
Leisure activities

poleca 85% 219 głosów


On weekdays I do not have too much time for my hobbies. However, I cannot study all the time and I try to spend my leisure in the best possible way.
I am a good sportsman. I play ping -pong and I am a member of a table-tennis team. Hence, I often take part in the training exercises and contests.
Moreover, twice a week I attend an advanced course in English. I'm keen on speaking this language fluently and I'm when I can understand a film or a programme in English on TV.
In my school, pupils from the literary set often organize gatherings at which popular artists, journalist or authors talk about their life, professional careers, read axtracts of their writings and give autographs. These meetings are very interesting and iluminating and I never miss them.
I also attend musical soirees in my school during which I've an opportunity to listen to good songs and poetry.
I usually stay at home in the evenings. I read magazines, watch TV and help my mother in the housework. Sometimes I go with my elder brother to the cinema and once a month-to the theatre. Occasionally, I play chess with my father and I'm very happy when I can win a game. Before I go to bed I listen to music and read a book. These are the most relaxing moments. I like falling asleep with the conviction that I did not waste my spare time.

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