Dear Mr. Wolff
Thank you for your letter of 30 May. I have to say that I am very disappointed with your answer for many reasons.
First of all I don't understand why there was such a delay with your answer. I sent my letter on 15th April, while you answer came more than a month later, on 30th of May.
Second reason of my disappointment is the sum of money you have offered me for the shoes I had to buy on Florida. The exchange rates show clearly that I should receive 60 pounds instead of 30.
The most important reason is that in my opinion the Section 4.1 (a) mentioned in your letter does not apply in my case. As you can see from the enclosed newspaper article I did not "wilfully expose" myself to danger. I was forced to do what I did to save someone's else live.
After you consider all the evidence I expect that you will pay my claim in full according to bill I have enclosed. I also expect that you will pay me equal sum of money for my shoes due to exchange rates.
If you don't meet my reasonable claim I will have to take a legal action against you and your company. I will also withdraw my custom and will not hesitate to inform press about whole case.
I hope you see my demands reasonable and I will not have to take such drastic action. I look to hearing from you soon
Yours sincerely
Matt Mroczek
too many words (257) - should be 200