
Book Analysis of Freedom Crossing by Margaret Goff Clark

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Freedom Crossing By Margaret Goff Clark
This book was written by Margaret Goff Clark. The time frame of this book is in the 1800?s, and it?s about a young African-American boy who escaped from his master and gets help form his new Caucasian friends that have a connection with the Underground Railroad. The purpose of this book is to show the sufferings of African-Americans who were enslaved and that racism is immoral and wrong. I think that this book is an appropriate piece of writing towards the subject. It explains historical events, such as the Fugitive Slave Law and racism itself as well as slavery. I agree with the tone concerning the subject, which is that racism as well as slavery itself is unethical and corruptive.

Laura Eastman, who lived with her aunt and uncle in Virginia, came back to her family in Lewiston, New York. There she found her father to be re-married and her brother, Bert to be a total stranger. She found out that her family was helping slaves get across the border to Canada where they would be free. Her aunt and uncle had slaves of their own, and so she was against the idea because, ?anyone who helps a slave escape is a thief, because a slave is just as much a man?s property as his cow or horse? (p. 5). She later softened towards the idea when she got to know their new friend, which was Martin Paige, who had escaped from his owner in North Carolina. She learned that he, unlike many slaves knew how to read and write and that he was a hard worker. She also learned that the room she occupied had a secret entrance to the Underground Railroad. After many close calls with the slave catchers, Bert was finally arrested. The police didn?t have any evidence on him, though, since all they saw was a slave get on Bert?s wagon, which he took to get groceries in the city. With Bert gone, Laura finally realized that it was up to her to save Martin?s life. She showed Martin the way through the woods, which led to a boat waiting for him to take him across the border where his father was waiting for him. Laura managed to help Martin to his destination, his home. The sheriff let Bert out of jail, since he had no evidence and Laura finally knew where she belonged and where her family was.

The writer?s style is simple. She uses straightforward words, since the book is intended for the younger audience. The organizational method develops the argument in this book very effectively in its 17 chapters and 148 pages. The author compares the happenings of the book with the world today and sways the reader to the conclusion that racism is not just a thing of the past and that it?s iniquitous, meaning evil. The book includes evidence from Uncle Tom?s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe - the horrible story of slavery and it also includes stories that slaves went through, both physically and mentally. The evidence is Bert and Joel?s, a family friend, opinions of the book, which he summarizes on pages 26 - 27. This evidence is convincing, but it also has some faults with it. The book doesn?t provide quotes from Uncle Tom?s Cabin, which would let the author get her point across more successfully. The author neglected any factors or evidence that should be included in the book, except for the quotes that she didn?t include from the book Uncle Tom?s Cabin and the female slave?s point of view.

Freedom Crossing had many strengths that were shown in its text, but it also had some weaknesses. The examples of the ominous slavery years were omitted in the text of this book. Taking into consideration that the book was intended for a young audience, the author should still give examples of what was done to the slaves. The strong proof of how slavery was immoral doesn?t do what it?s set out to do, which is to get through the youth that read the book and that could relate to it, as well as persuade the reader to stand up for what they believe in and help the ones in need. The book?s overall performance is great. The book?s content is interesting as well as historical, and it?s suitable to all audiences, not just the youth. I liked this book because as I stated before, it?s both interesting as well as historical, and you don?t find that very often in your every-day libraries or book collections.

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