
Informal letter to a frien

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Dear Peter,

How are you keeping? Sorry I haven’t been in touch recently. I’ve been intending to write to you for ages, but I’ve been so busy working that I haven’t had time to do anything else.

Nevertheless, to be honest, I’m writing to apologise for the fact that I’m going to Los Angeles next weekend so I am forced to put off our meeting. I’m horribly sorry that I let you down so much but if I call off this flight I may be fired! My boss is really severe. He always gets me down. You can’t imagine how much I’m fed up with him! By the way, I’ve heard that you’ve promoted recently, haven’t you? I wish I had such satisfactory job as you!

Well, I do hope that you don’t be very angry at me and we will search for new date of our meeting suitable for both of us. I was wondering if first weekend of April would be right, what do you think? Please don’t hesitate to say no if you can’t manage it!

Apart from this, I’d be terribly happy if you also took your new girlfriend. It’s high time you introduced Anna to me! I can’t hold on longer and I’m impatiently looking forward to meet her. Yesterday I came up with an idea of making barbecue in garden on the occasion your coming. However, April is foretold to be very sunny and warm.

Anyway, time to go to work. Please contact me as soon as possible. I miss you lots.


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