
Język angielski

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Opis dnia po angielsku

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock. I quickly make my bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my eyes, face and brush my teeth with a toothbrush, then I carefully comb my long hair. I put my clothes on and I am ready to have some breakfast. I usually have...


Charakterystyka / opis osoby

I was born on 5th June,1988 in Wrsaw.The meaning of my name "Agnes" is cleanness.I am the student of the first class technical school,so I am 16 years old.I am 1,60 cm height (tall) and I think I am weel-builit.I have layered,short,fair hair with...


Przedstawić siebie po angielsku

My name is (imię i nazwisko) , I come from *Poland ( opcjonalnie ). I'm ( wiek ) years old. I was born on ( data urodzenia ) in ( miasto ). I started my education in ( data rozpoczęcia szkoły ) at a primary school....


List prywatny

Brałes udział w międzynarodowej imprezie sportowej jako widz. Napisz list do anglojęzycznego kolegi. - napisz, jakiego wydarzenia sportowego byłeś uczestnikiem i kiedy się ono odbyło - podaj, z jakich krajów i w jakim wieku byli uczestnicy -...


Disadvantages and advantages of my school

I pay attenttion that my school, like every school, has got adventages and disadventages.Iwant to represant some. One of disadventages of my school isthat we are learningthings which are haveno use.Good exampleis Physics.Alot of people aren't...


Wady i zalety bycia sławnym. Advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

Advantages and disadvantages of being famous. Most people dream about being famous. They want to be admired and loved by fans. The media show rich and fashionable stars and it is believed that their lives are full of happiness and pleasure....


Should animals be kept in zoos?

A lot of people protest against keeping animals in zoos. They claim that animals should live in the wild and keeping them in captivity is cruel and inhumane. But is it really so bad and violent? Are there more advantages than disadvantages of...


Computer – advantages and disadvantages

Almost every home, office, or school has a computer of some kind these days. It may seems at first that having a computer brings only benefits, but further consideration shows that it also has disadvantages. First of all computers are very...


When - While

When (dokonane): I. S. Past + P. Cont. When it started to rain I was working in the garden. II. P. Cont. + S. Past I was working in the garden when it started to rain. I was speaking (talking) on the phone when the doorbell rang. While...


Men are more interested in sport than woman.

Men are often associated with tin of beers, sitting in front of the TV and watching a football match. Then woman want to switch over to some serial or talk-show. It is generally considered that men are more interested in sport than women. Let's...


List do kolegi o szkole

Hi, Rob! My new school's great. My teacher, Mrs. Blue, is nice. I like her a lot. There's a boy in my class called Joe. I hate him. He's very conceited. On friday I bought a meat. Is very delicious. I buy to it every day. I love it! The...


Zabytki Londynu

Big Ben Big Ben is part of the Houses of Parliament building, where there has been a parliament since 1275. However, Big Ben is not the name of the Clock Tower, but rather the name of the bell inside! The Houses of Parliament is home to the House...


The Story About My Holiday Adventure

Last summer my friends and I were on the camp at the seaside. We spent there marvelous time playing volleyball on the beach and swimming in the sea. One sunny day we were walking on the beach. It was stiflingly hot so I went to the shop to buy...


"Opis mojego pokoju" po angielsku

I really love this room. My room is huge. It has 20 square miters. It is placed in the southern part of my house. There are two windows in which I can see my neighbours. The walls in my room are green and so it?s well lit. In my room there?s a...


Numerals: dates, numbers etc. (grammar)

1. Difficulties in spelling four BUT forty, fortieth five BUT fifteen, fifty, fifth eight BUT eighth nine BUT ninth twelve BUT twelfth thirty BUT thirtieth There is a hyphen between tens and digits, e.g. twenty-two, one hundred and...


Opis dnia - po angielsku

Martyna usually wakes up at 6.30. She makes bed and goes to the bathroom. She combs hair, washes her face and eats breakfast. At 7.30 she goes to school. She talks to her friends and learns. She usually spends six hours at school and comes...


Being an only child – a blessing or a curse ?

Since I am an only child much easier to define me if it is a blessing or a curse. My siblings to a certain extent replaced by numerous cousins, with whom I am very closely related. Every year we spend together the two-three weeks of vacation and I...


