
Język angielski

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Reported speech

REPORTED SPEECH (MOWA ZALEŻNA) 1. REPORTED STATEMENTS DIRECT: REPORTED: ‘He is French.’ He said (that) he was French. ‘We’re having fun.’ They said (that) they were having fun. ‘They arrived on Tuesday.’ I told her (that)...


Słówka: cechy charakteru (ok. 70 słówek)

Cechy charakteru bezczelny – insolent, impudent, rude beztroski – careless bezwzględny – relentless buntowniczy - rebelious chciwy – greedy chytry – sly czuły – tender, affectionate dowcipny – witty gadatliwy – talkative głupi –...


Nieregularne czasowniki

Być-be-was/were Bic-beat-beat Stac się-become-become Zaczynac-begin-began Rozbijac-break-broke Przynosic-bring-brought Nadawac-broadcast-broadcast Budowac-build-built Kupowac-buy-bought Móc-can-could Łapac-catch-caught Wybierac-choose-chose...


List o prace

Dear Mrs Grace Jansen I would like to apply for the position of power energetic engineer in the “Krakow Power System Corporation”. My experiences and education give me excellent qualifications for the position. First of all I studied at Technical...


List powitalny -Welcoming letter

WELCOME LETTER Hotel Krakus *** ul. Stroma 15 31-053 Kraków Dear Ms Smith, Cracow, 16.07.06 We are greatly honoured to welcome you to...


My favourite restaurant

My favorite restaurant is called “the Wild Owl” .It`s in the centre of my town. There is a kind of old fashioned style inside the restaurant. The walls are painted in soft and warm colours. There are comfortable chairs and quite big round...


Environment in danger - what can be done to help the nature.

Nowadays we can hear a lot about environment. Mostly about global warming effect, ozone hole and many species of animals which are on the edge of extinction. Everyone should think about what can be done and what people themselves can do to...


Speaking test- All

Home town. 1. Where are you from ? I come from Wielki Kack which is one of many districts of Gdynia. Before founding of the city in 1926, Wielki Kack used to be a village which was attached to the town during its development. Today much of...


Television - blessing or a curse?

In 1928 John Logie Baird discovered television. TV-set was great and very powerful invention. But it generally believed that television has many good and bad points. I will try to point them. First of all - watching TV is cheap and comfortable....


A man from cooperative PUSSY

We wandered in the mountains. We hiked free Mountain and admiring glamourous views. We a wonderfull place to visiting. We stayed at a small hostel near Niedzica. The weather was great all the time. The sun shone brightly, the wind blew gently and...


Soft drugs should be legalised - presentation

Public opinion has been recently shocked by some proposals presented in various countries that are aimed at legislation to control the use of drugs, but also to facilitate access to so-called "soft" drugs. Drug dependence is a phenomenon that is...


Halloween (or I rather say the trouble with Halloween)

One of my greatest disappointments as a child was not having been born in America. I knew form my library, that they had a great deal of fun over there. They had Disneyland on their doorstep and perhaps more importantly, they celebrated Halloween....


Advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery. Every year,thousand of people,male and female,try the lates techniques in plastic surgery in a quest for perfection.The rewards such as beauty,youth ang vigor are hard to ignore.Yet cosmetic...


Man of my dreams ...

I don’t think that the man of my dreams has been born yet. However, I hope that I’ll find a good man. I believe that trust, love, and respect are some essentials in a relationship. The man of my dreams should have them. The man should be...


Characteristics of my friend (Features of characters-cechy charakteru)

My friend name is Monika. She lives in Zarzecze. There is nearly in Wolbrom. I get to know three years ago. She has got one brother and one sister. I like very much my friend, because she is usually smiling and gay. Sometimes she is crazy and then...


Historia o koncercie

Krótka historia o koncercie: - powiedz gdzie,kiedy i co to był za koncert, - powiedz z kim na nim byleś, - poinformuj jak zarezerwowałeś bilety, - opowiedz o niemiłej historii w kasie biletowej, - powiedz jak w końcu wszedłeś, - poinformuj...


