
Język angielski

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Przysłowia angielskie - tłumaczenia

Too many cooks spoil the brooth. - Gdzie kucharek sześć tam nie ma co jeść. Rome was not built in a day. - Nie od razu Rzym zbudowano. One man`s meat is another man`s poison. - Co kraj to obyczaj. Where there is a will there`s a way. -...


Money.There are things money cannot buy. Do you agree? Why do people save money?

In our world money is very important thing. Without money life could be very difficult. But sometimes people forget that there are things more important. Happy family life, love friends money cannot be bought by us. We need to take care of this,...


Ways of spending free time.

Most people have their free time everyday. Sometimes they are bored but other time they try to do something pleasant. They have different hobbies, which help them to relive stress and forget about everyday work and problems. There are many kinds...


Język Angielski-czasy

Present Simple Stosowany jest dla określenia czynności zwyczajowych, powtarzających się oraz takich czynności lub stanów, które są stałe, charakterystyczne, typowe lub właściwe dla podmiotu zdania, np. I drink much coffee. I usually go to bed...


Hotel receptionist - letter of application

Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested in applying for the job as a hotel receptionist, mentioned in the advertisement in a student newspaper. I am 19 years old and I live in Puławy. Currently I am studying English at Foreign Language Teacher...


Słówka - dom (house)

apartment- apartament bedsitter/bedsit- kawalerka block of flats- blok mieszkaniowy bungalow- dom parterowy cottage- domek wiejski detached house- dom wolnostojący farmhouse- dom w gospodarstwie rolnym flat- mieszkanie semi-detached house-...


The richest man in the world

The richest man in the world The richest man in the world is Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, the twentyninth Ssultan of Brunei.He is descended from one of the oldest ruling dynasties on earth. When one of his daughter was eleven years old, he...


Present Simple Tense

Budowa Zdania twierdzące Zadania pytające Zdania przeczące I work Do I work? I do not work = I don’t work You work Do you work? You do not work = You don’t work She works Does she work? She does not work = She doesn’t work...


Opisz znaną ci i dla ciebie ważną osobę. (Describe a person you know well. Explain haw and why she/he is important)

I think that a person who everybody knows well is own mother. My mother is a very nice woman. Mother is medium size and stoutly in waist. I know her because I live with her in one house. She is a nurse and likes her job. She works in hospital in...


My best friend

Mark - my best friend Mark is a very special person for me. I can honestly say that he has even made a great influence on my entire life. We have known each other since the 6th class of Primary School and since then we have always been best...


Jesteś studentem trzeciego roku i starasz się o stypendium w USA. Napisz list do dziekana amerykańskiej uczelni.

UWAGA, WIELKA PROŚBA. JEŻELI JESTEŚ NAUCZYCIELEM I TWÓJ UCZEŃ ODDAŁ CI TĄ PRACĘ, BARDZO PROSZĘ O KONTAKT. TO BARDZO WAŻNA SPRAWA! Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to enquire about admission to your university. I am currently a third year...


Jesteś nad jeziorem napisz pocztówke do koleżanki

Hi Anna I’m at lake in a tent. Here it’s excellent! The weather is great - clear sky and lots of sunshine. Most of the time we are playing in different game, for example beach volleyball and football. This place is wonderful, quiet and lovely. I...


Charakterystyka przyjaciela

I would like to write abort my friend Anna. I met her three years ago. My mother introduced us. My mum knows her as her mother and main were working together for a whiled. We had gone to England to her ankle and we have been spending a month...


Opowiadanie o wakacjach

It was the beginning of the holiday. I got up earlier than usual and I ate breakfast. I had no plans for this day, but it was beautiful weather so I decided to take the bike for a ride with my friend. We met in the morning and took the ball to...


Dom - słówka do matury

kawalerka - bedsitter blok mieszkalny - block of flats dom parterowy - bungalow domek wiejski - cottage dom wolnostojący-detached house dom w gosp.rolnym-farmhouse mieszkanie-flat bliźniak-semi-detached house wieżowiec-skyscraper dom...


Passive Voice - Klucz do cwiczen

STRONA BIERNA ( PASSIVE ) – klucz 1 . They are using the computer at the moment The computer is being used at the moment by Them 2 . Kate was watering flowers when I came The flowers were being watered when I came 3 . The...