Present Simple oraz Present Continuous

A. PRESENT SIMPLE ORAZ PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE a) wzór zdania twierdzącego, zastosowanie, charakterystyczne przysłówki częstotliwości oraz określenia przysłówkowe Wzór zdania twierdzącego: PODMIOT + (przysł.częstotl.) +...


List motywacyjny - english

xximiexx xxnazwiskoxx twoja-ulicastreet xx/x xx-xx Wrocław "AIG Bank Polska" S.A. Strzegomskastreet 42 c, Wrocław, Telephone: 071 358 22 22 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writting to apply for a job in the bank as a manager of the company....


Mój Idol My Idol

My favorite person is jhon leno because he was in the biggest and the best band in the would .i think that his music is so truthfill and speaks to so many people in so many diffrent ways .when i listend to imagin in was over welled by the way that...


Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet

Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer’s net known as Internet. I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet...


A typical day in your life.

On a typical day I get up at 6 o'clock. In the morning I'm pressed for time because I like to sleep. At home I drink only a tea and I rus to work. I drive to work and listen to hip - hop. I start work about 7 o'clock. At first I'm preparing for...


List po angielsku

Dear Dagmara Hello, how are you? We are in Sydney on a short holiday. Sydney is beautiful. There's so much to do here that I don't know where to begin. We get up 10 a. m. and go swimming and sunbathing every day. After lunch we usually go...


My last holidays

This year's holidays I spent with my cousin Kinga in the United States of America. We've begun our adventure in Cracow, from where we left Poland. We were very afraid of flying by a plane. Nine hours later we got to Newark, where our granparents...


Czasownik - have got, has got

CZASOWNIK HAVE GOT I HAS GOT Czasownik have got oznacza mieć. Używamy go mówiąc o posiadanych rzeczach, cechach a także o członkach rodziny, znajomych. Jeśli mówimy o posiadaniu czegoś używamy hale Got. Natomiast, jeśli mówimy lub wykonujemy...


Napisz list do kolegi/koleżanki z Irlandii żeby opowiedzieć o nowym chłopaku kogoś z grona waszych wspólnych przyjaciół.

1. Podziel się nowiną i powiedz, gdzie para się poznała. 2. Podaj przynajmniej dwie cechu wyglądu opisywanej osoby. 3. Podaj przynajmniej jedną cechę jej/jego charakteru popartą przykładem. 4. Wyraź swoją opinię na temat nowego związku i...


List oficjalny i prywatny- jak pisać?

LIST PRYWATNY Wstep Thanks for you recent letter. I’m sorry I haven’ written so long but…, Zakończenie: ( spotk) Looking forward to see-ing you/ hearing from you. (zakończ :) Love … LIST Z PRZEPROSINAMI: -I’m really sorry that I forgot...


Opis domu po angielsku

I live in a house in Sydney. It's got four bedrooms and a garden. Downstairs, when you go through the front door, you're in the hall. On the left is the sitting room, on the right is the dining room (the dining room isn't as big as the sitting...


Zestawy maturalne.

ZESTAWY MAURALNE DO ĆWICZEŃ – ROZMOWY STEROWANE UZYSKIWANIE i UDZIELANIE INFORMACJI 1. Starasz się o pracę jako opiekunka do dziecka. Poinformuj potencjalnego pracodawcę: - jakie masz kwalifikacje - dlaczego chciałbyś podjąć tę pracę -...


Keeping animals in zoos has both advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, a lot of animals live in zoos. Is it right or wrong to keep them in the zoos? The following essay presents some pros and cons of this problem. First of all, people can see wild, beautiful, exotic animals. They can...


Irregular verbs.

W załączniku czasowniki nieregularne wraz z tłumaczeniem. Jest to zdecydowana większość z nich. Nie w postaci tabelki, bo tabelek nie znoszę, ale w miarę przejrzyście.


List motywacyjny. Starasz sie o prace jako opiekunka na letnim obozie.

Dear Mrs. Smith, I read Your advertisment in the local newspaper and i would like to apply for a job as a group leader at summer camp in Bath in this summer. I'm 18 yers old and I'm student at a college in Britan. I like singing and play...