List nieformalny o Wielkanocnych zwyczajach

List do kolegi z USA - Napisz jaka jest pogoda w Polsce i jakie są symptomy nadchodzącej wiosny - Co konkretnie robisz, żeby przygotować się do Wielkanocy - Napisz o najważniejszych zwyczajach wielkanocnych w Polsce i powiedz, który ty...


Stacja Woodstock

The biggest rock festival in Poland, Station Woodstock, took place for the eighth time in Żary.Station Woodstock led by Jerzy Owsiak. Various sources from 120,000 to over 200,000 young people from across the country took part in this year's...


Jak pisać? Letter of application

Letter of application Styl: • good greeting and closing remark • complex sentences • non-colloquial English • sophisticated words • no abbreviate forms • frequent use of passive voice Dalszą część pracy [układ graficzny listu oraz...


CAE Writing

(a) a letter to WAP, applying for a work placement ......................................................................... Dear Sir / Madam, With reference to your advertisement in the “Travel&Work” I would like to contact you directly...


Self deception

When I was a little girl I believed that anything is possible, I could be anyone I wanted and I believed I could do anything in my life. I remember the firs time I engaged in self-deception. Because I’m nice, open, tolerant person I thought...


Transactional letter (185 words)

Task: You recently entered a competition for learners of English. You have just received this letter from the organisers of the competition, on which you have written some notes. Write a letter in appropriate style. Dear Ms Riley, Thank...


Recenzja filmu pt: ,,Troja"

My favourite film is Troy. I saw it two years ago and I enjoyed it vary much. It first appeared in 2004. I saw it four times. A director of this film is Wolfgang Petersen. He is a German. The script was written by David Benioff . Troy is a...


Napisz opowiadanie, w którym podróż głównego bohatera przybiera nieoczekiwany obrót na skutek zgubienia czegoś ważnego

Giving the story short introduction lets steal some life from a unknown woman, yet important, and put it on this sheet of paper. I’ll call this woman Caroline and place her in one of old English cities. It was rainy and windy November. Typical...


Book Analysis of Freedom Crossing by Margaret Goff Clark

Freedom Crossing By Margaret Goff Clark This book was written by Margaret Goff Clark. The time frame of this book is in the 1800?s, and it?s about a young African-American boy who escaped from his master and gets help form his new Caucasian...


Advantages and disadvantages of being successful.

We all want to succeed. Every one wants to be a winner. But what is success? Who is a winner? Does success mean being popular, consolidating power, enjoying prestige, maximizing happiness? Is the winner the one who commands huge audiences, gets...


Stanisław Moniuszko (angielski/polski)

Stanisław Moniuszko Stanisław Moniuszko was born in Ubiel, Mińsk in 1819 and he died in Warsaw in 1872. His parents were called Czesław and Elżbieta. Stanisław Moniuszko was polish composer and creator of national opera. He finished musical...


Słówka o Australii

Outback - słabo zaludnione tereny w Australii poisonous – trujący extraordinary – niezwykły constellation – gwiazdozbiór bounced – odskok landscape – krajobraz crustacean – skorupiak dessert – desert desert – pustynia harsh – ostry...


Opis przerażającej i niebezpiecznej sytuacji

A few days ago my mom almost got us into a car accident. At the time we were both so shocker and scared that I think it's a miracle we got out of it without scratch. My mom drops me off at school on her way to work every morning, because she's a...


Am I proud be a Pole

Poland is a city situated in central Europe. It borders with German, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russian and Latwia. It is not a casual city. It is well know from various culture and delicious food. Warsaw is the capitol of Poland. It is situated on...



There are many things that I like to do but my main hobbies include computers and sport. Generally these hobbies don’t go together well but I like them in the same way. I have been interested in computers for two years. I started with games, and...


Biography of Jules Gabriel Verne.

Jules Gabriel Verne was famous French author. He wrote a lot of stories. Verne was born in Nantes, France in 1828. He studied law, but he worked as a stockbroker. Jules loved sailing. It was his hobby. He had three boats. Jules Gabriel Verne...


Napisz krótki tekst użytkowy.

Podczas pobytu w letniej szkole językowej w Anglii zgubiłeś torbę. Napisz ogłoszenie, które umieścisz na tablicy ogłoszeń: napisz gdzie prawdopodobnie ją zgubiłeś, opisz jej wygląd, podaj jej zawartość, zaznacz w jaki sposób można się z tobą...


