
Czasopismo młodzieżowe ogłosiło konkurs na opowiadanie w języku angielskim rozpoczynające się od słów: „When the classroom door opened, everybody went silent”.

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When the classroom door opened, everybody went silent. It was our first lesson today; anyway we were waiting with bated breath. Suddenly we saw her, while she was entering to the class. Ms Borkowicz, she was our new mathematics teacher.
I had spoken about her with my older friend and I knew that she is very strict teacher. However she was standing in the middle of the class, looking in use and smiling, it was terrible.
Suddenly we heard: “good morning my students”, she said. It was still perfect silent, when she opened the class register and started read our surnames. She finished and ordered to write down topic of the lesson. We did this and wait what she was going to do.
She started writing something on the blackboard. When she finished we saw that it is task for as. “Now you have time to think about this task and later someone do this on the blackboard”, while she was speaking this she was looking just at me, so I knew that it will be “my task”.
I read the task quickly and started thinking, when suddenly I heard my name and I saw that everybody look at me expectantly. I understood that it is my “window of opportunity”.
I walked to the blackboard slowly. I read the task again and suddenly I felt that I know everything, I started write without a break.
When I finished first I looked up on my work and later on Ms Borkowicz. She was smiling mysteriously, and said: “I’m impressed, you get 10 points. Sit down”. I finally could take up a deep breath.

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