The present perfect simple

The pesent perfect simple – czas teraźniejszy dokonany wyraża czynność, która odbywała się w przeszłości a jej skutki widoczne są w chwili obecnej. Jest on czymś w rodzaju kombinacji przeszłości z teraźniejszością .nawiązuje do minionego zdarzenia...


Twój kolega z USA chce przyjechać do Polski. Napisz do niego e-mail.

- dlaczego chce przyjechać do Polski - zasugerujesz 2 miejsca, które powinien zwiedzić - zaproponujesz wspólną wyprawę rowerową i podasz przykładową trasę - zaporoponujesz pomoc w załatwieniu noclegu i napiszesz, że w następnym mailu wyślesz mu...


Strona bierna podstawowych czasów (tabela)

Tense Active voice Passive voice important Present Simple He delivers letters The letters are delivered s : -ed Past Simple He delivered the letters The letters were delivered _ : was / were Present Perfect...


What social problems are the most serious in Poland nowadays?

I believe that unemployment is currently the most pressing social issue in Poland, particularly among young people. Many graduates from schools and universities struggle to secure employment, leading them to perceive limited prospects for their...


Zakupy przez Internet. Shopping on the Internet - advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, more and more people are keen on doing shopping on the Internet. This possibility brings many advantages but it is not a bed of roses. Internet shopping can be also a big risk or a bad investment. First of all, Internet shopping saves...


Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire - summery

This tear at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardy- Hogwart’s the Threewizard Tournament is going on. To England arrived students from two friendly schools from Bulgaria and France. In pursuance of very old ruler of the Tournament, only three pf...


„Angol” – słówka unit 8-14

UNIT 8 CALCIUM - wapń CARBOHYDRATE - węglowodór CASH - gotówka CHANGE - reszta COMPLEX - kompleks DIET - dieta FIBRE - włókno HIP - biodro TO LOSE WEIGHT – stracić na wadze MINERAL - mineralne TO PROVIDE – dostarczać, dbać, troszczyć...


What discoveries and inventions are important for our everyday life?

Every day, in every corner of the world, we encounter a plethora of different items, many of which we use routinely without pausing to consider their origins. If I were to delve into the vast array of discoveries and inventions that have shaped...


Radio, TV, magazines, the internet – which the best way on passing on the news and entertainment to the public?

We live in the 21st century. In my opinion, the best way to deliver news and entertainment to the public is through the internet. With just a click, you can access a multitude of activities on the web. Whether it's reading news from around the...


Analiza reklamy po angielsku Nissana Terrano

WITHOUT LIMIT From a few weeks in every colorful magazine we can see adwersting new ground car NISSAN TERRANO. Photo , and rather monatage photo, which occupies all page introduces high and rocky mountains crossed gullieses on the background...


Sport in my life

Many kinds of sports are practiced by me, but the best sport for me is riding a bike. It's enjoyable and exhilarating. The best seasons for riding are spring and summer when the weather is warm. During these times, I meet up with my friends, and...


Passive voice- ściąga

Zobacz koniecznie zalacznik....sciaga przejrzysta gotowa do wydrukowania...(3 wersje sciagi w tym zalaczniku...sam wybierz)


Past Perfect - ćwiczenia.

I. Wstaw odpowiednią formę czasownika w czasie Past Perfect lub Slimple Past. 1. When I (arrive)…………………………..home, the TV programme (already/start)……………………………….. 2. Before she (have)………………………..lunch, she (take)………………………a shower. 3. When Kate...


Czasy z angielskiego - tabelka

Nr TENSE (czas) PREDICATOR (orzeczenie) TIME EXPRESSIONS (określniki czasu) EXAMPLE (przykłady) 1. PRESENT SIMPLE określa czynność powtarzającą się, zwyczaj; rozkład jazdy lub wydarzeń przysłowia   I vf...


Spędzanie czasu wolnego.

After a long and tiring day at school I like to spend my free time in such away that I feel relaxed. The kinds of activity I choose depend upon the time of the year. When it is sunny and warm I go out. When it is cold, rainy and dull - I stay at...


Unit 5 i 6 w New Snapshot Intermediate

UNIT 5 ambulance – karetka arrest – aresztować detective – detektyw disappear – zniknąć disguise – przebranie far below – poniżej fugitive – uciekinier manage – zarządzać prison guard – strażnik więzienny search – szukać slip away –...