I conduct school meetings, I make posters on the important days in the year and I make school advertisment and manyother things.I met new people and now I have more friends. I started to go to a disco

18.Zachęć kolegę do obejrzenia filmu który nie dawno widziałeś. A few weeks ago I saw very interesting film. The film was called ``Matrix III Revolution`` I think you must see it. In the film there were many very interesting actions,scenes. Actros were famous and they played very well. You should see these fantastic special effects I was really surprised and shocked. The film lasted 2h and 14 minutes. I think it was better first and second parts. If you watch it, you won`t regrat

19.Opowiedz jak pewne wydarzenie lub osoba wpłynęły na twoje życie. The most imooprtant person in my life is my sister. Her name is Aneta, she is twentish. Now she studies. Why she is imoprtant for me ? Hmm...because when I was young she always helped me with my chool lessons, homeworks, school matters. She was for me an example to be followed and now she is ,too. She is my bestfriend who I can always talk to about my problems with school or love. She advised me which school I had to choose. So she is not only my sister, but also my bestfriend and I can always rely on her

20.Powiedz co zmieniłbyś w swoim otoczeniu jakbyś mógł. I think , I would like tp change a lot of things like selling alcohol or cigarettes. So, in my opinion these products should be sold to people above

21 . A lot of teenangers would not be addicted to smoking or dinking alcohol. In many shops shop assistants sell cigarettes and alcohol to very young people, and I think it should be punished stricter.Next, in my view in schools should be cameras , then maybe there won`t any thefts or petit crimes like bullying. In my opinion it would be better,I would be safer

21.Opowiedz krótko o wydarzeniu , które przytrafiło ci się w podróży. It was 2 years ago .When I was travelling by train with my class to Zakopane. We enyojed it together, we listened to music and we talked each other. I was telling jokes and we were laughing and taking photos. After 2-3 hours we were tired and we fell asleep. When I woke up , I noticed that my radio was gone . I woke up my friends and we checked bags and pockets. Fortunetly only my radio was stolen. After a while my friends came in to our compartment and she gave me my radio. I was very hapy, but was angry with her.

22. Jaka jest Twoim zdaniem definicja dorosłości. I think being adult or being grown up means that :-You aren`t adult when you finish 18, because then you don`t have ant experience, you dom`t know real life , real problems , you`re under your parents protection still .- the person is adult when he/she has expierienced with diffrent events and sides of life. I think man bacams an adult step by step learning various behavious to different situations. I`m 18, but now I don`t feel fully like adult , but already I understand sime aspects and difficulties.

23. Co najbardziej nie podoba ci się w społeczeństwie. In our polish society I dislike many things for example that people in Poland drink a lot alcohol, teenangers take drugs, a lot of people drive after drinking , the most horrible thing is our rude behaviour. I school, on TV and sometimes in radio , in music we often meet situations when people used a very dirty words. Using such words may spoil the beauty of Polish language. A lot of people aren`t friendly and tolerant.

24.Zachęć koleżankę do przeczytania książki która Ci się podobała. Recently I have read a book titled ``The Plague`` by Albert Camus. The book is about very horrible illneses which is in the city . Plague is a symbol of evil which is in and around us. The characters wants to be against this evil, they fight for human life. I would like to recommend this book, because when I read it thought about human existence and I realized that our life is very fragile.You must read it.

25.Podaj kilka przykładów dlaczego tak wielu ludzi uważa się za nieszczęśliwych. People think that they are unhappy, because :-they have problems with finding a job , they feel frustraited - they haven`t any money-they have problems with their familly -they sit in the house and do nothing-maybe people complain about their health and appearance, but they don`t eat healthy food, they don`t do exercises and they don`t relax, they only eat fast foods, because they are on hurry.

26. Opowiedz jak spędziłbyś weekend w twoim mieście z kuzynką która przyjechała z daleka. First I would go with her to visit monuments , old churches, museums, cathedral. Next we would go to the sport centre OSIR to play tennis, swim in swimming pool ,sunburn in solarium and spend some time in a gym. Next we would go to the cinema ``Ina`` to some film. After that we can go to a disco or to some pub.Finally we would cycle to lake Miedwie

27.Jakie rzeczy są dla Ciebie stratą czasu. For me it is a waste of time to :-watch many stuppid programs on TV,like reality shows or programs about famous people or Venezuelas serials-go to shopping because it`s very boring,- play computer games or play station talk on chatrooms ,because on this time I can read some book or I can learn sth for example English . 28.Opowiedz jakie niebezpieczeństwa mogą Cię spotkać gdy wyjeżdżasz za granicę. - we can be robbed- we can be attacked by someone- we can lose our passport, or wallet ,if we don`t know the language, we can have some problems - we must careful about the currency about rest we get- we can lose our luggage on airport we must look after it all the time- we must vaccinate before the trip for example Afrika ir Asia

29.Powiedz w jaki sposób komputery zmieniły naszą rzeczywistość. In my opinion the computers replace everything :-now we can chat via computer , meet people, learn language etc.-in close future computers will replace people in bank , in a office or factories.- by computer we send messages , we send electronic mails , we rarely write letters-we do shopping via internet without moving from the armchair.

30.Daj kilka rad koledze który boi się egzaminu . Don`t be afraid my dear. You shouldn`t think about exam, you should be relax.In the evening before exam you shouldn`t learn to much, but you should met your friends. You should eat a bar o chocolate or buy magnesium. You should take a shower , relax in bath and go to sleep earlier. You won`t be afraid and nervous.

31. Podaj przepis na ulubioną potrawę. – So my favourite dish is pizza hawai. To make it you need : - flour, yeast, cheese, can of pineapples, mushrooms, cham, sosagges, eggs. So first you have to make daugh, you must fixed flour with eggs and yeast. Next you put cheese, mushrooms, cham...
and after that you put ready dish to your oven. After 20 minutes it`s ready and you can start to eat it. It`s good idea to drink cola when you eat pizza hawai.

32. Opowiedz o swojej ulubionej reklamie. Recently a I have seen very humorous and interesting advertisment on TV. It is an advertisment about tablets ane help you stop smoking or cut down smoking. It`s humorous because there is a cigarret walking on the street and suddenly an old women punch and hit him with her shooping bag. He runs away and everybody laughs.

34. Zaintersowania młodzieży w Polsce : Girls – Most girls are interesting in fashion. They love do shopping. They are shopping ale the time . They choose fashionable clothes. They can talking about it four hours. Boys – prefer sport, they interseted in sport, like skating , playing footbal and basketball and watchings matches. They are interested are in cars and girls, too. Young people love sending sms and e-mails and talked via internet.

35. Ulubiony środek transportu. My favourite mean of transport is a car, because you can drive it. You can go whenever and whereevere you want. When you travel a long distance you can stop whenever you want, it`s comfortable. You can take your friends and go by car to sea or montains for a trip. I like travel by plane too because it`s more and more cheaper, fast, comfortable , clean you can sleep or read book during the journey.

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