Odmiana czasowników - tabelka

po polsku bezokolicznik czas przeszły imiesłów bierny powstawać arise arose arisen budzić (się) awake awoke awoken być be was been bić beat beat beaten zostać, stać się become became...


What are advantages and disadvantages of being an only child

Do you have a brother or sister? Are you an only child? There are many advantages and disadvantages of having siblings. One of the main disadvantages of having a brother or sister is that your childhood is very lonely as you don’t have...


Advantages and disadvantages of being married.

In our society marriage is the structure which people use to create a stable family unit. Due to the fact that marriage is so strongly tied to family, because it is such an enormous step and because the cost of entry and exit is so high, adults...


The place of my Dreams is Krakow

Krakow is one of the oldest and largest cities in Poland, with a population of 780,000 (1.4 million, counting adjacent communities). This historic city is situated on the Vistula River at the foot of Wawel Hill in the south in 2004 of Little...


Compare and contrast Hitler and Stalin roads to power.

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were the most recognisable and known totalitarian leaders in Europe. They both had a great impact on the world’s history. Adolf Hitler was the Fuhrer of the III Reich and a leader of the Nazi Party – the NSDAP. He is...


Słownictwo part 2 i synonimy

Lubić: Keen on fond of enthusiastic about zealous in excited about mad about engrossed in enthrolled by mesmerized by obsessed about gripped by riveted by absorbed by Zaskakujący: amazing suprising astonishing astounding staggering startlingg...


Enterprise 2 - Słówka Unit I, II, III, IV

J. Angielski -Enterprise 2 - Słówka Unit I, II, III, IV Unit I Advise - radzić Bald - łysy Be located - mieścić się Beard - broda Betray - zdradzać Bouquet - Brave - dzielny Broad shoulders ? szerokie plecy Bungalow By the way Catch your...


Description of a person

Grace is one of my best friends. She is also my ideal partner. We first met when we were at a primary school, and we have been friends ever since. At present she goes to a secondary school, just like me. Most people would say that she is very...


Przestępczość we współczesnym świecie i formy jej zwalczania.

There is a lot of crime in our world. We meet it every day. We read about it in newspapers, hear in radio and TV, we watch films full of murders and violence. People murder other people, even children in age 12, even less, become killers. They...


Learning foreign languages.

Learning foreign languages is essential today. Nowadays more and more people around the world are learning other languages. A person, who speaks only one language, has a slim chance for success in the 21st century job market. Learning of foreign...


Scary Story

It was a very cloudy evening in winter. The cats were yelling, the trees were whistling. I was alone in my home. My house was very big and cold... This morning my parents told me that they are going today to their friends for a birthday party...


Recenzja filmu "Bridget Jones's Diary".

“Bridget Jones ‘s Diary” is a romantic comedy directed by Sharon Maguire. It is a story based on Helen Fielding’s book which became a bestseller all over the world. It is set in present-day England. The main character is Bridget Jones, a woman...


Słówka: cechy charakteru (ok. 70 słówek)

Cechy charakteru bezczelny – insolent, impudent, rude beztroski – careless bezwzględny – relentless buntowniczy - rebelious chciwy – greedy chytry – sly czuły – tender, affectionate dowcipny – witty gadatliwy – talkative głupi –...


Nieregularne czasowniki

Być-be-was/were Bic-beat-beat Stac się-become-become Zaczynac-begin-began Rozbijac-break-broke Przynosic-bring-brought Nadawac-broadcast-broadcast Budowac-build-built Kupowac-buy-bought Móc-can-could Łapac-catch-caught Wybierac-choose-chose...


Describe a visit to a place you will always remember.

It was in 2000, I went with my brother, my father and their friends on cruise, going through France coast. Before we get on ship, we drive to huge castle located on the north coast of France, near the border of Brittany and Normandy ? st. Michel....


List o prace

Dear Mrs Grace Jansen I would like to apply for the position of power energetic engineer in the “Krakow Power System Corporation”. My experiences and education give me excellent qualifications for the position. First of all I studied at Technical...


Streszczenie wycieczki do Paryża w języku angielskim

The trip will take place 11-20 June.We will drive to Paris ,where we will spend the first three days. From Paris we will travel down to the South of France near Marseilles (where) we will spend five days there. There will...