Formalny list - zażalenie

28 February 2008 Dear Sir or Madame, I am writing to you in order to express my disappointment caused by significant increase of delinquency. Countless amount of young people gad about in our city in the evenings. It is triggered by the fact...


My Perfect Holiday

Summer – it's always the time when most of people leaves their houses and go to places they find attractive and enjoyable. Places which are full of their memories. Well – I'm still trying to find my own place. Every year I travel to different...



1. po want, wish, desire, like, hate wtedy ’to’+ [verb] 2. po czasownikach zmysłów, let, make wtedy sam [verb] 3. po czasownikach wyrażających czynności lub stan umysłu, np. think, expect, belive, know, consider/find (uważać), notice, watch,...


Zwiedzanie Londynu

Piccadilly Circus - during the weekend this place is absolutely packed with people. Nightlife is in abundance here, especially with nightclubs like the Hippodrome, MGM Cinema, local pubs and bars, people trying to draw your picture and the...


Easter in Great Britaine.

Easter is a Christian holiday which celebrates the day when Jesus came back from the dead. The Easter weekend is in late March or early April, but the exact date changes each year. In Great Britain and in US as well as in Poland people...



be was/were been być bear bore borne/born nieść/znosić/rodzić się beat beat beaten bić become became become stac się begin began begun zacząć bend bent bent zgiąć,skręcić bereave bereft...



NIEZBĘDNE ZWROTY I SFORMUŁOWANIA : There is ...... on the table - Na stole jest ( znajduję się ) ....... There is ....... inside the box . - W środku pudełka jest ( znajduję się ) ...... We live near ....... - Mieszkamy w pobliżu ...... My...


Formy czasowników

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Polski be was/were been być become became become stać się begin began begun zaczynać bite bit bitten gryźć break broke broken łamać bring brought brought przynieść build built built budować buy bought...


Napisz pocztówke- relacja z pobytu u rodziny angielskiej

"I'm on holiday in Rewa with my family, visiting my english friends for a fortnight" The weather is very hot and the sun is shining. I'm just standing at big bring baltic. I'm playing volley-ball with new friends. Mom and Dad got sunburnt. Me and...


Opis wymarzonego domu

House of my dreams . It is a single-family house , located by the sea , overlooking the beach. It is big, warm and cozy . The roof is covered with tiles colored dark brown. The facade is made of red brick facade and plaster of dark amber and...


Clauses of purpose, Defining, Non-Defining, Get used etc.

CELE to / in order to / so as to + INFINITIVE (czasownik w bezokoliczniku) so that + can / will so that + could / would with a view to / with the aim of + GERUND (czasownik w formie -ING) w celu / dla + RZECZOWNIK / -ING (czasownik w formie...


Speaking test-Future plans- How important is English to your future plans ?

English is very important for my future plans because I would like to travel a lot in the future . I particularly would like to visit USA. English is widely spoken all over the world by over 2 million people. It is an international language...


Advantages and disadvantages of catholic schools.

There are many means of teaching and many kinds of schools all over the world. These schools we can usually divide into two cardinal groups: secular and catholic. Let's try to say what kind of schools are better and what are the disadvantages and...


The Pros and Cons of Living in the Country

Living in the country has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that there isn’t much pollution and traffic. You don’t have to worry about tour health because the air and the water are clean and fresh. There are usually a lot of...


Past Simple - Czas Przeszły Prosty

Twierdzienie: I / you / he / she / it / they / we + czasownik z "ed" ( przy czasownikach regularnych) lub 2 forma czasownika ( przy czasownikach nie regularnych) Przeczenie: ( 1 forma czasownika ) I didn't + czasownik w...


J.angielski- czasowniki nieregularne (schemat: polski,infinitive,past,participle)

[Być- be-was/were-been][bić- beat-beat-beaten][stać się- become- became-become][wiać- blow- blew-blown] [złamać- break- broke-broken] [przynieść- bring- brought-brought] [budować- build- built-built][kupować- buy- bought- bought] [łapać- catch-...