Environment in danger - what can be done to help the nature.

Nowadays we can hear a lot about environment. Mostly about global warming effect, ozone hole and many species of animals which are on the edge of extinction. Everyone should think about what can be done and what people themselves can do to...


Reported speech

REPORTED SPEECH (MOWA ZALEŻNA) 1. REPORTED STATEMENTS DIRECT: REPORTED: ‘He is French.’ He said (that) he was French. ‘We’re having fun.’ They said (that) they were having fun. ‘They arrived on Tuesday.’ I told her (that)...


Television - blessing or a curse?

In 1928 John Logie Baird discovered television. TV-set was great and very powerful invention. But it generally believed that television has many good and bad points. I will try to point them. First of all - watching TV is cheap and comfortable....


A man from cooperative PUSSY

We wandered in the mountains. We hiked free Mountain and admiring glamourous views. We a wonderfull place to visiting. We stayed at a small hostel near Niedzica. The weather was great all the time. The sun shone brightly, the wind blew gently and...


Soft drugs should be legalised - presentation

Public opinion has been recently shocked by some proposals presented in various countries that are aimed at legislation to control the use of drugs, but also to facilitate access to so-called "soft" drugs. Drug dependence is a phenomenon that is...


Man of my dreams ...

I don’t think that the man of my dreams has been born yet. However, I hope that I’ll find a good man. I believe that trust, love, and respect are some essentials in a relationship. The man of my dreams should have them. The man should be...


Speaking test- All

Home town. 1. Where are you from ? I come from Wielki Kack which is one of many districts of Gdynia. Before founding of the city in 1926, Wielki Kack used to be a village which was attached to the town during its development. Today much of...


Characteristics of my friend (Features of characters-cechy charakteru)

My friend name is Monika. She lives in Zarzecze. There is nearly in Wolbrom. I get to know three years ago. She has got one brother and one sister. I like very much my friend, because she is usually smiling and gay. Sometimes she is crazy and then...


Historia o koncercie

Krótka historia o koncercie: - powiedz gdzie,kiedy i co to był za koncert, - powiedz z kim na nim byleś, - poinformuj jak zarezerwowałeś bilety, - opowiedz o niemiłej historii w kasie biletowej, - powiedz jak w końcu wszedłeś, - poinformuj...


My childhood (moje dzieciństwo)

I don’t remember my childhood time so good, therefore I asked my parents to tell me about it. I was born in 1986 as a first child in my family. I remember when I was a small girl, about five, my grandfather used to take me to the nearest hill and...


Stacja Woodstock

The biggest rock festival in Poland, Station Woodstock, took place for the eighth time in Żary.Station Woodstock led by Jerzy Owsiak. Various sources from 120,000 to over 200,000 young people from across the country took part in this year's...


One morning

One morning Mark & Dan pushed their canoe into the water to have some fun. Unfortunetely there was a big problem, because they didn’t know where the map was. But they decided to start their trip. Later they stopped to have a cup of hot coffe and...


CAE Writing

(a) a letter to WAP, applying for a work placement ......................................................................... Dear Sir / Madam, With reference to your advertisement in the “Travel&Work” I would like to contact you directly...


Jak pisać? Letter of application

Letter of application Styl: • good greeting and closing remark • complex sentences • non-colloquial English • sophisticated words • no abbreviate forms • frequent use of passive voice Dalszą część pracy [układ graficzny listu oraz...


Advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery. Every year,thousand of people,male and female,try the lates techniques in plastic surgery in a quest for perfection.The rewards such as beauty,youth ang vigor are hard to ignore.Yet cosmetic...


Prezentacja: Some people prefer an ‘adventure holiday’ to a traditional ‘beach holiday’. Why do you think that is? Give examples of activities that an ‘adventure holiday’ may offer.

Topic: Some people prefer an ‘adventure holiday’ to a traditional ‘beach holiday’. Why do you think that is? Give examples of activities that an ‘adventure holiday’ may offer. The topic of my today's presentation is "(...)". The...


Self deception

When I was a little girl I believed that anything is possible, I could be anyone I wanted and I believed I could do anything in my life. I remember the firs time I engaged in self-deception. Because I’m nice, open, tolerant person I thought...